What is the meaning of Society? Concept, Definition of Society

Concepts of society

Meaning of society

• According to wikipedia free encyclopedia:
It is the Group of individuals who share a culture, and that relate interacting together, cooperatively, to form a group or a community.
• According to website:
Man is a social being, is immersed in the society since it is born until it dies. But it is difficult to give an exact definition of society, that is why we will first present some definitions:
"Permanent reunion of persons, peoples or Nations that coexist and relate under common laws".
"Grouping of individuals in order to accomplish the purposes of life through mutual cooperation".
"It's a large number of human beings that work together to meet their social needs and who share a common culture."
"System or set of relationships which are established between individuals and groups in order to establish some kind of collectivity, structured in defined fields of activity in governing processes membership, adaptation, participation, behavior, authority, bureaucracy, conflict and others"

Definition of society

Society (from the latin societas) is a polysemic concept, which refers to a particular type of grouping of individuals which occurs both between humans (human society - or human societies, plural-) as between some animals (animal societies). In both cases, the relationship that is established between individuals exceeds the mere genetic transmission and involves some degree of communication and cooperation, which can be described as culture at a higher level (when there is persistent and generational transmission of knowledge and behaviour for learning).
Ethology performs the study of social behavior in animals (e.g. in primates or in eusocial insects, like some ants). The biological basis of social behavior, both in animals and in humans, Sociobiology is responsible. Human societies are studied by the so-called social disciplines, mainly sociology and others such as anthropology, economics, management companies, etc. In modern times, there is an interest in physics, from the perspective of complex systems, by the study of social phenomena, and this effort has resulted in disciplines such as the sociophysics and the econophysics.
Human societies
The term company is used interchangeably to refer to communities of animals (ants, bees, topos, Primate...) and human beings. The essential difference between the human and animal societies is, beyond its complexity, the presence of culture as a distinctive feature of all human society.
Although often used as synonyms, culture and society are different concepts: society refers to the grouping of people, while culture refers to all its production and activity transmitted from generation to generation throughout history, including customs, languages, beliefs and religions, art, science, etc.
Cultural diversity existing among the various societies of the world is due to the cultural differentiation experienced by humanity throughout history due mainly territorial factors, namely the isolation and interaction between different societies.
By definition, human societies are population entities. Within the town there is a relationship between subjects (consumers) and the environment; both perform activities in common and it is this which gives them an identity. Otherwise, any society can be understood as a chain of knowledge between various areas, economic, political, cultural, sports and entertainment.
Residents, the environment and projects or social practices are part of a culture, but there are other aspects that help to expand the concept of society and the most interesting, and it has made communication to constantly develop is the new was information, i.e. technology achieved in the means of production, from a primitive society with simple specialized technology of hunters - very few artifacts - to a modern society with complex technology - many artifacts - practically in all specialties. These States of civilization will include lifestyle and their level of quality which, likewise, will be simple and low comparative quality in primitive society, and complex or sophisticated with comparatively high quality in the industrial society. The high quality of life comparatively is controversial, as it has subjective aspects in terms of how it is perceived by people.
Also, it is important to highlight that the society is comprised of the cultural industries. I.e., the industry is a fundamental term to improve the process of socio-cultural formation of any territory, this concept emerged from the Industrial Revolution, and this means that it was the stage of production was implemented in society to the extent that man produced more knowledge and exploited in the collectivity.
In society the subject can analyze, interpret and understand everything that surrounds it by means of symbolic representations that exist in the community. I.e., the symbols are indispensable for social and cultural analysis of the space in which the man is and from the symbolic explanation of the objects you can buy a global perception of the world.
Finally, the mass (society) society is composed of diverse cultures and each one has its own rationale and ideologies that make humans unique and different from the others.

