What is the meaning of Stick? Concept, Definition of Stick
Concept of Stick
Definition of rig
The rigging of a ship is the set of sticks, dicks, rigging and sails that allow you to set in motion taking advantage of the movement of air that propels them (wind).The force of the wind is transmitted directly over the candles. These transmit the dicks, the stick and running rigging, according to candles and how willing. The set transmits thrust to the hull of the boat.
The masts are large sticks, straight and vertical, nailed at right angles on the cover and the body of the ship, and that bear the weight of most of the rig. Naturally, larger ships tend to have a greater number of masts. Subject through dead rigging to the sides of the boat, which increases its stability and its ability to withstand lateral forces.When additional masts were built, they were receiving the following names:
• Stick ratchet, a mast closer to the bow (advance) than the main mast or stick more.
• Mizzen mast is a stick located behind (closer to the stern) than the main mast or mast.
• Stick contramesana or buenaventura: on ships with four vertical masts was the name that received the second mast (in addition to the mizzen mast) located behind the main mast.
• Stick only non-vertical mast, bowsprit. Extending from the bow (forming between 15 and 45 ° approximately to the horizontal) and the called jibs, triangular sails are used. In the 18th century the bowsprit reached almost as large as the stick ratchet sizes.
The dicks are clubs crimped transversally in the masts, at a certain height from the deck of the boat. Its mission is to serve supports square candles, holding them by their top or bottom side. When the candles are collected, are collected on the dicks, which allows a rapid deployment.The yards and masts make up the rigging of the boat.
Candles are bodies flat and flexible canvas or canvas directly receiving the action of the wind. They transmit the thrust of the wind to the verges, who in turn transmitted it to the mast.The candles have adopted various forms depending on the needs and technical nautical of the era. Depending on the type of used sails, rigging can receive the following names:
• Round rigging: formed by candles of square forms (can be called round despite its shape) or trapezoidal. He first used, is ideal to receive wind from the stern, by its larger surface area. It has the disadvantage of not being able to wrap the wind, IE, navigate one angle less than 90 ° respect the direction of the wind.
• Latino rigging: formed by candles triangular knife, or auricas forms. It emerged later. The lateen sails allow you to wrap the wind, getting the navigation against the direction of this.
From certain size and complexity, the boats rode a few rigs in combination of the previous two.
Rigging gear
The rigging gear are the ropes and ropes of the boat, holding or stabilize the rest of the components of the rig. There are two types of rigging: the firm or dead, rigging that remains tight and fixed to both sides of the masts to hold them and give them greater lateral stability, and the mobile rig or work, formed by los cabos and ropes that can tie and untie during a manoeuvre. (see rigging)Concept of mast or pole
A mast or mast of a boat is the large vertical stick holding candles. Large ships may have several masts, varying their number, size and arrangement depending on the type of boat.Also known as mast a:
• The stick that makes a flag flying.
• In stringed instruments is the stick, with or without frets, in which the strings are pressed to vary its tone.
• In the tents and tents is each of bats in which canvas is supported.
Until the 20th century, the masts were wooden, constructed originally from a single tree trunk. As they were creating larger boats, the highest masts were built assembling up to three trunks.
The masts of a ship of three clubs are called, from bow to Stern:
• Ratchet: first pole on the bow.
• More: stick high, located near the center of the boat.
• Mizzen: stick close to stern.
They may also have a spur, which is a nearly horizontal stick protruding from the bow. The ships of more than three clubs do not have a uniform nomenclature.
In addition, each mast can take a rig different depending on the type of candle you are going to carry.
Boats of two sticks are normally, wholesale and mizzen.
Most of the ships of two sticks consists of the main mast and mizzen, excepting the schooner consisting of Ratchet and greater. The naves of two clubs with higher and mizzen mast, the ketch and especially the yola, the terms mizzen mast and tail are used interchangeably. Some gulets have two sticks of equal height, yet the bow is called as mayor and the mainsail is assigned. There are schooners up seven clubs and several examples of six.
Meaning of Stick
Originating from the latin palus, a stick is an elongated piece of a solid material that usually have a cylinder shape for easy handling. Its uses are very diverse and depend on the context.Sometimes, a stick can be a rod or pole used to tie, hold or define something. For example: "I will tie the horse to the stick while we eat", 'If you nailed a stick into the pot, you will manage that the plant grows upright', "I stumbled across a stick that was at the street edge to prevent vehicles to climb the curb".
Stick can also be used as a weapon, taking advantage of that you often be made of strong materials such as wood: "the young man was beaten in the head with a stick", "We tried to defend ourselves with sticks, but criminals had firearms", "When the stick struck against his arm, could hear the sound of bone breaking".
Sticks, on the other hand, can be used in the manner of a handle to manipulate diversasherramientas: "Need a longer bat for dryer", "Please write down on the shopping list that we must acquire a new broom stick".
Referred to as stick to different classes or series of cards that make up a deck. In the Spanish deck, the sticks are golden, Cup, sword and rough.
In the field of sport, the notion of palo is also frequent. It can be the element that is used to hit the ball in golf, softball, hockey and other sports ("my first golf club gave it me my uncle") or poles that form the arc or goal in elfutbol ("the ball gave on the left stick and then joined the arc").
Definitions of Stick on the Web:
• A mast or mast of a boat is the large vertical stick holding candles. Large ships may have several masts, varying their number, size and arrangement depending on the type of boat.es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palo
• In heraldry, is called palo to the heraldic piece that crosses the center of the shield from its top to bottom. It is always different from those of the field color, metal or enamel. When it is reduced to one-third of its ordinary dimension, is called a wand.
• A Hockey Stick is the main equipment used in Hockey, it can be wood or plastic J-shaped and is used to hit the ball or disk.
• Stick is a town in Huesca, specifically in the District of Sobrarbe. According to the National Institute of statistics of Spain (INE) of 2005, Palo had 37 inhabitants. It is located at an altitude of 734 metres and covers an area of 14.4 km². It belongs to the judicial district of Boltaña.
• Palo de Mallorca is a liqueur with a geographical designation, dark, with a high density and a characteristic aroma, developed on the island of Majorca from the middle of the 19th century. ...
• Symbol that appears on the decks of French and Spanish cards. It is, along with the number, one of the two traits that differentiate one letter from any other across the deck.
• Part long and narrow wooden or other similar material, used as a rod or handle for a utensil; Blow given with a piece of such; Petiole of the leaf or stem of the fruit of a tree; Each of the series identified by a characteristic figure which divides a deck of cards; ...
• (Sticks) the masts which serve to hold the dicks, peaks, booms, props and other elemetnos to get candles. They are: bowsprit, Ratchet, mayor and mizzen.
• (The sticks) (also: drums). Name of a certain type of African drumming, and by extension also is named him to a dance to the rhythm of the drums. ...
• (Sticks) cylindrical stick of wood, one end is of rectangular section for its fit on the shaft. At the opposite end and until approximately half its length, used to set sail canvas triangular shaped by OPI nail. ...
• (Sticks) all vertical workpiece clamp rig, rigging or candles.
• (Sticks) pieces of wood, metal or other material more or less elliptical or circular section, arranged perpendicularly or almost perpendicularly to covers, to serve as support for candles or other elements of the boat.