What is the meaning of Pedophilia? Concept, Definition of Pedophilia

Concepts and meanings of pedophilia

1 Meaning of pedophilia

From a medical point of view, the videoing or pedophilia is a paraphilia which consists of excitement or sexual pleasure are achieved, mainly, through activities or sexual fantasies with children, generally, between 8 and 12 years. Pedophilia refers to the person who suffers pedophile, an individual of at least 16 years old who entertains sexually with children under 13 and respect that maintains a difference in age of at least five years.
Pedophilia is a multifactorial trait in the personality of which afflicted by it, and is composed of mental, institutional, aspects of activity, sexual education, violence, control drives, etc. In this sense, tend to distinguish two types of pedophilia, one primary or essential, deeply rooted in the subject, and other secondary (or others), which would appear motivated by circumstantial factors.
Moreover, in certain cases in which the relationship between the pedophile and the child is extended in time, there may be a real infatuation with this person that he considers as his young partner, especially when this is found in the passage between childhood and puberty age by the adult.
In this regard, there are various associations of pedophiles claiming pedophilia as one more way of living human sexuality and that, consequently, it must be accepted with naturalness by society.
Paedophile behaviours are very heterogeneous, since cases harmless or nearly harmless, until those that reach levels that fall within criminal. The sexual activity of a pedophile with a minor 13 years it is known with the name of child molestation or paedophilia (Word that Etymologically, it means the same as pedophilia).

2. Definition of pedophilia

From the medical point of view of Psychiatry, pedophilia is a sexual disorder that causes sufferers it may feel attracted physically and sexually towards the children of the same or different sex, or failing that keep sexual fantasies with these.
The person who suffers from pedophilia or videoing, as also it is known, is called pedophile, and is usually an individual that goes beyond 18 years of age and who takes pleasure to entertain themselves sexually with children, being the age of minors fairly variable and dependent on who suffers from it, although there have been cases of individuals who felt sexually attracted to children of only 3 years.
La psiquiatría, aquella disciplina que la estudia, sostiene que la pedofilia es un rasgo multifactorial de la personalidad, ya que se encuentra compuesta por aspectos mentales, de educación sexual, de actividad, institucional y de violencia, entre otros. Por tanto, es que se distinguen dos tipos de pedofilia: una primaria o esencial, muy presente en el sujeto, que supone una inclinación sexual casi exclusiva por los niños y otra secundaria , la cual se encuentra motivada por factores circunstanciales, es decir, por ejemplo, tras el acontecimiento de una situación de estrés o de soledad surge la inclinación, aunque es acompañada por una atracción hacia los adultos, surgiendo el interés por los niños en momentos ocasionales.
La conducta pedófila puede oscilar entre situaciones que rozan lo inofensivo o lo casi inofensivo hasta aquellas que se pueden encuadrar dentro de lo criminal por las consecuencias que las mismas provocan en las víctimas.
Mientras tanto, a la actividad sexual de un pedófilo con un individuo menor de 13 años la denominamos como abuso sexual infantil o pederastia.
La fabulosa difusión y la enorme posibilidad de interacción por esta vía que propuso Internet, provocó que la pedofilia avance a pasos agigantados y así es que muchísimos pedófilos la han aprovechado para difundir y defender su inclinación sexual así como para también captar niños.
As a consequence of the foregoing, Governments have doubled their efforts to capture paedophiles, as they say, with their hands in the dough. With the decoys planted Internet resource, many paedophiles and even more, many networks that are giving around the world promoting this behavior, could be evidence.