Concept of society

The society is the totality of individuals who kept relations with the other. Thus, people share a number of cultural traits that allows to achieve the cohesion of the group, establishing goals and common perspectives. The discipline that addresses the study of societies is the sociology, relying on history, anthropology, economics, etc.
Socialization is characteristic of the nature of man. Indeed, since its appearance on the face of the Earth, men have sought to make alliances and keep relations among themselves in order to shelter from inclement weather, produce goods, wary of the dangers, etc. In addition, both the development of technical advances and refinement of knowledge which from the beginning has been the human race, have thrived always thanks to its social and collective nature.
Some experts based that human society originates, from an evolutionary perspective, in social patterns characteristic of other mammals. Unlike the social structures of other species (among which stand out the insects), Canids, especially lions, cetaceans and primates have societies in which there is the possibility of mobility and displacement among its members. Thus, in the packs of wolves, a lower male can become "alpha male" by displacement, disease or death of the leader. Similarly, groupings of different higher apes have similarities with human society. Anyway, humans have the unique tool that is represented by the oral and written language that characterize our way of communication.
In effect, this constant interaction among men is due to the use of symbols; serving as example, communication using the language has been the primary basis where they settle all social relations. This ability to use of symbols should also be considered as a natural and innate. Indeed, if we consider for the plurality of languages that they populate and populated the world, despite the differences, it is possible to highlight caracteristicascomunes all them.
In the past, societies were organized around small groups of people, maintaining tribal characteristics. With the passage of time, they were becoming more complex, adopting as many members and establishing new relationships within it. Today, the societies are often called "of masses", by his extraordinary number, and are based on an explosion of technologies aimed at the information as a result of the consolidation of capitalism.
Other attempts at social models are installed at certain moments in history, with varying degrees of success and, in general, with inexorable failure trend. Stands in this sense feature, feudal society of Medieval Europe and the cultures of the far East during the modern age. In this model, social mobility was virtually impossible, given that the ownership of land by feudal lords marked a position of power that was insurmountable for the ordinary people. Other non-capitalist social model consists of societies with the Communist Foundation, which attempted in, theoretical way, eliminate the differences between social States; However, these models failed on different cultures, to persist, with numerous changes and reforms, in a few Nations in the 21st century.
The future of the evolution of societies is still very uncertain. More beyond the undoubted progress the current order holds, the biggest difficulty remains undoubtedly the large number of people who, in the midst of wealth and knowledge, they are maintained in a segregated position. Society, in this sense, seeks an alternative to eliminate pronounced asymmetries which describes among its members through the structure of the State. Thus, the enactment of laws and regulations, attempts to bring all members of the society up to an equal opportunity to work, access to basic resources, health, education and individual freedoms. However, the growing influence of non-governmental organizations is also envisioned in many cases as an opportunity for improvement of societies, on the basis of volunteerism and solidarity among people. Therefore, the evolution of the society still has a true open ending, in the recognized the influence of varied actors who affect to find for all a most appropriate way.

What is society

Before entering full to define the word society that occupies us now it is essential that we investigate and discover the etymological origin of the same. In particular, we can underline that one is in latin, and more exactly in the sociĕtas term.
Society is a term that describes a group of individuals marked by a culture in common, a certain folklore and shared criteria that determine their customs and way of life and that are interrelated in the framework of a community. Although the more developed societies are human (whose Studio is responsible socialescomo Sciences sociology and anthropology), there are also animal societies (dealt from Sociobiology or the social ethology).
In this last sense, therefore, we could say that animal societies are those that are forming in a totally natural way. Thus, in this way, an example of what we are pointing out would be the following: "natural science professor stressed us that bees are one of the groups of living beings that live in society".
Human societies are formed porpoblaciones where inhabitants and their environment interrelate in a common context which gives them unaidentidad and sense of belonging. The concept also implies that the group shares ideological, economic and political ties. At the time of analyzing a society, aspects such as their level of development, the technological achievements and quality of life are taken into account.
Experts in the analysis of societies established a series of signs of identity or characteristics that expose that they are essential to abide so societies meetings or associations of groups deemed as such.
Thus, among other things, require their location in a geographical common area, consist in turn in different groups each with its own social function, they must have a common culture, can be considered a population in its entirety...
In the same way they establish that societies have a series of functions that can be classified into two. On the one hand they would be on the other hand the specific and the General. With respect to the first they destacarían the fact that they are the instruments through which human relations are made possible or who develop and establish a series of rules of behaviour that are common to all its members.
The society exists since man began to populate the planet, though its form of organization suffered variations throughout history. The society of prehistoric man was organized in hierarchical mode, where a Chief (the strongest or the whole Sage) concentrated power. From the ancient Greece, the absolutist tendency of power began to be modified, since the lower strata of society could reach certain important sectors in the decision-making process through democracy.
Newly in 1789, the French Revolution, the social organisation changed radically: since then, anyone can climb to a higher stratum of the society.
Is worth mentioning that the concept of society can also be understood from a perspectivaeconomica and legal, to define the Union of at least two individuals who are committed to make contributions and efforts in common to develop a commercial activity and distribute earnings to each other.

