What is the meaning of Meaning? Concept, Definition of Meaning

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1. Concept of meaning in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

It is called a meaning to each one of the meanings of a word or expression of language. In practice and as the case may be, the use of this concept is not exactly synonymous with meaning (or content):
• When it comes to a monosemica sequence, the concept of meaning corresponds exactly to the meaning;
• But when it's a sequence polysemic (or homografa), the different meanings constitute the total meaning of the term, which stands out-where the different meanings have greater semantic distance, especially when interpreted in its entirety (in context).
Thus, in the first case, referred to the meaning of a term, while in the second case, reference is made to their different meanings.
In Linguistics, a sense is one of the meanings of a Word.
For example, a dictionary may have around 50 different meanings of the word English play, each of them different depending on the context in which the word is used in the sentence. For example:
We went to see the play Romeo and Juliet at the theater.
The children went out to play in the park.
Each of these phrases associated with a different meaning to the word "play", and that assignment is naturally taking into account the rest of the sentence.
Computers or people can go read the words of a sentence one by one, and using a procedure called disambiguation (disambiguation with assignment of meaning), achieve to find the correct meaning of each word.

2. Definition of meaning

Meaning, a term that derives from the latin acceptio, is a term that identifies the multiple meanings and applications that may have a certain word according to the context in which it appears. In other times, this same notion used to be used also as a synonym of acceptance or approval.
In this way, can say, for example, that the word manure has two major meanings: on the one hand, refers to the substance that allows to improve the quality of soil and provide nutrients to crops, and on the other, the right to use periodic or limited for any service or installation is understood as a batch of tickets or tickets that are acquired from set mode and that granted to a subject.
Another term with different meanings is battery. This Word can be used to name both the device that stores energy by electrochemical processes and the percussion instrument used in the musical field, the set of military parts arranged to operate jointly or a group of elements that are used in the preparation of food, for example.
Calculation, which is an account that takes shape through various mathematical operations or those abnormal formations that can affect an individual to grow into your bladder, kidneys or the salivary glands, and trial, can refer to the representation of a work of theatrical or musical before its display in public, or to the literary genre that is part of the teachingthey are other words that have more than one meaning.
Finally, should take into account that the partiality is the action that favor some people more than others for any reason that does not attend to the merit or reason.
Terms that resemble
There are two words that are sometimes confused and used interchangeably, when in reality they could in some cases mean things quite opposite; such is the case of sense and exception.
The first refers to the various senses that could have a Word. The second, on the other hand, indicates what is excluded from something; in the case of words, refers to those who do not adhere to the standard, and going down a different path. For example: "even though most of the nouns conclude in a and the male o, there are many exceptions in this spelling rule".
We could say that the difference between the two is that meaning is closer to acceptance and normalcy and exception, exclusion and abnormality; Therefore, it is essential to bear in mind the vast difference between these terms to avoid mistakes when using each one.

The importance of knowing the meanings of a term

When we speak, we are looking for people who listen to us be able to understand what you are saying; Therefore, we take care in choosing words that let us know that person can understand.
Take into account idioms of a particular place or social group is essential to do so, because to an 80 year-old woman who lives in way outdated and traditionalist can not talk about him as we would with 25-year-old. It is essential to seek neutral words that allow the generational approach.
Know which meaning is known of a certain word in the region where we talk may be essential to achieve good communication, especially if you consider that in countries that they share a common language, often uses of the words differ mild or outright, depending on the case.
For example, in Spain we cannot say "equal" to refer to "but", as in most of the regions of this country the word only is synonymous with "perhaps" or "maybe" and other variants. Like this, there are so many examples that would serve to understand the importance of the meanings. Know the different senses of each word in the place in which we are, allows us to opt for a more direct and effective speech, giving as a result a fluid and clear communication.

3. Definition of meaning

A meaning, is only one of the meanings for a given word. Without realizing, for words that have multiple meanings, we get from the context of the sentence that corresponds.

For example, if I say "I'm going to eat ice cream", I am referring to the food, but if I say "is very icy", I am referring to a very low temperature. It is the same word, but different meanings depending on the context. This is one of the reasons why automatic translations have problems, since the computer is taking the words one by one (except the most advanced translators trying to determine contexts).

An interesting story related, corresponds in the twenty third edition for the dictionary of the RAE, it eliminated "dumb" as one of the meanings of the word "Galician", which I think is very fair - is not correct a meaning to insult to a group of people arbitrarily.

As a secondary meaning, obsolete according to the RAE, a meaning can refer to the acceptance or approval, and related to this to help someone for reasons that do not respond to the merit or reason, but I've never seen this use for the concept.

4. Definition of meaning

Meaning is the term that allows us to express to each of the meanings that holds either a Word and a phrase, depending on the context in which is applying it.
Therefore, the word meaning is one of the words that we use more as a synonym for the same and which joins others as many as being: significance, sense and extension.
According to the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, one of the fathers of modern Linguistics and who owe several of the most important considerations of the matter, the meaning or significance are mental content attributable to a linguistic sign. While Saussure also said that mental contents will be in close relationship to the person, since each individual gives you a mental value to the meaning, it is also necessary that there is a Convention around the meaning so that can perform in a satisfactory manner the communication between people.
This last issue turns out to be fundamental when we communicate with each other, because when we talked with another individual the idea and the purpose of doing so is to understand each other, and for this it is essential to the use of words whose meanings are known by both partners, otherwise, the communication will suffer serious disadvantages, especially with regard to understanding.
The word is a word which we use frequently and has several meanings, such as: it has a low-altitude, located in a lower place, lower value than the common, instrument musical, among others.
In some places speaking a given word may have a meaning and elsewhere also in Spanish-speaking, you can have a completely different meaning and even more, that is it stake certainly to the other meaning, therefore, is important to keep in mind these issues in communications to achieve the desired effect in the communication being understood or convey a message and not the opposite scenario that would withdraw at all.

5 Concept of meaning

The word meaning comes in its etymology from the Latin word "acceptio" = acceptance, which refers to the different and each of the senses of a meaning, that use has accepted and recognized, and that are defined in the dictionary. It is the sense within the recognized by the language concerned, who is given to a word within a context.
Words can have a single meaning and are monosemicas, or they can have more than one, and then they are polysemic said. In this case they are written and they sound identical way, but they want to tell us anything else.
For example, when we say that "Julian studied law" we mean the race laws, where must analyze and understand the set of legal regulations that govern social life; But if we say "Julian is entitled" allude to that it has the faculty to make or not any thing.
The word member can be referred to in a sense bodily extremities that emerge from the trunk, or refer to each of the elements comprising a group or collection. Examples: "both to deport members hurt me" and "I am an active member of the club of my neighborhood", respectively.
The different meanings of polysemic words (which have more than one meaning) can be made to incur an error of interpretation or understanding to the receiver of the message.
The process that identifies which is the meaning that should be given to a word according to the context in which it is used, is called disambiguation.
The arbitrariness with which are granted rights in favour of certain groups or individuals, who are therefore in a situation of privilege, is called a respecter of persons.