What is the meaning of Feeling? Concept, Definition of Feeling

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1. Concept of feeling in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The feeling, also known as sensory processing, is the reception of stimuli through sensory organs. They transform the different manifestations of important stimuli for the alive beings of caloric, thermal, chemical or mechanical form of the environment (including in that the human body) in pulse electrical and chemical so that they travel to the central nervous system or to the brain to give meaning and organization to the information. This, depending on the particular form of processing of each being alive (perception).
The psychologist Carl Jung in his book psychological types proposed the existence of four main functions in the consciousness among which the feeling is. The three remaining functions are thinking, intuition and feeling. These four functions are modified by two main attitudes: extraversion and introversion. From this theory later developed the Myers-Briggs indicator, which has 16 typological combinations (8 types rather than the classic Jungian typology) of which four are feeling;
• ISTJ; Introverted, feeling, thinking (Thinking), qualifier (or Judging).
• ISFJ; Introverted, sensation, feeling (Feeling), qualifier (or Judging).
• ESTP; Extravert, feeling, thinking (Thinking), perceptual.
• ESFP; Extravert feeling, feeling (Feeling), perceptual.
The first two belong to the introverted thinking orientation and sentimental feeling respectively; and the last two to the extroverted-oriented thinking and sentimental feeling, also respectively.

2 Meanings of feeling

The feeling is a stimulus that the individual perceives through their sense organs, which are responsible for transforming the various manifestations of important stimuli for a person already they are mechanical, chemical, thermal or heat, unavailable in impulses either chemical or electrical, which travel to the brain so that the information obtained is duly organized and that the person understands the meaning of it. Since the 19th century has been studied to feel and its impact on the behaviour of people, since it is can serve as a starting point to investigate processes of functioning of the mind and the brain. It was Augusto Comte (philosopher) who thought that knowledge is produced by sensory experiences, thanks to the influences of other philosophers such as John Locke, who professed that the mind is like a role without any written where personal experience leaves its traces.
Sensory reception of a person can occur through physical stimulus detached from changes in your environment, or by events that lead to nervous stimuli and arriving by means of electrochemical impulses to the brain where information is analyzed. It can also produce a feeling by the response to a received message. The sensorio-receptivo process of a person operates according to several stages, since a stimulus that is perceived by the senses of the individual, which are adapted to respond to it by the activation of its neurons, receive the stimulus information and reproduce its essence so that it is understood by the individual may be in the environmentby transmitting the same to other neurons which in turn lead these electrochemical impulses to the brain. One very important thing that must be distinguished is the feeling occurs when either tactile or olfactory something, sit while the perception is when we can understand something that perhaps with our hands we can not touch or not we smell with our nose, something that has a characteristic linked to the psychological and mental aspect of each person, while the feeling is something with a physical nuance.

Synonym of feeling

Startled, printing, shaking, effect, shock, excitement.

3. Definition of feeling

According to the use that is it's the same, the word sensation will have different meanings.
Firstly, feeling called to the impression that produces a thing through the senses, i.e., is the immediate response that the sensory organs to the reception of a stimulus. Sensory organs refers to eyes, ear, eye, nose, mouth and skin.
Then, the agency manages to interpret the information from the above senses thanks to the perception, as it refers to the mental function that represents the first step in the cognitive process, because the perception will process such information in the first instance and thus will get the idea of the object.
Therefore, recurrently arise confusion and doubts in this respect, it is worth clarify and highlight in what differ both concepts, sensation and perception; the feeling is responsible for immediate response to the organs of the senses compared the stimulus that receives these and on the other hand, the perception will be the interpretation of the above feelings to assign them not only meaning, but also to organise them.
An example will help to understand the question... when we hear a concert by one of the musicians doing a guitar solo, the characteristics of the tones and the volume will be simply feelings, so, when at one point the recognition that only belongs to a theme song of the group, at that time, the perceptual process takes place.
On the other hand, when you want to give an account of the surprise effect that raised some question is spoken in terms of feeling. My dress was really the feeling of the Festival, there was a guest that does not ask me where I purchased it.
Hunch or intuition that particular issue or event will occur is called sensation. I have the strong feeling that this afternoon Mary we will come to visit.
The wind chill is the apparent feeling that individuals have according to certain parameters that determine the environment in which are found, although not discarded in the result of the same personal conditions, such as the metabolic rate, among others and that somehow affect sensation having cold or heat in an environment.

