What is the meaning of Propaganda? Concept, Definition of Propaganda
Concepts of Propaganda
Meaning of Propaganda
Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward something since antiquity.Contrary to the provision of impartial information, propaganda, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda presents often made selectively, can therefore reach lie to promote a particular, or uses messages to produce a more emotional than rational response to the information presented. The desired objective is to promote a change of perception of the subject, as a result, including the perception of the importance, in the public. Propaganda can be used as a weapon of war.
It is based on a persuasive speech seeking accession of the other to their interests. It is monologico in nature and requires the resource of the announcement. Propaganda usually repeats and is dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the outcome desired in attitudes of the audience.
"Propaganda is defined as an intentional and systematic form of persuasion with ideological, political or commercial purposes, with the intent of influencing the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of groups of specific recipients through the controlled transmission of partial information (that may or may not be based on facts) via mass and direct media."
-Richard Alan Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996
His approach is to use information submitted and distributed en masse with the intention of supporting a particular ideological or political opinion. Even if the message contains real information, it is possible to make it incomplete, not proven and partisan, in such a way that it does not present a balanced picture of the opinion in question, which is referred to always as unbalanced, subjective and emotional. Its primary use comes from the political context, referring generally to the efforts sponsored by Governments or parties to convince the masses; secondarily refers to it as advertising for private companies. Propaganda, the dissemination of ideas and information in order to induce or reinforce attitudes and specific actions. Given that propaganda is frequently accompanied by distortions of fact and appeals to passion and prejudice, it is often considered as false or misleading. However, this view is relative. While some propagandists may distort facts intentionally, others presented them as reliably as any objective observer. The allegation of a lawyer may be as propagandistic as the announcement of a billboard. Even education, anyone that your goal, could be considered ultimately as a form of propaganda. The main difference lies in the intent of the propagandist trying to convince an audience that adopt the attitude or action which he represents.
Propaganda can be disseminated to or by people, businesses, ethnic minorities, religious or political organizations and Governments at any level. Thousands of groups with specific interests spread propaganda: patriotic societies, leagues anti-alcohol, committees of prevention of accidents, road safety, that promote the conservation of the environment or associations that defend the rights of animals, trade unions and chambers of Commerce. Whatever your goal, try persuasion through feelings or reason. The effective use of the media is an essential tool in this respect. The level of success of a propaganda action is in direct relation with the difficulty that have those to which it is addressed access to alternative information.
Propaganda can be used in very different contexts. Thus, the religious propaganda has been widespread throughout history, such as when Paul exercised the apostolate of the new religion and established the first Christian churches in Asia minor, Greece, and Italy. Some books, including novels, have also been used as a vehicle for propaganda. Among the famous novels of literary propaganda are the travels of Gulliver (1726) of the satirist and political pamphleteer Jonathan Swift, who attacked the vanity and hypocrisy of the politics of his time, or the cabin of Uncle Tom (1852) of Harriet Beecher Stowe, which describe slavery in the southern States of the United States, has contributed to the development of the abolitionist movement. A common form of political propaganda is the so-called 'white' propaganda, whose goal is to create a favourable view of an organization, group or specific Government, as the nazis spread in the 1930s to highlight the supremacy and the prosperity of his country. Similarly, political propaganda, called with little success 'black propaganda', tries to encourage unrest and superstition with respect to the actions or intentions of another entity. An example of this type of propaganda is the widespread during the cold war through the radio stations, where each country sang their Excellencies and attacking their enemies. Technological advances in the media, especially electronic, are expanding the channels of propaganda and it is likely to have a huge impact in the future.
Goal of propaganda
The goal of propaganda is increasing support (or rejection) to a certain position, rather than present it simply on their pros and cons. The purpose of propaganda is not speak the truth, but convince people: aims to tilt the general opinion, not report it. Because of this, the information transmitted is often presented with a high emotional charge, commonly appealing to affectivity, especially to patriotic feelings, and calls for emotional rather than rational arguments.In English, the word "propaganda" has negative connotations. It is not necessarily so in other languages, and the use of the term can lead to misunderstandings with people of other languages. For example, in Brazil and some countries of Spanish-speaking, Spain and parts of South America, "propaganda" usually is used as a synonym for commercial advertising.