3 Concept of pedophilia

According to the manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) diagnostic pedophilia is within the category of parafilias, located within the greater categorization of "Sexual and gender identity disorders".
Pedophilia is defined as recurring and highly exciting sexual fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with children (13 years or less) during a period of not less than six months. The manual indicates that these fantasies and sexual impulses cause a clinically significant discomfort or deterioration social, labour or other areas of activity of the individual. The manual indicates to distinguish itself in the diagnosis when it's an incestuous situation, if exclusive (only attraction with children), if it is towards men, women or by both sexes.
The definition of the DSM-IV implies the classical conception, but other readings suggest that such a definition is quite excelllent. It is possible to see behaviors less marked pedofilicas, and others that do not suffer from a significant discomfort in this regard. It is even part of this situation to think about other relevant aspects, such as it may be the question if it is that you it's biological medical issues or not. On the other hand fits question if it is that this phenomenon occurs mainly in people is in charge of the care of children by what could be the hypothesis according to which the permanent contact with children would favor the paidofilica demonstration.

4. What is paedophilia

Definition of pedophilia

Search for sexual pleasure, through sexual intercourse with children. Global experts indicate that for the qualification of pedophilia as sexual disorder it is necessary that the conduct be extended for a period of at least six months, including fantasies, impulses or sexual behaviors with children pre-puberes or a little older, usually of twelve years or less.

You can take different forms: in relation to the orientation, can be heterosexual, homosexual, or both; with respect to object, this can be exclusively pedofilicos or not.

Pedophilia behaviors range from simple exhibitionism to penetration. Adult usually win the confidence and affection of the child, and usually is someone known or family

Distinguished two variants in pedophilia: the sentimental homo erotic and the aggressively heterosexual.

The sentimental homo sex have little or no interest in women, their sexual ability focuses on children, specifying the form of caresses that cause orgasm.

Aggressive heterosexuals attempt to satisfy their impulses with girls, with methods that go from seduction to violence, ending (very rarely) in sadico-criminal murder.

Does give the sexual abuse to children?

The majority of sexual abuse occur in the home of the minor, and the aggressor is usually the father, stepfather, brother or any close relative who has easy access to the victim. In these circumstances the sexual abuse is called incest.

What is the impact?

Sexual abuses are not isolated events. They usually occur over long time, months or years. In addition, contrary to what you may assume, occur in all social classes and there are many girls and children affected. Between 20% and 30% of women have been sexually abused in their childhood or adolescence. Around 15% of children have also suffered. However, the silence and secrecy that surrounds these experiences, and which allows that to continue repeating, makes us think that they are rare cases. Why it is so important that we talk about the existence of sexual abuse and recognize them as a social problem that must be addressed.

What are the behaviors or ways of presentation?

Abusive behavior ranging from actions that do not involve sexual contact as verbal propositions or the exhibition of the genitals, to anal or vaginal penetration.

Some of these behaviors are:
"Displayed naked in front of the minor in order to sexually excite."
"Watch the girl dress or undress or when in the toilet, urine, etc (with the same purpose)."
"Touch him, kiss him, grab him.
"Force you to see images or movies, listen to talks sex, posing for photographs, see or witness sexual activities.
"Oral or vaginal sex.
"Being subjected to unnecessary medical treatments.

It is important, above all, consider that a behavior is abusive when it is lived and felt in this way by the child or adolescent, when it is touched in a way that makes her feel intimidated or look.

How to know it?

The majority of children who are being victims not count it to anyone because they believe that people will think that it is not true. Sometimes unaware of even the vocabulary necessary to talk about it and therefore cannot adequately. Although generally they do not express it verbally, they do it through some changes in their behavior.
We must put ourselves alert when suddenly a girl or a boy begins to manifest simultaneously several of the following behaviors:
"Refuses to go to some place or stay with some person.
"Appear disorders in their form of sleep (has nightmares, is urine in bed, afraid to sleep alone, need a light overnight, etc.)"
"Appear disorders in the diet (it has no appetite or much appetite suddenly)"
"It feels new fears and needs is to reassure him much more than before.
"It returns to an immature, baby's behavior.
"Suddenly it rejects the father or the mother of abruptly.
"Sometimes it automutila or attempts suicide.
"You can escape from House to prevent further abuses.
"Low school performance and change their social behavior.

If a girl or a boy suddenly changes and shows several of these symptoms, there are many possibilities that it has or is suffering a sexual abuse.