4. Definition of feeling

The word sensation has its origin in the Latin term sensatĭo. The Real Academia Española (RAE) recognizes three meanings and uses of the concept, which is usually used to nominate the impression produced by something and captured through the senses.
For example: "See the State in which the school it was, I had a very ugly sensation", "the feeling of warmth that gave me the hug spread all over my body", "There is no more pleasant feeling that drinking a bowl of soup on a winter's night".
The idea of feeling is also used to name the astonishment caused by something or the success: "my new jacket caused a sensation at the party", "the singer who is feeling in Europe will be presented next Thursday in the capital of Chile", "the actor's visit was the sensation of the summer".
The forecast or prediction of something that will happen also may appoint as a sensation: "I have the feeling that this match won it", "my feeling is the Mayor will not present in the upcoming elections".
So either we cannot ignore the existence of a film called feelings. In the year 1991 is when the film, directed by the brothers Lamb (Viviana and Juan Esteban), which is a musical drama. He has as a group of Spanish origin decides to go to the Andes with the clear aim of there recording their next album, a work in which the influence of the sounds of this Ecuadorian place leave patent.
The most significant of this production is that it managed to win an award in the Bogota Film Festival. In particular, he managed the award for best original music which, in this case, is halfway between the rock and the New Age style.
Within the audiovisual field we can not ignore the existence of the term feeling in one of the most important series of the 1990s. We are referring to 90210, known in Spain as feeling of living. The great American television producer Aaron Spelling was who was behind this product of fiction that we approaching the experiences of a group of young people in Beverly Hills during his years at the Institute and at the University.
The starting point of this aforementioned series was the arrival to this American luxury enclave of twins Walsh, Brandon and Brenda, who will become the mainstay of this gang that while bonus money, it boasts a series of shortcomings at the affective and emotional level.
It should be noted, moreover, that the thermal sensation is what they feel human beings according to different variables that affect the environment. Typically, that the thermal sensation is associated to temperature and other weather conditions, but it depends on other personal issues as the heat produced by the body (measured by metabolic rate) and others. Tends to spread, however, a general chill calculated according to temperature, wind, humidity, etc.: "the chill already exceeds thirty degrees and it would continue to rise".

5 Concept of feeling

The word feeling is derived from the latin sensatĭo or sensatĭonis (in plural), and is defined as the processing of external stimuli through sensory organs called. Sensations occur equally in animals and humans, and, in particular, are presented through senses such as sight, hearing, hearing, pain and the vestibular senses, which are responsible for controlling the balance.
The study of the feelings largely belongs to the field of neuroscience and psychology, and not to the Anatomy or Physiology, as you might think. This is because of the brain plays a key role at the time receive stimuli. Thus, stimuli from the environment are converted into neuronal signals through a process called transduction. This allows the brain to create a perception of the environment, and thus to have useful information of what is happening to our around.
Having said that, we could well say that feelings are only a first step in the process of representing external stimuli. The ultimate goal is the perception, which is a higher level task entrusted to the brain, through which we can give a final interpretation of what happens us around.
Today, it is known that the sensations caused by the senses, but there is still a debate among scientists about the total number of senses. Aristotle proposed the existence of five human senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch, in what is a classification that is maintained until today.
Despite the importance of feelings, it is common that these are lost gradually by a multitude of different causes. Some causes are ineffective receptors, nerve or brain damage. This loss of sensations may be partial, as when it loses the ability to see things from a distance or hear sounds low, or total, as when already sounds, images, and even the smells are not perceived in full.