Propaganda, when it is used ethically, is actually a mode of disinformation and censorship and uses the methodology of the rhetoric to convince the recipients of it. In the political sense of the term was primarily developed in the 20th century with modern sociology and the consolidation of the mass society. The Minister of propaganda of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, sociologist, first thing he did to get to power was to seize the mass media to indoctrinate the people with political propaganda. The famous phrase of "a lie repeated thousand times it becomes a truth" reflects this way of proceeding.
Definition of Propaganda
Propaganda is the action and effect to publicize something. The informaciontransmitida through a propaganda aims to seduce potential buyers of a product or contracting a service, but also may be aimed at adding followers to a cause or campaign.For example: "the propaganda of the new car was a success: all people talk about her in the street", "I didn't understand the phone company propaganda", "the propaganda of the army to capture recruits not had the expected impact", "the magazine brings more advertising than content pages".
The notion of propaganda is often used as synonymous with depublicidad. In this sense, propaganda can be transmitted by television, radio, media graphics, Internet or even through posters on public roads. All companies wishing to publicize a product or a service must develop advertisements to reach consumers.
Another use of the concept is associated with messages that are disseminated from a certain sector with the intention of exercising influence on the values or the conduct of citizens. Propaganda involves a search of with intent to political or ideological persuasion.
An example of this type of propaganda usually takes place during wars or armed conflicts. The invader tends to develop propaganda actions in the territory invaded with the goal that people set aside the resistance, expressing that it arrives in order to liberate the people, overthrow the tyrants, etc.
Concept of Propaganda
From the latin "he propagare" it means to distribute or multiply, propaganda is a message that has a purpose of persuasion or conviction of the public goes to that, that sometimes can be to the population in general, and in other cases to a particular sector.It was used in its beginnings in agriculture, then in the wars of conquests, and to back the Catholic Church used it to impose on the advance of the Protestant ideas. The appearance of the printing press facilitated propaganda, which from the 18th century was used politically by both liberal regimes as authoritarian.
The nazi regime used propaganda to achieve the accession of the people to its totalitarian ideology and to the adoption of customs that are considered typical of the Aryan race, at the same time that fostered hatred to the Jews, using for this, parades, acts public and mass media, among which stood out the radio and the cinema.
According to their contents, there are between other, political, religious, literary, or sanitary propaganda. When the ads are commercial, aimed at promoting the consumption of a good or service, for-profit, they receive the name of commercials, being a valuable marketing resource.
Both the ads and the ads using various media of mass communication, such as posters, murals, radio, television or Internet. With these resources, and using suggestive imagery and compelling words attempt to catch the opinion in favor of the object or idea that you want to impose. You are not required to be true assertions, because it is always exaggerate the attributes and hide defects, in order to convince.
What is Propaganda
Propaganda is a word derived from the latin "Propagare" which means "Spreading or multiply" so it is clear the idea and the objective that the propaganda is an advertising tool in order to know something in order that is marketed or distributed. Goods and services now require a system of promotion that offers you the population the qualities that this has, this is what is known as propaganda or advertising resource.Propaganda, as marketing technique is associated with a series of steps which must be followed to reveal what the needs of the consumer with respect to the products that are offered. First, through a marketing study identifies that it could both be the amount that people seeking propaganda could buy. In any cases would be surveys asking people who seek product? What do they expect to make the product? Do you have expectations? What you think would offers and demand for this product?
The innovation in propaganda must be one of the main characteristic features, this contributes to that propaganda is pleasing to the receiver eye which seeks something new among the monotony. The quality of the product is also a remarkable variable to which propaganda must make mention. Constant in terms of propaganda competition make that user review among the range of options available, in this case, the purchaser will evaluate advertising and test which is the best. Propaganda has the particularity that when it causes impact on society with a simple phrase or a character in specific it Immortalizes, this represents a major achievement in the realization of advertising in the world of commerce because this kind of sympathy collects good consumers.
Among the other types of propaganda is, political propaganda, which seeks to make that a political candidate simpatice between society in the face of administrative elections in the State which seek the renewal of the political system. Awareness campaigns seek to make the population aware and think about the impact they are doing with respect to something which is badly affecting the environment. This type of propaganda is social and not searches let you gain to any nonprofit in specific.