What is the meaning of Non-Formal education? Concept, Definition of Non-Formal education

What is: "Formal education" ‒Definiciones and concepts -

1. Concept of Non-Formal education in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Non-formal education is the type of education which are not school, has been expressly created to meet specific objectives. This type of education is insert in the triad of the educational universe divided into informal, formal and informal education. It is advisable to make a classification of this universe to define more precisely the concept of non-formal education.
Returning to the classification and definition that works Coombs and Ahmed formal education would encompass the highly institutionalized education system, chronologically graduated and hierarchically structured that it extends from the first years of primary school to the last years of the University. Informal education allows you to acquire and accumulate knowledge and skills through daily experiences and relationship with the environment. It is a spontaneous and continuous process that is not intentionally. In this way, non-formal education is defined as any educational, organized and systematic activity undertaken outside the framework of the official field, to facilitate certain kinds of learning to particular sub-groups of the population.
Corresponding to the wide diversity of non-formal experiences the characteristics of its forms, agents, organization, etc. are very different though it is possible to identify some points in common. Your organization is based in separate units. Accreditation is specific to achievements, not corresponding to the levels, modes, racing, or academic degrees. In this area who taught education many times they are not academic or professional. At its origins it was closely linked to adult education, but today acquired a heterogeneity of populations. María Teresa Sirvent marks the field of non-formal education as a space of struggle between trends contrary and sometimes antagonistic since many times it is considered synonymous with the education anti-establishment, but studies showed that the demand and supply of non-formal education exacerbate social differences and strengthen the deficit of the formal system. Non-formal education answers, then, the set of processes, media and institutions, specific and designed based on goals, training and instruction having no direct linkage to education system regulated and official.
According to Ezequiel Ander-Egg, the concern and practice of adult education arises in parallel with the process of industrialization and the development of democratic ideas in the mid-19th century. It is precisely at this historic moment that we can locate the beginnings of non-formal education almost exclusively looking at adult literacy with the aim to provide elementary reading and writing tools and notions of calculus to people over 16 years so that they can participate in the process of industrialization and democratization that began to be displayed. In this sense, adult education has received treatment at the international level in close relationship with the political, social and economic processes that have been developed during the 20th century.

2. Definition of Non-Formal education

Non-formal education is a type of education, face-to-face or distance, which is in a position intermediate systematization and institutionalization, between the education informal, natural and spontaneous; and formal, highly systematized and graduate education.
In non-formal education, educators do not necessarily need enabling title, which may be voluntary.
It is meet flexible programmes, for outside the institutional system, directed to certain specific sectors, as for example the adults, although without too many restrictions on the age of the groups, which can be very heterogeneous, oriented to specific and immediate goals affecting the accreditation, fulfilling an important function, to keep outside chances of social and labour inclusion to certain groupsthe formal system was leaving marginalized, to form in certain specific disciplines with rapid labor exit, among many other cases.
The scope and themes was growing, sometimes appearing as additional formal education, addressing issues such as the use of the idle hours, vocational guidance, learning of trades, civic education, environmental policy or the health.
In Argentina, the new Education Act in 2006 dedicated to non-formal education title IX, article 112, where committed to the Ministry of education, science and technology, the provinces, and to the city of Buenos Aires, to promote non-formal education to respond to labour problems and improve the living conditions of those who need trainingto encourage recreational, artistic, scientific, sporting, and cultural activities in general, moreover, coordinating actions with the mass media.