5. Definition of pedophilia

Search for sexual pleasure, through sexual intercourse with children. Global experts indicate that for the qualification of pedophilia as sexual disorder it is necessary that the conduct be extended for a period of at least six months, including fantasies, impulses or sexual behaviors with children pre-puberes or a little older, usually of twelve years or less.

You can take different forms: in relation to the orientation, can be heterosexual, homosexual, or both; with respect to object, this can be exclusively pedofilicos or not.

Pedophilia behaviors range from simple exhibitionism to penetration. Adult usually win the confidence and affection of the child, and usually is someone known or family

Distinguished two variants in pedophilia: the sentimental homo erotic and the aggressively heterosexual.

The sentimental homo sex have little or no interest in women, their sexual ability focuses on children, specifying the form of caresses that cause orgasm.

Aggressive heterosexuals attempt to satisfy their impulses with girls, with methods that go from seduction to violence, ending (very rarely) in sadico-criminal murder.

6. Definition of pedophilia

The term pedophilia comes from the Greek words country and philia and literally means "love of children". In 1986 the Council of Europe has proposed the definition of abuse: "acts and the deficiencies that seriously turban the child, threaten to his bodily integrity, to their physical, intellectual and moral development, whose manifestations are neglect and/or physical injuries and / or psychic and sexual and/or part of a family member or others who have children in their care".
We now draw some definitions taken from the literature of recent years in this regard.
H. Kempe devoted much effort to the study of the topic. He proposed this definition: sexual abuse is to wrap to children and adolescents, immature and dependent subjects in sexual activities that they do not yet fully understand and which still can not consent with full consciousness or that are in such a way that they violate existing taboos in society about the roles familiares1.
"Any sexual act involving the display of the genitals without physical contact, caresses and kisses to the genitals or penetration" (Ogato et altri, 1990).
Besten (1991) to define sexual abuse holds that the following factors must be checked: to) sexual abuse is always a form of violence physical and/or psychological so as not to let express consent or rejection; (b) the abuser usually comes from a family environment; (c) abuse diminishes the balanced development of the child; ((d) abuse is usually dragged for years and is not an isolated case e) delimit accurately the existing boundaries between a natural gesture and an abuse is difficult to manage for a stranger. The children are those who warn firstly the moment in which takes home the exploitation of their bodies; (f) abuse exploits the synergistic combination of authoritarian power of adult and children unit.
Steinhage (1992) in a clear definition says that "emerge always a situation of sexual abuse every time that an adult is intentionally approaching a child for the purpose of aroused or sexually turned off".
Finally, the definition of Welch and Faiburn (1994) of sexual abuse: "any sexual experience with physical contact, made against the will, commitment and who understand being touched or be forced to play the abuser in any way of a sexual nature, including oral sex and forced full sexual intercourse (estupro)".
With these definitions we already have a complete picture of what is meant by sexual abuse of minors.
"The question of whether the seduction and the threat, the creation of fear and hope, are equivalent to the coercive violence arises in philosophy when asked if the actions that are performed under such influences are free or not" 2. The distinguished philosopher will then say: "there is talk of violence, coercion, when intervention in an actor breaks its unity with itself, its willingness to drive" 3.
Pedophilia is always, at least at the beginning, although latent always, an unjust violence, a distortion of love, an abuse since at least age superiority.
Let's look at another aspect: is pedophilia one lesser reality, a reality that would barely affect few? There are theoretical frameworks that somehow justify paedophilia? Is it a pathology of drives or instincts or a psychosocial deviation? Is narcissistic and the pedophile there relationship between personality? Lest we think that the questions are futile or fantasy dictates them. Let us look at what happens, that the words of the philosopher Julian Marias, is always something that happens to us.

