What is the meaning of Paraphrase? Concept, Definition of Paraphrase

Concepts and meanings of paraphrase

1 Meaning of paraphrase

Paraphrase, in the strict sense, is the explanation of the content of a speech to clarify it in all its aspects.
The Spanish word 'paraphrase' comes from the Latin 'paraphrăsis', which in turn comes from the Greek 'παράφρασις': imitation of the original text, which mimics without reproducing it, using another language, usually more counterparts.
Paraphrase is also the 'translation' that gives a clear and didactic vision of the same text to the text. For translation has not to be understood here change from one language to another necessarily, but the rewrite of the original text.

Types of paraphrase

Mechanical paraphrase: replaces synonyms, alternate phrases or expressions that appear in a text, with minimal syntactical changes.
Constructive paraphrase: Re-elaborates the sentence, giving rise to another with very different characteristics, and yet retaining the same meaning.
It makes use of paraphrasing in the exegesis of literary texts. For example, Fray Luis de León made paraphrastic versions of singing the songs and the book of Job, belonging both to the old testament.
Also, it resorts to paraphrase translations from one language to another.
They are also considered paraphrases the prosed of verse and the versification of the prose.
It is also a teaching resource and, therefore, a means of knowledge acquisition:
• This figure of speech is exploited to the drafting exercise.
• Teachers and students make use of paraphrasing when they assimilate the content of a lesson first and then express it with different words, trying that nothing essential is omitted by the same.
It is also a resource that is based on the use of synonyms to avoid repetitions. In the case of words without an equivalent, they may be replaced by a phrase or a sentence.
On the other hand, the alternative method of conflict resolution, one of the main resources of the mediator or conciliator is paraphrase: repeated what he has said one of the parties to the conflict, but with other words.

2. Definition of paraphrase

Paraphrase is a way of reaffirming a statement made by someone else using different words. It is an indispensable tool for writers. Paraphrasing, you can transmit data without plagiarism. On the other hand, an accurate paraphrase is impossible without understanding of the original statement. To paraphrase demonstrates that you've read and understood the original text rather than simply repeating it. Paraphrase also helps to avoid that your work is undermined by quotations from the work of others.
• Carefully read the source material. Again read more than once once you've finished, to make sure that you've got it completely.
• Write in your own words, an explanation of what you just read.
• Compare what you've written source. Ask yourself if your paraphrased content conveys the information of the original work.
• Corrects your wording, both to ensure that it reflects the meaning of the original as to make sure that it does not seem too close to the original work.
• Take into account the number of page and the bibliographic details of the source if you are writing an academic work. Even the paraphrase must be properly attributed.

3 Concept of paraphrase

"Do the paraphrase of text or writing." So as explained in the dictionary of the Spanish language the concept that concerns us now: paraphrase. Since in this way its definition does not too clear, it is necessary that we discover what is the meaning of the term paraphrase.
In Greek it originated this word specifically in the union of a prefix, which meant proximity, and a term that came to be translated well diction as well as expression.
This noun gave rise to the Latin paraphrasis and thus came to the current that comes to be defined as rewriting which is made of a particular text but without copying it or reproduce it, but through another language, which usually tends to be much easier.
Given this analysis that have made it is clear that when we use the concept of paraphrase what we are doing is trying to explain that the expression of what someone is doing picks up a text, for example, but in a different way, using their own words.
But the term that we are discussing has a second meaning. So it also serves to publicize that what a person is carrying out is a comment or an explanation of a written specific to thus make their meaning clear.

4. What is paraphrase

The notion of paraphrase is used to appoint an exhibition or explanation that is performed on a message to make this easier to understand. To this action it is known as paraphrase.
To paraphrase, therefore a person performs a paraphrase of a speech, whether oral or written. The subject tries to respect the original of information meaning, although replacing its words, its syntax and other elements.
For example: "I'm going to paraphrase the President, who said that education is the solution to any problem or something similar", "the Professor warned at the Conference I would paraphrase to various scientists and suggested attendees, after class, seeking the original texts", "the footballer shocked to paraphrase the coach of the opposing team".
It is usual that a journalist decided to paraphrase any personality at the time of narrating a story. If the reporter should refer to the speech made by a Minister of the Government, is likely to perform almost no textual quotations, but that you paraphrase the most important concepts (i.e., transmits them with their own words).
Teachers, on the other hand, usually paraphrase the authors that take as reference to explain a certain theme. A Professor of biology, for example, can paraphrase aCharles Darwin to explain the theory of evolution. Even the study materials that students use do not usually include all of the original texts: on the other hand, brief quotations and long paragraphs of paraphrase that explain the main ideas presented.