What is the meaning of Communion? Concept, Definition of Communion
What is: "communion" ‒Definiciones and Conceptos‒
1. Concept of communion in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia
First communion is a sacramental ritual of the Catholic Church, by means of which a person usually minor, participates for the first time of the sacrament of the Eucharist receiving communion (receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ), being a mandatory requirement, having previously obtained the sacrament of baptism and the sacrament of penance or confession."First communion" is usually practiced by children aged between seven and twelve years, usually in a collective way, although it is accepted in this religion a person celebrate the rite at any age, provided you receive preparation prior to the sacrament and meets the requirements.
The first communion ceremony always takes place environment to a Eucharistic celebration or liturgy and in all cases it must be officiated by a priest. While this rite is mainly organised by the Catholic religion, other Christian churches also tend to practice it.
First communion is widely practiced in the Western world, especially in American and the European continent, where the Catholic Church brings together the greater part of the population, although there are sporadic cases in Asia and Africa where this religion is not majority.
Although can be last dinner Jesucristo celebrated with his twelve apostles, as the origin of this ritual, "First communion" as sacramental and ceremonial Act, has its origins in the 12th century, specifically in 1215 when the Lateran Council, decided that only minors who have reached the "age of discretion" between twelve and fourteen yearsthey could receive this sacrament.
During the 12th century and the 17TH century communion was an act that passed unnoticed socially, because children were not seen as subjects relevant to the interior of the medieval society, it was only after the Counter-Reformation who took the ceremony, as a response to the Lutheran reform since its inception valued much importance more minors and therefore are no. in an important event in the life of the people.
During the 20th century the first communion was consolidated as a very important ceremony in the lives of Catholics, a study conducted in 1995 among Catholic people older than 50 years, found that 90% of the interviewees, remembers her first communion as one of the events or moments more important in his life and 65% of them still retains at least one photograph of this moment.
2. Definition of communion
From the latin communĭo, communion refers to participate in common. You can try a friendly communication or a congregation of people with similar beliefs or interests.For example: "is no doubt that there is a communion between the two: note in their eyes", "the communion on campus broke upon the outbreak of several conflicts between the players", "Thousands of people in communion came to the town square to congratulate the local Idol".
For Christianity, the communion or Eucharist is the sacrament which consists of the transformation of a piece of bread (known as the host) and wine into the body and blood of Christ so that these substances are received by the believer.
The priest is the only person authorised to perform this rite of transformation. The communion is the unity of man with God and reflects the sacrifice of the son who delivers his flesh for the salvation of humanity.
Used during the communion bread is unleavened bread, made with wheat. The wine should be pure, obtained from the fruit of the vine and without any alteration. Just mixed with a little water.
Every baptized person can receive communion. In the case of children, it is necessary to first receive catechesis on the sacramento. First communion is a very important ritual in the life of the Catholic, which includes the corresponding training and which is usually taken at the age of ten. It is common for such first communion is living as a feast.
3. Definition of communion
The communion is a religious act which consolidates the faith to Christianity. In this symbolic act, the person who is to perform the Act of communion swallowed a circular piece similar to a small cookie, dipped briefly into consecrated wine called host, this representation means that the person is taking the body and blood of Christ son of God. Communion represents a kind of contract, an alliance with Christianity by what must be governed by the principles and customs of the belief of Christianity. The cookie is actually a unleavened bread without yeast, in the case of the Eucharist-shaped wafer, is only in a symbolic way the intake, as by not having yeast, it represents purity and cleanliness in the production of bread.In a more generic aspect of the Word indicates that it comes from the word "Common" This means that communion is the union of two elements in common. Looks like a play on words, but in reality it's the conjunction of these two terms, it is easy to determine that any approach of several parties to an interest in common is a communion between the interested parties. In the case of religious communion, consecration of this means of people closer to the beliefs of Christianity, so the Act implies a relationship between faith and reason religion exists.
To carry out the Act of communion it is necessary to first have gone through the ritual of baptism, it involves the application of holy water, the different religions to apply water in different ways, but basically the intent is the same, in general, is made when the person is born shortly after. Days prior to communion, persons in young ages still perform a kind of course called catechism, which taught the main topics of religion and placement so that the moment in which the father delivers the body and blood of Christ is fast, simple and spiritual.