What is the meaning of Paraplegia? Concept, Definition of Paraplegia

What is: "paraplegia" ‒Definiciones and concepts -

1. Concept of paraplegia in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Paraplegia or paraplegia is a disease for which the lower part of the body is paralyzed and has no functionality. It is usually the result of a spinal cord injury or a congenital disease such as spina bifida. A polyneuropathy can also lead to paraplegia. If the arms are also affected by paralysis disease is called quadriplegia.

The causes of paraplegia range from the traumatic (serious spinal cord injury: sectioning or compression of the spinal cord, usually by bone fragments of a vertebral fracture or a birth trauma in children or a bullet, for example) to tumors (chronic compression of the cord), transverse myelitis and multiple sclerosis among others. Also as a result of the Pott's disease, tuberculosis of the spine described by Percivall Pott in 1779,
While some people suffering from paraplegia can walk to a certain extent, most rely on a wheelchair, prosthesis or other devices for mobility. Impotence and various levels of urinary and fecal incontinence are very common in those affected. Many of them have to use catheters and/or a bowel management programs (usually administering enemas, suppositories, or digital stimulation of the bowels) to address this problem. With successful bladder and bowel management patient can prevent all problems of the digestive and urinary systems, such as infections that are one of the main causes of mortality in this group. Another option may be to wear under clothes diapers for greater protection for incontinence.
Due to the reduction of mobility and loss of walking ability, paraplegia may cause numerous medical complications, many of which can be avoided with a minimum auto-cuidados. Some of the most common complications include the decubitus ulcer, thrombosis, impotence, and pneumonia. Physical therapy and some technological devices, such as the standing frame can help prevent these complications.

2. Definition of paraplegia

A Greek term resulted in the latin paraplexĭa, and this in a concept that in our language, can be written and pronounced in two ways: paraplegia or paraplegia. The notion is used to nominate what a person suffers when the lower region of your body is paralyzed by some kind of damage.
The paralysis can be caused by hereditary or acquired disease, spinal cord injury or tumor. For example: "the singer suffers from paraplegia since he crashed with his plane", "Having paraplegia does not prevent developing sporting activities", "the man hit by the drunk driver was with paraplegia".
Paraplegia can occur by a trauma. A bullet, a traffic accident or a fall from great height are situations that can damage bone marrow, either by compressing it or sectioning it. The problem in the bone marrow can also occur by growth of a tumor compressing it.
People who suffer from multiple sclerosis or transverse myelitis may also be paraplegic. Because of this State, individuals experiencing big problems to scroll (usually have to resort to a wheelchair) and may suffer intestinal disorders, incontinence and impotence.
Paraplegia, on the other hand, can generate side-effects on health, such as pneumonia or thrombosis. This is because the inability to scroll normally, that atrophy to the body. To minimize the possibility of appearing these effects, physical therapy is a good alternative.
The porn publisher Larry Flint and musician Herbert Vianna are two personalities suffering from paraplegia. Many paraplegic athletes, on the other hand, are renowned for their achievements in the Paralympics.