7. Concept of pedophilia

Let us remember that the term pedophilia was coined in German psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902), who first used the expression Padophilia erotica in his influential book Psychopathia Sexualis, published in 1886.
One of the first disputes arise between the terms (for us synonyms) videoing and pedophilia.
The SAR includes two morphological variants, pedophilia and videoing. The ped root (o)-/ paid (or) - 'children' comes from the Greek 'children' Paidós. From the etymological point of view, the first, is more correct since the Greek diphthong ai is transcribed in latin ae and e in Spanish. However, perhaps for reasons of euphony, RAE prefers the way paido-preserving the Greek original diphthong. The form paedofilia, which sometimes is also used, contains the preservation of the Latin diphthong, and its use can be influenced by English paedophilia.
The second dispute is between the terms pedophilia and pederasty.
The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy has introduced in its latest edition (2001) the term pedophilia, as well as continue registering the word pederasty, which collects the following definitions: a) pedophilia. (f attraction erotic or sexual which an adult person feels towards children or adolescents, b) pederasty. f sexual abuse committed with children.
From the semantic point of view, the distinction is clear: one thing is feel erotic attraction to children, and another, sexually abusing them. The distinction arises between the sexual tendency (pedophilia) and practical abusive - and also criminal-(paedophilia).
Some child sex abusers referred be paedophiles but not paedophiles, thus distinguishing these individuals between having the trend that pushes them to feel sexual attraction to children (pedophilia) and sex with minors (pederasty), criminal conduct in question according to our criminal code. Regardless of the veracity of the assertion of the alleged abusers that resisted their impulses, and that his words were or not a mere legal resource used in his defense to get absolution, should recognize that, regardless of these specific cases and at the general level, the distinction between the sexual attraction to children and the crime of sexual abuse of minorsIt seems timely to us.
In the first case, because we are facing a trend psychic, considered as a paraphilia by the Sexology and Psychiatry, while in the second we find ourselves before a practice, which also is criminal according to our legislation. But we must clarify that, if the pedophile in any way establishes an effective link (action) approximation or erotic worse on a minor, this conduct is criminal, but not rape, has existed since the CP typifies this conduct as simple sexual abuse (former molestation) explained in Art. 119 CP.
The error was born in confuse simple sexual erotic attraction of an adult by a minor, paraphilia not parcels, with the explicit action of the trend, confusion that is accentuated by the use in our language of two different terms to distinguish these two concepts. The words pedophilia and pederasty are used as synonyms, to refer both to sexual attraction and crime, as well as pedophile and pederast.
In the journalistic language we find interchangeably use pedophilia with the sense of offense and the meaning of illness; Thus, for example, used the phrase «accused of paedophilia»; speaks of a 'pedophilia network' to designate an organization of people dedicated to the sexual exploitation of children; also, the word appears occasionally in enumerations next to other criminal conduct.
You should have present that not everyone has paedophile to committing acts of child sexual abuse. Therefore not all pedophiles are pedofilicas behaviors or are pedophiles, that is, offenders or sexual exploiters.
Occasionally, distinguished three types of disorders depending on the age of the person who is the subject of the sexual desire: used pedophilia to the attraction to children in age prepubescent, ephebophilia (Greek ephebo 'child who has entered puberty') to refer to the sexual desire towards adolescents, and nepiofilia (of nepion 'infant') to designate the attraction towards infants or infants.
According to the Diagnostic Manual of the mental disorders (DSM-IV) paedophilia (F65.4) lies within the category of paraphilias, located within the greater categorization of "Sexual and gender identity disorders".
Pedophilia is defined as recurring and highly exciting sexual fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with children (13 years or less) during a period of not less than six months.
The manual indicates that these fantasies and sexual impulses cause a clinically significant discomfort or deterioration social, labour or other areas of activity of the individual. Distinguishes itself in the diagnosis when it's an incestuous situation, if exclusive (only attraction with children), if it is towards men, women or both sexes.
