What is the meaning of Result? Concept, Definition of Result

Compendium of definitions, concepts and meanings of result

1. Definition of result

Although applied in various contexts that bear no relation to each other, as it can be the case of medicine, sport and education, among others, the resulting term always refers to the same thing, regardless of the type of scope and involves obtaining a response, which will be smooth and simply numbers unclear in some cases and in others words alone, such as positive or negative.
In the medical field, for example, when the doctor needs to establish if we are infected by any virus or disease, generally, makes us subject to some medical analysis that at the rate of its result, negative or positive, and then allows you to determine the condition and with this in hand the best treatment to overcome it.
Meanwhile, in a sporting context, the result refers to performance numbers that two teams obtained until the referee marked the end of the meeting. For example, Spain 1 Paraguay 0.
And yendonos to the strictly academic field, the result can refer to the score that a student pulled out in the final evaluation of the course for example, or the mathematical solution was reached which after solving a problem of this discipline.

2 Concept of result

He is understood as a result to the final consequence of a series of actions or events expressed qualitatively and/or quantitatively. Some possible results may be the advantage, disadvantage, gain, loss, progress or victory. Not to achieve a result in an operation may indicate that the actions are inefficient, ineffective or defective.
The results can be divided into various types, depending on the procedure that has been carried out to obtain it. For example, in any extensive study results may imply the conclusions of an investigation, while in some games or wars, the result is the identity of the faction or losing team and winner. In mathematics, it is known as a result to the final value of a calculation, function or statistical expression.
In statistics, the result is cualquierinformacion parsed or extracted from surveys or records, while in the study of computer science, the result is the value of a function return, system status or list of terms or elements that are equal to the of a user's search. For example, when we do a web search, the list of web pages that appears to us is the result. Similarly, when designing with models in third dimension, the finished design is known as a result.
In science, is known as a result to the conclusion of an experiment. In this case, the results may not be definitive, unless it means that the experiment was wrong. In economics and finance, the result set to the total profit or loss from a business or Corporation at the end of a fiscal period.
In a democracy, the result is the result of a popular election, while in a system of Justice, the result indicates the conclusion to which came after a trial or investigation.

3 Significance of result

Result is known to be a name of formed effect from the participle of the verb be and this in turn comes from the latin proves (skip back, bounce, be returned, etc.). In a few words when we speak of result isn't more than an effect or consequence of a fact.

According to the dictionary of the Real Academia Española the result definition refers to effect, consequence or conclusion of an action, a process, a spreadsheet, etc.; thing or way you end something: the result of an experiment, the result of pressure, the result of a behavior, the result of a subtraction, the result of a game, among other examples.
Although applied in various contexts that bear no relation to each other, as it may be the case of medicine, sport and education, among others; the result term always refers to the same thing, regardless of the type of field where you see and implies obtaining a response, which will be just numbers unclear in some cases and in other cases may be only words, such as positive or negative. In the specific case of medicine, for example, when the doctor needs to establish if we are infected by any virus or disease, generally, makes us subject to some medical analysis that at the rate of its result, negative or positive, and then allows you to determine the condition and with this in hand the best treatment to overcome this condition

4. What is the result

In public accounting, accounting profit is the economico-patrimonial result; It is the variation of the own funds of an entity, produced in a given period as a consequence of its operations from budgetary and non-budgetary nature. This result is determined taking into account the difference between the income and the expenses incurred in the reference period.
The budgetary outcome is the difference between the totality of budgetary revenue made during the fiscal year, excluding those deriving from the issuance and creation of financial liabilities, and the totality of budgetary expenditure for the same year, excluding those deriving from amortization and repayment of financial liabilities.
Health outcome is the change in health status attributable to the antecedent of the sanitary process (can be a change for the better, or worse, or no change).
It is the change in the health of an individual, group of people or a population that is attributable to an intervention or series of interventions. The change in health refers to a wide variety of manifestations, ranging from death, injury and disease to intermediate determinants which influen on the occurrence of injuries and enfermedades.2
The health result allows to measure doctors and health politicians.
The health outcome is measured through a few indicators, the style of avoidance of amputations and blindness in diabetics, relief of pain in terminally ill patients and avoidance of deaths due to pneumonia (all according to age, sex, social class and usual place of residence).
Quality in the patient care problems affect the health result in medically avoidable mortality and morbidity.