What is the meaning of Love? Concept, Definition of Love

Definition of love

definicion de amor

1. Meaning of love

The word love has an extended usage in our language and is par excellence associated with love, one of the most important feelings we experience human beings and that has to do specifically with deep affection, attachment and commitment to feel for another person.
Love then, is to have love and love to another.
Although we tend to use more often the word love and love in a rather romantic feeling by another individual who draws us, also, we may find ourselves with people who used it, but to express other types of links that have nothing to do with love, such is the case of friendship, family relationships.
Now, always, always, when one speaks of love will be realizing a great affection.
But indicated is not the only use that presents this popular word but is also used to indicate completion of the sexual act with that guy who is up in the feeling of love. Laura and John loved for the first time in her home while her parents were on travel.
And on the other hand when we experienced a large and disproportionate interest in something, an activity, a thing, we say to love him. Mary loves to dine with her friends every Thursday night. My dad loves to play golf.
Most commonly used for this word synonyms include the love and appreciation, though, it should be noted that in current use is attributed to one lower intensity to which involves love by which even though are often used interchangeably, sometimes, some people may interpret a greater or lesser intensity of the feeling of appreciation according to using one or the other.
Meanwhile, the word that is opposed to the one that concerns us is the hate, which implies the opposite: feeling aversion, rejection by someone or something.
By the enormous importance that sentiment presented in the humanity of our planet has been a topic widely addressed in books, films, television programs, among others. Even more, many of those stories are transported from the real life and vice versa, i.e. people can see reflected in some.

2. Definition of love

el amor

That is love?

To love is to feel love, union, not only material, but spiritual, love is to feel the other person, and this feel to you, love is not to have a ring of commitment or be United under the title of bride and groom, to love is to give your life to a person, who receives it and assess it like you appreciate yours, love is to think of another without the obsessionlove non-4-letter word, love is living.
Love is to think of three: you, me, us...; love is not the simple fact of caresses and kisses, love is to feel your heart in fullness, to feel it full of wishes, feel every beat strongly within you, feel your blood running in your veins, giving you strength to face any challenge.

To love is to enjoy your life, because without love there is no life, everybody loves to something or someone, we love our parents, to our football team, to God, to life.
But not everyone can love another person that enters your life, to stay and not leave, to invade his mind and heart, their actions and thoughts, so you look at it all the time, from the window of your heart from one moment to another.
First love is perhaps true love, I don't know, I still don't live long enough, but in 14 years of life I have realized that after you fall in love someone, your life will not be the same. You depending from it at any time, you can not sleep, you can not eat, do not spend a single moment of your life without thinking about that person that you've already given your heart.
Not always to love is a mutual feeling, love can give life but you can also remove it, love is dangerous when it turns into hatred and forget that you dependías both of the person to whom you wanted to, and all you think about is in harming her.
Falling in love is not love, love is eternal, love is looking perfectly to your partner while love is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of it, love is not paradise, love is to be in paradise.
Love is not something that is in a dictionary, or in the Park, love is not searchable, because love comes to you, sooner or later, the will find you, you just have to give time to time, although perhaps some do not find love, until they meet with the angels in the Kingdom of heaven.
Obsesionadamente, love is not love, as the saying goes: If you really want someone to let her go, and if it's for you again, but never did.
Just remember things happen for some reason, evil brings something good, and good is sometimes a bad thing, just depends on your perspective on life, never to see only the negative side of things, or you not only see the positive.
Ment that you have to do is look at both sides, value the positive things that came out of your actions and correct the negative things, because only in this way you can grow spiritually and mentally.
Tears are the consolation of the soul, are the penalties patch, are the expression of the heart, are you crying when you lose a loved one or when a love is not reciprocated, but best are the tears that you spill when you are filled with joy because your dreams are realities, your desires are actions, and your love is real, not fiction.
Remember that only live once, love without limits, without borders or fears.
Love and let love you, live your life putting love into everything you do and hopes that the destination you of that person who go to love forever, because when it reaches your heart you will notice and will tell you.
But it does not mean that you feel to wait, doesn't mean that you have to meet people, which you fill with experiences, which will make you grow and learn.
Most only be passengers infatuations, that leave no trace, but yes to leave resentment, all they do is to upset your life, but you give them back, he lives with the heart not the mind, think before you act and not after paying, you not hurt others hearts, because non-hearts you will hurt yourself.
Do not waste your life time in vices, or dreams that you expect are met, the only way to meet them is acting. Don't let that just be dreams, make them reality, ten strength of will and remember that there are two things that all faith and love, can it, thus live without love is not live.

