What is the meaning of Quality control? Concept, Definition of Quality control

What is: "Quality Control" ‒Definiciones and Conceptos‒

1 Concept of Quality Control in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Quality control are all mechanisms, actions, tools to detect the presence of errors. Quality control function exists primarily as a service organization, to meet the specifications established by the product engineering and provide assistance to the Department of manufacturing, so the production scope these specifications. As such, the function consists of the collection and analysis of large amounts of data which are then presented to different departments to initiate appropriate corrective action.
Any product that does not meet the minimum characteristics to say that it is correct, will be deleted without being able to correct possible manufacturing defects that could prevent those added costs and waste of material.
To control the quality of a product inspections or tests of sampling are performed to verify that the same characteristics are optimal. The only drawback of these tests is the expenditure associated with control of each manufactured product, since removed defective ones, without the possibility of re-use.

2. Definition of Quality Control

Quality control, allows to verify that the products or services offered by the companies meet the conditions necessary for its beneficial, healthy and reliable use, according to the offered.
To control quality, used a series of tools and processes, which tested and verified that customer are satisfied, without risks, to minimize failures.
If during the stage of controller errors are checked, this allows correct them. Is therefore recommended, that control not only a posteriori, but be done before or during the process of elaboration or provision of the service.
Quality control can be within the same company, through its quality control Department, or externally, when for example the State controls that foodstuffs are in good health condition, or do not contain banned additives; When controlling the quality of the water that reaches households, or if the transport service is appropriate, etc.
The lack of quality of product or service responsible directly why their manufacturer or supplier, so some decide to voluntarily incorporate ISO standards of quality control, which provides rules to level international (except for electricity and electronics industries) that gives them greater confidence from the public, thereby allowing them a better position in the market with respect to competitionthat does not ensure the quality of its offer.
At international and national levels, there are laws of Defense to the consumer, that protects it against the lack of quality of those products, where control has not existed or has failed.