The definition of the DSM-IV implies the classical conception, but other readings suggest that such a definition is quite excelllent. It is possible to see behaviors less marked pedofilicas, and others that do not suffer from a significant discomfort in this regard. Even part of this situation to think about other relevant aspects, such as it may be the question if it is that you it issues medical-biological or not. On the other hand fits question if it is that this phenomenon occurs mainly in people is in charge of the care of children by what could be the hypothesis according to which the permanent contact with children would favor the paidofilica demonstration.
Lately to update the 'nomenclature of sexual manifestations"that we published in the magazine Alcmaeon N ° 42, year XIV, Vol. 11, no. 2 April 2004, has expressed that within the sexual disturbances qualitative, with reference to the setting of the image of the couple, according to the"mode"of obtaining pleasure erotic are demonstrations regarding the age of the partner. There are "sexual paradox", i.e. more demonstrations among people of different generations (chronophilia). Thus we note with some frequency the videoing or pedophilia, the lolismo, the ephebophilia and the gerontophilia.
Pedophilia is sexual activity with children (from the Greek country, Paidós; child). It is one of the few sexual behaviours considered criminal, because they can generate a damage or association in its formation or sexual development.
to pedophilia is a sexual preference for children, usually of prepubescent age or early puberty. Some of those affected feel attraction only for girls, others only by children and others are interested by both sexes.
Pedophilia rarely occurs in women. Contacts between sexually mature adults and adolescents is socially disapproved, especially if those involved are of the same sex, but this is not accompanied by necessarily of pedophilia. An isolated incident, especially if that carries out is a teenager, is not sign of the presence of the persistent or predominant trend that is required for diagnosis. However, among those affected of pedophilia, there are men who express a preference for a relationship of adult sexual partner, but that since there are repeated frustrations in their attempts to appropriate contacts, have replaced them regularly by children. Men who sexually abuse their own children prepuberal usually tackle on occasions also to other children, but in none of these cases there is nothing more in his behavior that suggests a paedophile.
Therefore, paedophiles tend to be predominantly male and often elderly although not discarded this sex-loving inclination in women, and victims both children and girls. When using the child as passive objects of an anal intercourse is referred to that pedicación action.
The lolismo is the preference sexoerotica of mature males by adolescents (girls in her awakening puberal). The term was popularised by the novel of Novikov "lolita". Also called hebefilia.
Corofilia (Hirschfeld) is called the inclination of some mature lesbians by immature girls.
The ephebophilia is the sexual attraction of a mature person to teenage boys from 13 to 18 years.
The gerontophilia is the sexual attraction of a young by an old woman (graofilia or anililagnia) male or a young woman by an old man. A sexoerotica attraction can be hetero or homosexual. Many times observes that such a relationship rather than a libidinal imposition has other motivations, as for example the economic.
Other terms of interest we must remember are: sodomy, paedophilia and the pederosis.
Sodomy (of Sodom, Palestinian city on the shores of the dead sea) consists of anal sex. Anal intercourse can be heterosexual (anomeatia) or homosexual (androsomdomia). Sodomy is accepted it is anal sex between males, and by extension with animals (Germanic authors) has with penetration (sodomy).
(From Greek paiderastia) pederasty is generally synonymous with sodomy, i.e., the realization of the anal penetration. Refers in common and usually done that among homosexuals, although in certain circumstances (rarely) can be used for anal intercourse between heterosexuals. He is called active subject makes that the penile immission (in jargon: "bufarron") and passive that lends itself to the immission (in jargon: "glutton"). The German sexologists often used the Latin term "pedicatio" being synonymous with "conmasculatio" (Moll).
The term pederasty also is sometimes used to describe anal sex practiced by an adult with a child. Thus refers to pederasty that practice active or passive anal intercourse as a lover of young people (Giese).
Pederosis (Forel) is anal intercourse practised by an adult on a minor of one sex or the other taken as passive objects (pedicación). Anal sex practiced on a girl is also called corefalismo.
It is called socially "taxi boy" the adolescent or adult young man who sells his sexual favors to homosexual customers only as a "getaway" his heterosexuality. What gives this characteristic nuance of sordidness to contemporary homosexual prostitution is not so much the undisguised use of money (often for drug use) when the claim of dissimulate, under the excuse of the currency, the nature of the compulsion which is remunerated. The claim that it argues is the restrict its participation in the homosexual contract to the "active" role (Indenter anal or passive of the felador), not qualifying for this reason homosexual their own behaviors, but that these are reserved for your clients or partners, with the benefit of popular acceptance.