3 Concept of love

The Encarta dictionary as well as the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, points out that the word "love", in its first meaning means "having love someone or something", and in its second sense, obsolete in our language, "wish". It arouses the curiosity to see that the verb "to love", stated in the dictionary as a transitive verb, which is an action that is exercised over something or someone, be defined only as a feeling that a subject "has".
It in terms of the word 'love' is defined, essentially, and in various meanings, such as trend, attraction and sentiment, driving towards the delivery and the meeting. Then, run out of the mood to be complete or exhaustive in the details of the definition, with the idea that love is a feeling that us leans towards the closeness and union with what we love, but not omitted noted that this sentiment includes desires and acts seeking care, conservation and "well-being" of what we love.
Hatred is instead defined (in the Encarta dictionary) as "antipathy and loathing towards something or someone whose evil is desired". Since it is considered as the antonym for excellence of love, we assure that love also include sympathy, and the recent discovery of "mirror" neurons reveals that those feelings are strongly rooted in the very structure of our organic systems.
Recently, in the book "The things of life", we said:
"We talk about friendship and love that are built with the years and shared memories. We speak of familiarity and confidence that generates the close coexistence. We talked about the camaraderie that arises when the same needs, intentions and projects have. We talked about the desires of a genital union, and also the desire to be close, or be comforted, caressed and comforted. We talk about the two great aphrodisiacs that lead to orgasm: the angel of tenderness and the demon of evil fantasies.
We talked about the sympathy that was born in a moment given on the occasion of a look, a gesture, an attitude, and excitement that is experienced with the nonchalance of erotic behavior. We talked about the acceptance of our person, such is implied in the smile with which we estimate. And all this diversity we call "love", with a same word!
We say, non-definition, that love takes the appearance of an elusive, unattainable figure in many cases, and in others us arising as a certain form of lighting, momentary and transient, which is part of the mystery of life. It then produces a feeling of curiosity, respect and wonder, that leads us to locate it in the place of the sublime. […] It could be said [...] in love man becomes able to be moved before the light of the Moon or the magnitude of the starry sky [...] but there is also an ability to fall in love, and is the same one that makes us sensitive to the beauty of a twilight.[…].
It is true that the teenager falls from his juvenile impulses, but they are the same impulses that feed the different forms of his whole enthusiasm. […] When the adult, or elder, lose the curiosity of the child and the passion of the young, his gaze not turns off because they have become aged, but because in the course of their life, their vitality has ruined".
What is you love when you love? There are ways to "normal" and "pathological" love?
Dictionary, as we have seen, luggage that, as experience shows, we feel love towards something or someone, but it is equally true that when we delve into circumstances that accompany our love, or if we want to give reason to their motives, we discovered that if we love who we love is "for something" that we often call its qualities.
Not always those qualities will have the our thinking alleges, because although an important part of our feeling of love leads to identify the qualities that we love and put them into our consciousness in order to delight us, excite us or extasiar us with them, it is not less true that our love, and with him the inclination of our mood, born very often much until our consciousness can be attributable to the qualities that we claim.
The cast of qualities that we tend to love things and people can be very broad, but more important to enter your detail, seems to underline two general circumstances that characterise them. The first one is that it's qualities to which we wish to approach us because "they are needed", and the second corollary of the first, is that we do lack "for something", try to build the nest we call family, have children who can be loved, or "putting in work" our life, in our environment, in the fullness of its form.
