What is the meaning of Parties? Concept, Definition of Parties

Definition of Parties

1. Meaning of Parties

The term is used to designate part of an element that makes up a larger group of elements that has a specific function in it. The party is always a portion of the total, is spoken of abstract elements (such as geometry or arithmetic) or specific things (such as parts of furniture). While some so divisible and biased, may possess certain characteristics, the whole or total sum of all parts can make each transform, alter those features (or also hold) to become something higher and more complex.
In this sense, the notion of a part can be applied and used in different spheres of life. For example, while the most common use of the word is one that has already been mentioned (for example, when looking note the different portions or elements of an object such as a piece of furniture, a job, food, etc.), Is also common to use the term "party" to refer to the portion of a prize or an award for everyone. Here the notion of part is then added to the division or fragmentation.
then partly the term is commonly used to designate different persons or entities within a trial. The prosecution is one that is made ​​by those who accuse an individual, institution or entity and the defender is to defend it. These parts may be composed of a single individual or several depending on the case.
Finally, the idea of partly applied to scientific and abstract level, for example in mathematics, geometry, in nature. The parts of a mathematical account numbers or figures are forming that operation, while we can also talk about the parts of a whole, parts of a triangle or parts of a natural phenomenon.

2. Definition of Parties

The word comes from the Latin pars parties or partis, and has a multitude of meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In a legal context, refers to a portion each facing opposite positions at trial. They are called also to those parties involved in the signing of a contract. As an example, the phrase "Both sides agreed to close the trial by financial compensation."
Speaking of parties to right, these are divided into two categories: the direct parties and indirect parts. Direct parties are those that are the main part of the case, while hints are involved in the legal process to defend interests or causes that may be independent of the direct parties.
Entering other contexts, the word count is also used to refer at a fraction of the whole, as a part of the capital, some of the time or part of the road.
On an artistic level, the word is used to refer to each and every one of the sections that splits a play or literary. Paper also stands in regards to the characters in a play, while in the film, if the film is divided into several (for example, in a trilogy), the word also applies to refer to each one of the films, as in "the third part of the Star Wars came out a few years."
Like in the legal battle, the word part is also used to speak of armies, guerrillas or factions facing each other . It is also common to use when talking about political parties.
Finally, also tells part of a type of official document used to communicate things of urgent nature. In ancient wars, its use was very common to give notice of the number of deaths, surprises movements, attacks and situations that need to be alerted to senior soon.