What is the meaning of Leisure? Concept, Definition of Leisure

Definition of leisure

1 Meaning of leisure

Leisure is a person's free time. It is the cessation of work or the total omission of the binding activity.
It could be defined to leisure as the recreation time that an individual can organize and use it according to his own will. Leisure not only excludes the job duties, but also the time spent for the satisfaction of basic needs such as eating or sleeping.
The most common use of the concept is linked to the rest of the work. Leisure, therefore, appears outside office hours or in the holiday period. It is important to give a sense of leisure (for example, through the practice of any sport, reading or carrying out walks), otherwise it is likely this free time is transformed into boredom.
The demands of today's world make leisure time increasingly more uncommon. Today it is normal for a worker to see his work email over the weekend or a child to perform supplementary studies at the end of the school day. That's why, when people find themselves with free time, often do not even know what investing.
It must be borne in mind that that some subjects are compulsory for others can be a moment of leisure. That is the case of cooking (some people do out of obligation to feed their families, while others cook for pleasure) or read (an activity that can be both recreational and mandatory, depending on the case).

2. Definition of leisure

Known as leisure, although many also tend to call it time free, to all those activities that with freedom of choice and opportunities involving individual cases, are not linked to any formal work and are performed by persons, in precisely free time remaining after having fulfilled their work.
But usually, these mostly are more related to physical sports, such as football, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, also activities of cultural such as going to the movies, read a book, see a play, meet with the Group of friends, or simply jump on the bed to rest and watch TVthey can be equally considered options to deploy during our leisure time.
Leisure also has certain temporary moments to "break his Vice", since for example it tends to grow during times in which people don't have to work or study. So on weekends and on weekdays, at different times after six of afternoon are generally chosen for these activities before commenting. But of course, this according to the situations of those who only work on what would be considered a normal routine as it is from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.
It is interesting to remember that many people have opted to abandon the time dedicated to the lunch in your labor rate routine, replacing it by a frugal intake and enjoying leisure during this brief weekly noon time. Indeed, especially for those who work in large urban areas, a few minutes can become a source of walks, short routes, admiration of exhibitions or other actions in which leisure is undisputed protagonist.
Leisure was born as a result of the need of human beings to spread and deploy other types of concerns in those moments in which isn't working, i.e., speaking loud and clear, the purpose of leisure is something as well as the rest of the work.
It is more studied and tested the man needs a time of relaxation and culture of its personal for this way to rid the problems commonly issues they become of the exercise of a profession or job. Without going any further, today, we are witnessing the terrible consequences that may cause a person to not rest or have a time for him or her; stress is the best reflection of the lack of this time of recreation which also needs a human to live. The scholars more cientificistas, warns that most of the higher mammals enjoy leisure moments, in which are usually limited to rest or, in the case of gregarious animals, to "learning" through the game. This would show that leisure is a playful resource from which different animals manage to extract benefits. Called "creative leisure" would therefore have originated in nature itself. However, it is impossible not to recognize that human beings, in its social complexity, have joined components not recreational leisure; Thus, the art would be a direct consequence of that free time, both in terms of the creation of the works and the possibility of enjoying the content designed by other people. Therefore, if we ask ourselves if leisure is an exclusive attribute of human beings must, without a doubt, answer for the refusal; However, if we consider if the leisure of people differs from other species, clearly our answer will be that our leisure is exclusive, own and distinct, it's been to our status as human beings.