While the word "pathological" refers without doubt to the disease, the word "normal" has two different meanings. It is true that normal which coincides with the standard, but the standard can be traced with the "ideal" approach which seeks to choose what works best, or the statistical criteria designed from of which predominates.
From this last point of view, as said it Weizsaecker, disease is normal. Then just the plain fact that there is love that work well and others that function badly, and we add right away that the first us "do well" because they enrich pleasantly our life and lead it towards his fullness, and that the second "make us evil" because they severely hamper his career and fill us with suffering.
Many authors have emphasized the difference between falling in love and love, pointing out correctly that the first is built from a form "volunteer" of blindness that leads inexorably to the disappointment, while love is woven entirely with the threads of reality. On the other hand all those who have ever been in love, will not sign the judgment holding that illusion also live.
We will leave aside however the issue that differentiates the infatuation of love, on which so much has been said, to devote a few words to the fact, that recognized less, that love does not exist separately from the hatred. Let's first clarify that, despite traditions of language, there is an important difference between wanting to and loving.
The Italians have a beautiful expression that does not exist in Spanish, to say "I love you" say ti voglio bene, "I love you well", which recognized that there is a way of wanting to and, in fact, "there are loves that kill". Perhaps we can find the clearest example of possessive love thinking of a rose that wants to put it in your desktop vase, while he loves her will allow her to live on the floor.
".. .we all those who appreciate us love us or anyone we despise hate us."
In "The stuff of life" we said:
"It is impossible to know how deep will be our changes, but not all those who appreciate us love us or anyone we despise hate us." Many times he appreciates sells and he despises buys. It is necessary to distinguish the goodness of evil both criticism and praise. We must resign ourselves to that our life is made between hate and love, because none of them will be without the other. "Both exist also within us and navigable waters of our everyday existence take place, with gentle innocence, between two sharp pitfalls: the hatred of the good, for wanting the best, and the bad love, for fear the worst".
But, beyond the particular coexistence of hatred and love that we pointed out there, we want to emphasize now that, in a more general and inevitable, as a relentless condition of the complex plot and multifaceted that constitutes the world, love brings hatred and hate love. Not is true that when we love something we feel hatred for all that which could destroy it, and when we hate, love to those who share our hatred?
Not exhausted however at this point the inevitable meeting of the love and hate. Not always we can distinguish clearly between love and hate feelings that are condensed in the mood during the everyday live. It is not a mixture that allows us to see its components, but a close combination in which both interactively transform their factions. So, with that "ambivalence", the envy, jealousy, rivalry and blame those four giants that inhabit our lives and from which we never managed to free ourselves entirely are built, and also to build our "defenses" against them.
In a work that we carry out in the year 2003 (the emotional value) wrote: "far today [...]" that naive field in which, against the everlasting dance of Eros and Thanatos, we thought once to identify without doubt the virtues of the good and the bad posturing, we have learned that the life [...] takes place in an "edge" unstable equilibrium [...] That edge in which life is active and in which fatally and inevitably we live, is also the place [...] where creativity tends to arouse hatred and hatred, sometimes, becomes creative."
Already it is not then continue to insist, from a naïve and anachronistic romanticism in the supposed purity of the great and eternal values. To paraphrase Freud maybe can say is that it is mixing the pure gold of ideals with the copper of the pragmatism that the biosphere all teaches us. But neither the question resides, is essential to rinse, to be built for every occasion, in the manner of a disposable prosthesis, a convenient and "appropriate" value. As with colors and flavors, also between love and hate there are blends and combinations that enhance the "pure" values. It is necessary to learn how to distinguish the unhealthy combinations of those others that make us well.