Meaning of society

It is the grouping of people (at least two) that bind in view of common objectives. We thus recognize societies formed by families, which in turn are grouped into larger units, forming peoples or Nations. Not every group of people implies the existence of society. It exists to interact in view of common projects. For example, people who share a public passenger transport are not a travel company, which perhaps are not even known, or knowing who they are have no common interests that unite their destinies for a specific purpose is carried.
Law, demands that this group of persons owns a valuable cash purpose, and they have concluded an agreement of wills (contract) to share profits and losses of its actions, in view of the contributions made. These are civil societies, for example, marriage, which is born of the marriage contract, where the conjugal society, whose heritage will be positive be incurred (half of each spouse). But are also distinguished commercial societies, where members perform acts of shops, and must choose to constitute one of the types provided for by law (corporations, general partnership, limited partnership by shares, company deResponsabilidad limited, and so on).
Man is a social being by nature. Since born, established a close bond with his mother, which is fed, as most of the animal Kingdom, but in addition, you need your caregiver, or lack thereof, of other members of the species, therefore not you can subsist by itself only. You can not walk, or find their food by itself, since you can even scroll. Already adult, needs of others to advance its vital projects, since the complex network of their vital needs, forces him to rely on others to get their education, clothing, furniture, technology, leisure, etc., as well as their need for emotional and communication. This vital need, does it integrate human societies that possess a certain culture (customs, language, history, religion, and so on) that imposed upon the individual a process of spontaneous and systematic socialization through schools, to integrate it and achieved within the set, your own personal development.
Social phenomena, are studied by sociology. By extension, the concept of society applies to groups of animals, whose behaviors are studied by the social ethology, which also includes human behavior within the animal Kingdom. So-called animal societies, are actually atypical, since its meeting is instinctive, and do not perform cultural activities.
How to develop a concept we must extract the essential characteristics that allow us to differentiate the society of other groupings, we can say that it is a group of people United by bonds of interests, that structure your individual life, in some aspect (if formed the society for a specific purpose, such as for example a commercial venture) or in all of them, when they make up a nation, as they receive from the rest of the members of the social body, a great influence, which will determine their behaviour in numerous occasions (will be forced to attend a school, get a job to feed his family, behave in a certain way to prevent social rejection, among other behaviors). Social determinism, thought elaborated by Hobbes, arrives at the end of affirming that society should limit completely to the individual in their freedom, as being bad by nature, it could cause damage to their peers, therefore, laws must channel these behaviors, not leaving it to act according to his will.

Definition of society

The society, in a broad sense, is a set of individuals, peoples, Nations, etc. In a strict sense, when you talk about society, refers to a set of people who have the same culture and traditions, and are located in a space and time certain, every man is immersed in the society that surrounds it, which influences its formation as a person. This concept is not only applicable to the human race, since there are societies of animals, such as ants.
Legally, the society is an agreement between two or more people, with rules, rights and obligations, proportional to all its members; the same, organized by its members, arises for economic purposes.
Human society emerged as a solution to meet the needs of man, through the mutual aid; for this reason, than through the society, man can educate themselves, obtain employment, and raise a family, from thousands of possibilities. But this is not the sole purpose of the society, which also serves as the structure for chuch and benefits the relationship between individuals.
Formerly, in prehistoric times, the society was organized hierarchically, and social mobility was inconceivable, that is, that if a person was born in a very low rank of society, you never move to that rank; progress was negated. Later, the Greeks in Athens began to divest that absolutism, giving rise to democracy, a democracy which only had participation considered Athenian citizens.
It was with the revolution French, social mobility became a fact, and currently, people can ascend socially, being seen this as something everyday. This revolution made appear new forms of organization, such as for example, communism, where the State has large intervention or anarchism, which is State does not exist, and people are fully free.
Currently, most societies in the world, are capitalists, and the ascent or social descent is affected by the amount of money which is available; Thus, within these societies wander the marginalized, those who don't have money, and a shortage of resources to achieve this.

Concept of society

A society is a group of living beings which with a little sufficient awareness or gather to create strategies or maintain a relative order of decisions or approaches in order to meet a common goal. We as a small society of editors, we have decided to highlight in the beginning that this concept is not only applied to human beings, who despite being the dominant ones in the land at issue is reason, animals also meet and in the event they want by instinct a target in particular (most of the time food) use their skills together to be able to stop the dam sofor example, a lion if it can only not kill an elephant, but when several Lions attack the pachyderm can succeed and at the end the spoils are divided.
The word society is able to liven up a space in which certain amount of bodies are gathered, no matter what they do, think or plan, a company is a conglomerate of things of the same species. In the case of human beings, it can be called society to an entire city, to an entire country, because if his relationship with people outside their borders is distinctive, these people will have a unilateral call, Venezuela, as country has the concept of society, this is given by the fact that as Venezuelans, their customs, traditions, cultural and political characterlifestyles and forms of expression, differ them from their neighbours. A society when set searches for the affirmation of an identity, a sense of respect, of a formation of laws that within it, are respected in order to retain the guidelines established for these members.
Small-scale societies seek an end in particular, Anticancer Society seeks to find mechanisms and ways of medicating those who suffer from the disease of cancer, there is an infinite amount of societies which protect or harbour a sense or tradition in particular, why is important to its preservation and establishment of communities.