What is the meaning of Paranormal? Concept, Definition of Paranormal

Concepts and meanings of Paranormal

1. Definition of Paranormal

The paranormal adjective is used to describe that event that cannot be explained by science. The discipline that is in charge of analyzing these phenomena is called parapsychology.
Paranormal events do not find explanation in biology, medicine or physics theories. Therefore, they are considered as phenomena outside the normal, since its acceptance as a real force to modify and update these science theories.
ParanormalA paranormal phenomenon is telepathy, which supposedly allows two living beings (human being - human being, be humano-animal or animal-animal) to communicate through their minds, without any sensory expression (speech, gestures, signs, etc.). The conventional Sciences have found no indication that could indicate the possibility of this type of communication.
Another paranormal ability is clairvoyance, which is the name that receives the supposed ability to capture, extrasensory and without technical tools, information about the future. The person who defines how clairvoyant ensures, therefore, can anticipate future events with only the use of your mind, what is impossible for science.
The levitation of human beings without the use of brackets or technical means are also part of the paranormal. There are those who believe that, to achieve a certain State of mind, people can rise from the ground and float in the air. Like the rest of the above experiences, current science cannot explain this phenomenon, so it discards its existence.

2 Concept of Paranormal

Paranormal Lο Paranormal phenomena (from Gr. παρά, Pará, «on the side, on the sidelines» and the «normal» adjective) are certain events that, presenting as facts physical, biological and psychic, not have been able to be described, in terms of their causes and processes, by science dealing with the three mentioned fields, i.e. physico-chemical, biological, medical, neurological and psychological Sciences. These phenomena are studied by parapsychology.
A definition frequently used in the scientific literature is that of James E. Alcock (1981):
A paranormal phenomenon is one that:
• Do not has been explained in terms of current science.
• Can only be explained through an extensive review of the basic principles of science.
• Do not is compatible with the standard of the perceptions, beliefs and expectations concerning the reality.
Recently, j. Irwin and C. Watt proposed in the following very general definition that parapsychology "is the scientific study of experiences which, if they are what they appear to be, are, in principle, outside the domain of human capabilities such as at present they are seen by conventional scientists." So parapsychological phenomena ostensibly indicate the action of factors commonly unknown or unrecognized by the Orthodox science, which we usually refer as paranormal factors."
Be unexplained by the established Sciences is a necessary condition for the estimation of a phenomenon as "paranormal", but is not sufficient condition; such effects should be presented in addition own, specific, traits that distinguish them and depart from the natural, normal and abnormal, phenomena whose dynamism conforms to the relationships of variables known or used by official science. It is more precise, as for those specific features, the following definition of Charles Richet: "is characteristic of the fact metapsiquico, whatever that is, that seems to be due to an unknown intelligence (human or non-human). (...) It seems that they are due to unknown intelligent forces, comprising the same surprising intellectual phenomena of our approved. (...) the forces that determine the forebodings, the telepatias, the movements of objects without contact, appearances and certain mechanical and luminous phenomena, does not seem to be blind and unconscious as the chlorine, mercury and the Sun. (...) dijerase that are equipped with understanding, willingness, intentions, which perhaps aren't human, but which in any case look like to the wills and human intentions. The intelligentsia, or choice, intention, decision according to any will, personal, not known, constitutes the nature of all phenomena metapsiquico." (The term "metapsiquico" is here equivalent to "parapsychology").
J. B. Rhine and j. g. Pratt are pronounced in the same direction: "in reality, most amazing this new type of psychic cases is that they prove to be totally independent of time. (...) It is evident, both spontaneous cases and the experimental, the ESP is not limited to certain distances. (...) No one would expect time to exercise an influence limited to, if the space does not. Indeed, verifies that the time does not have such influence." "The fact of the functions of psi so far not shown limiting influences of space and time reveals a difference that is perhaps the most fundamental, and yet the most contradictory of the entire universe of knowledge. "Obvious thing it is now quite conclusively in parapsychology, such as not to leave any doubt that (...) we are dealing with principles and not physical processes". "The only distinctive feature of this psychic energy lies in the fact that works without restrictive relationship of any kind (that is at least known) against the criteria of space-time - mass." But thats only repeat that this energy is not physical.
Emerges from the cited texts that would be causal knowledge of so-called paranormal events - today only object of hypotheses, better or worse informed - which would allow the definition of their own traits. Hence the interest of the investigation of such data and of not being obstacles to it. You will better understand this problem reading the classification of phenomena that below.