What is the meaning of Storage? Concept, Definition of Storage

Storage concepts and derived words

Meaning of storage

A warehouse management is a fundamental part in the logistics chain. From esoger the geographical location of the stores, its dimensions, interior furnishing and clarity in the activities to be carried out may represent a fortress or inefficiency in the total supply chain.
A store can be as simple as a barn without major infrastructure or something as complex as a fully automated warehouse.
There are storage solutions that facilitate and enable a proper inventory management such as Racks. These are from the most simple or selective allowing the unitary and direct access to each pallet Racks for storage via the accumulation of material (from the bottom to the surface), that facilitates the maximum use of available space, both in surface height, mobile Racks with rollers, Racks for small parts or pallets. Depending on the size, weight, the inventory turnover rack recommending store.
Another component important storage, inventory management systems, are to have any product located at all times.
It is important to also define the policy of use of each material or product, i.e. how it is going to go using the product ensuring efficiency, dates of expiry, use batches, etc.
For the assortment of orders or bulk dispatch of material there are several solutions on the market that expedite this process. Generally these solutions are adapted to each company.

Definition of storage

For any orderly system, storage units are those that allow you to save physical or virtually any data files.
More specifically in computing, storage units will be all those devices, internal or external, that stored the information in a given system. The devices will differ among themselves in shape, size and use, but together all contribute to the conservation of data relevant to the user in digital format.
There are multiple storage units available. The most common of these is the hard drive, that unity that is included on most computers or computers, and which, among other things, stores information that allows to start the system and programs, in addition to files of text, images, audio and video of the user. The hard drive comes in different sizes and often is expandable. Unlike other units, this often has more measurable capacity in gigabytes (GB), a higher speed of rotation, i.e., access to information, and better data transmission capacity. Hard disks tend to be internal, but are available as external drives that store large amounts of information and that can be transported easily from a system to another, for example, to Exchange data between two computers.
Other popular storage units are CD-ROMs or DVD-ROMs, which tend to have one much smaller than from a hard disk but give the alternative store smaller amounts of information with a much more flexible mobility. However, in the majority of the CDs and DVDs you can only type is information once, and then these data cannot be deleted or complemented by others.
More recently, memories have become popular flash or USB, small variable-size storage devices that stores the information in its interior and that may or may not require batteries. Connects to a computer through a USB port and allows for easy transport of large amounts of information from one system to another.

Concept store

The concept store is a concept that is used to refer to an act through which some object or specific item is saved in order to be able to then resort to if needed. Storage can be very different things or objects, ranging from as simple as a food or food to more complex items, such as data on a computer. While the action is not specifically made as in other situations, the Act of storing also can be symbolically, for example when it says that a person stores memories in his brain or his head.
The store is a typical activity of humans already that, unlike what happens with animals, is a complex activity that inthe most cases is performed with a specific purpose. Well, the storage of data for example in our mind, while he is not aware, happens at a higher level than what happens with animals and this gives result which we can exercise memory and know how to act when we need to find some kind of information that we believe have. In the case of storage, data, souvenirs and memories that mankind performs with his brain, must mark that storage is not so easy to disappear, or always maintain as you want if not that much of what we stock depends on our unconscious.
Storing is something that can be done deliberately or not. In this sense, do not choose to be stored in our brain, but yes do it when choose consciously what stored for example in our computer or in our House. These two examples always represent a more or less defined selection of what items or things the person considered useful at the time or for future and therefore decides to save them rather than discarding them. Storage is always able to go back to use, enjoy or resorting to those things where necessary, therefore it is always advisable to do so consciously and sincere.

What is storage measures

Storage measures are those measurement units which allow you to determine how much space is available on a memory unit.
Called the measure of storage to recording the space there is in a given device to record information and data permanently or temporary. You can also be said that a measure of storage is that practice that is done in the interest of optimizing the performance and take advantage of all the space that exists within a unit.
In computing, there are different storage devices that facilitate the preservation of information, either inside the computer or outside, as a memory stick. Devices can be both a memory or hard disk, a disk or CD - ROM, flash memory or laptop, a DVD and various others. These information can be stored either provisional or temporary or permanent way.
Measurement of storage units, i.e., size or space available in each of these devices include:
-the bit or binary digit: a bit is the smallest information that the processor manipulates and physically is represented with an item such as a pulse or a point. Eight bits make a byte.
-the byte or storage unit: account with 8 bits. Is equivalent to an only character, such as a letter or a number.
-kilobyte (kB): equals 1,024 bytes and often is the unit in which storing files such as text documents or images is recorded in low resolution.
-megabyte (MB): equivalent to more than one million bytes, and usually large files are stored in this unit. For example, images in high resolution, files, folders, documents and even programs.
-gigabyte (GB): equals 1 billion bytes. It is the unit which is more typically handled today, and the most common computers provide a space of more than 100 GB for memory. All a computer of considerable size files are measured in GB.
-terabyte (TB): equals 1024 Gigabytes and is a measure that is used to refer to computers of high complexity.