What is the meaning of Plutocracy? Concept, Definition of Plutocracy

What is: "plutocracy" ‒Definiciones and Conceptos‒

1. Concept of plutocracy in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

A plutocracy (from the Greek πλουτοκρατία, 'riches' ploutos and kratos 'Government') is a system of Government in which the power boast who possess the sources of wealth.
It is often included as a type of oligarchy in his traditional vision promoted by the experiences in some Greek cities and City-States of medieval Italy (Genoa, Venice and Florence). We must not confuse the plutocracy with systems where the exercise of citizenship is linked to a minimum wealth, which in fact a so-called interest for the community, for example, the vote census requiring a minimum contribution to public finances (census). These systems are not plutocratic, because contributions do not go to a party.
To make the plutocracy material representation it is possible that appropriate, although not exclusively, with the old model of representation of iusprivatista origin:
• The representation serves only those who supported him, not subject to the mandate of the general will.
• There is the possibility that the President is revoked at any time by the will of their constituents.
• There is the responsibility of the President to those who supported him, with accountability of its management.
• The limited and explicit nature of the powers available to the President shall be subject to binding instructions from their constituents.
It is therefore a type of imperative and binding mandate that establishes an immediate link between mandator and mandatary. This structure often appear in those systems of Government in which those who hold political and legislative power ordered the economic power.

2. Definition of plutocracy

The concept of plutocracy is used to indicate to the system of Government in which there is a predominance of rich, i.e., those who run the political destinies of a nation are individuals of lots of money and who are owners of the greatest riches that exist. For instance, in this type of regime wealth will be the absolute basis of power.
Many tend to link to the plutocracy as a variant of the oligarchy. It is worth mentioning that the oligarchy is that form of Government in which power very few people have it. Surely this Association arises because historically the oligarchs have owned vast tracts of land and also of substantial sums of money that have allowed impose politically as the ticket holders.
Since the most remote times this situation has been a usual scene of diverse communities, societies and cultures, even, at present, most of the times, the bulging wallets have the power to distort decision-making and achieve certain benefits, something that of course is absolutely refused to those who do not have material resources.
A common situation these days and we can well relate it to the plutocracy is nothing transparent funding that some politicians and political groups for it.
Many companies or entrepreneurs tend to make available to candidates in campaign important amounts of money to finance his electoral path, but clear, in return asked that in case of power provide collaboration in the sanction of some laws that are beneficial for their business, among others.
On the other hand, it is also a reality of this era that some less-developed nations depend economically on others that are more powerful in terms of money and then in exchange for earnings that promise them end up submitting to their designs and support them in their proposals.
On the other hand, the word is used to express that in a country, region, territory, among others, there is a clear predominance of the affluent class, or the class which presents more material resources.