What is the meaning of Pardo? Concept, Definition of Pardo

1. Concept of Pardo in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

In general, it is called Brown, Brown, Brown, cinnamon, coffee, brown or chocolate to red to yellow-orange, dark and little saturated, colors similar to the more characteristic coloration of the wood, the Earth or the fur of the brown bear.
The way of designating this color is regionalized. Depending on the usual chromatic pitched in their region of origin, each Spanish speaker will refer to color as «Brown», «Brown», «chestnut», «coffee», «Carmelite» or «chocolate» while the preference for one term or the other denotes a particular shade of Brown. 'Canelo', on the other hand, denotes a specific, similar to the cinnamon color.
Pardo (from the latin pardus and Greek pardos, 'Leopard') referred originally to the predominant color of the fur of the Leopard (Panthera pardus) and is in this list, probably the most ancient word. In Spanish, it appears in the 10th century.
In a general and unspecified manner, 'pardo' refers to red colour to yellow-orange, medium to dark and moderate to very weak saturation. You can also be said «Brown» by ocher, ocher clear, ochre dark, Brown, gray, grey, desaturated, dirty, dark or opaque.
At a more technical level, we can refer to the standard Brown, i.e. which is standardized and it appears in catalogs and guides of colors. In this context, the name of «Brown» includes a set of tones similar to the standard, called pardiscas, distant brownish, brownish, or brownish.
Brown is a former term of the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in America which refers to the descendants of African slaves who intermarried with Europeans and Amerindians to form a people that was not mestizo or mulatto.
Since the 17TH century was used to identify a color of skin, which was necessarily dark. Physical features of Brown varied among themselves: and may have dark brown or almost white skin, or an intermediate color. The hair could be curly, smooth or any other texture, and any color. Most of the Brown inhabited lands where the Spaniards imported slaves during the colonial period.
In Brazil, pardo is a category of classification of population used by the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE) in censuses. The Portuguese word means «Brown» or «grey-brown», but is used to designate a "multiracial" or mixed person. The other categories are branco, black, amarelo and indigenous.

2. Definition of Pardo

Pardo is the name given to a color, also known as Brown. The term comes from the Latin word pardus and allows you to qualify that which has an earthy tone, which is situated between the black and white with touches of red and yellow.
For example: "To combine that shirt, should use a Brown trouser", "a Brown Wolf approached slowly to the child, who was left paralyzed in terror", "yesterday was a pardo and sad day in this city: hopefully today the sun rises".
During the American colonial period, Europeans used to describe how Brown the descendants of blacks who were mestizaron with the conquistadores and aborigines. It was people, therefore, were not mulattoes (children of blacks and whites) or mestizo (children of aborigines and whites). Qualification of Brown responded to the division of society into races, it was common at that time. The Brown tended to be brownish, darker than the Europeans skin but more clear than the African slaves.
When a day is defined as pardo, you are referring to cloud cover that prevents enjoy the sunlight. Brown days, therefore, are quite dark. Notably, in another sense, the voice of little vibrate and ring unclear also can qualify as Brown.
Ursus arctos, finally, is the scientific name of the animal which, in the colloquial language, known as brown bear. This mammal, inhabiting forests of North America, Europe and Asia, can weigh more than half a ton, measuring more than one metre long and lives about thirty years.