What is the meaning of Formal Sciences? Concept, Definition of Formal Sciences

What is: 'Formal Sciences' ‒Definiciones and concepts -

1. Concept of Formal Sciences in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The formal sciences are branches of science who study formal systems. Formal Sciences validated his theories based on propositions, definitions, axioms and rules of inference, all of which are analytical, in contrast to the social sciences and the natural sciences, checking them empirically, i.e. by observing the real world.

2. Definition of formal Sciences

The formal sciences are those dealing with forms or structures ideal, analysing and theorizing about definitions, axioms or propositions, relating signs. They are based on the abstraction of a mind or reasoning, and not on experimentation. They are accurate.
They are used as method, the deductive, as parts of general propositions or laws to infer conclusions of particular type. Laws or rules are met in all cases, are therefore universal, because it does not study facts, as it is the case with the natural sciences, or social sciences, but the causal relationships that can occur in any kind of reasoning. Its content is empty, is just way.
The best known are the logic, mathematics, systems theory, and statistics.
In logic, the truth or falsity of his statements not dependent of the sensible reality, but the internal coherence speech. Aristotelian logic creates a symbolic and conventional language that transforms the subject and predicate of the propositions in variables, without taking into account if these assertions are true or false. "All S is P" replace for example "All four-legged has four legs".
The conclusions that are up are not demonstrative, they ensure a formal inference. However, in the Hegelian logic, pure formality, is exceeded because the thinking subject merges with the aim of the thought, being the categories of thinking, the same as the the be.
In mathematics is also acts on abstract entities (numbers, symbols, or figures) that are studied based on axioms.