What is the meaning of Scale? Concept, Definition of Scale


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1. Concept of scale in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The scale is the mathematical relationship between the actual dimensions and the drawing that represents the reality on a map or a map. It is the relationship of proportion between measures of a map with the originals.
The scales are written in the form of reason where the antecedent indicates the value of the flat and the consequent value of reality. For example the 1:500 scale, it means that 1 cm of the plane is equivalent to 5 m in reality.
• Examples: 1:1, 1:10, 1:500, 1:5:1, 50:1, 75:1
If what you want to measure the drawing is a surface, it will have to take into account the relationship between areas of similar figures, for example a square of 1 cm of side in the drawing.
There are three types of so-called scales:
• Natural scale: is when the physical size of the object represented in the drawing matches the reality. There are several standardized formats of plans to procure most parts that are machined are drawn to natural scale; i.e., scale 1:1.
• Reducing scale: is used when the physical size of the plane is less than the reality. This scale is used to render parts (e. 1:2 or 1:5 e.), flat of housing (E: 1:50), or physical maps of territories where the reduction is much greater and can be scales of the order of e. 1:50 000 or e. 1:100 000. To know the real value of a dimension should multiply the measurement of the plane by the value of the denominator.
• Large scale: is used when we have to make very small parts or details of a flat plane. In this case the value of the numerator is higher than the value of the denominator is that must be divided by the numerator to get to know the real value of the piece. Examples of large scales are: e. 2:1 or 10:1.
• According to the norm UNE EN ISO 5455:1996. "Drawings. Scales"is recommended to use the following standard scales:
Large scales: 100:1, 50:1, 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, 2:1
Scale: 1:1
Reduction scales: 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:20000

2. Definition of scale

A scale is an orderly succession of distinct values belonging to a same quality.
It is called scale to a set of values or grades that can be placed within a same contingency or quantitative entity.
There are different types of scales. For example, a mapping scale is the mathematical relationship between the actual dimensions and drawing on a plane, such as a map. In connection with this concept is that of a drawing or plan "to scale", i.e., that is not carried out in actual size but in a given proportion. This is excluding the legend read "full-scale", case in which the graph or representation shall respect the original proportions of the represented object.
When we say that something is made "to human scale" means that it responds to the proportions of an average human being and, therefore, in the case of a house or building, is habitable by individuals.
Another type of scale is the musical, a group of notes constituting a musical work. The economy of scale, to cite another example, is based on the production of goods in large quantities or, as they say, "a large scale".
In addition to those scales, certain others have been named to responding to their discoverer or ideologue. For example, the scale of Pauling, which classifies the electronegativity of the atoms, or the Richter or Mercalli, both with the ability to classify the magnitude of a system or earthquake. Or well, the Mohs, qualifying the hardness of a substance.
Other common scales are the temperature used in the production of thermometers, chromatic, for classification and use of colors for example in graphic design or painting. Scale or rankings were also spoken to refer to different instances that a professional can traverse in the organizational chart of a company or institution.

3 Definition of scale

The term scale, it comes from the latin scala, it has different applications. It is, for example, the orderly succession of values of a same quality. For example: "In the color scale, the Orange is closer to red than green".
The scale is, on the other hand, a line straight, divided into equal parts, allowing represent meters, kilometers, or other unit of measure. These scales are used to draw distances and dimensions proportionately in a plan or map. If, according to the scale of a map, one centimeter equals ten actual kilometers, a distance of 100 km must be represented by 10 cm.
Scale is also the proportion or size which develops an idea or a project: "We must make an investment on a large scale to bring running water to all the peoples of the Northwest".
In physics, the scale is a ranking used in various instruments to enable the measurement of magnitude. The Richter scale and the Mercalli Scale, for example, possible to classify the magnitude of an earthquake or earthquake.
It is known as musical scale to the consecutive sounds that occur regularly in up or down and that are related to a single tone that is what gives its name to the scale. The succession of sounds is specified according to the laws of tonality.
A scale, finally, may be a ladder made of wood and rope.

4. Definition of scale

The term is from the latin Scala, is basically a set of terms of a same quality ranked succession. The scale of a unit refers to the measure that must be taken into account in the reduce / enlarge something to make for a more easy to interpret, for example, a giant building need a scale model more small so that engineers and architects can better visualize your geometry, another example would be your physical or drawn representationa small piece of the engine of a car should be maximized in a plane, with their respective projections in order to be able to make its features.
Scale is represented most commonly by a line or stepped straight divided in equal part in which each step or line segment represents a unit, such as centimeters (cm), meter (m) and kilometres (km), these scales are for the purpose of recreating distances and proportional in a drawing or map dimensions. Scale is also the proportion or size which develops an idea or a project: "we must make an investment on a smaller scale to experiment the viable project, if it turns out, that scale will be increased".
In the field of drawing, the scale plays a fundamental role, and hence its respective range of uses is rooted lead to production in mass or construction of buildings and products. Engineers and operators of machines should have a basic notion of what they are doing. For example, enlargement of the part on a plane in order to see exactly how much thread leads, see the exact geometry of the head is necessary for the realization of a screw, are dimensions, strength and resistance so that it can be built, then he is assigned him a force comprised scale, in which the bolt will remain and will be identified at the time of its acquisition for use in specificThese scales are mostly resistance, weight or size.
Meaning of scale obtained on: definition of scale

5 Concept of scale

The word scale comes from the latin "scala" which means stair or ladder, meaning therefore related to graduations and proportions.
It is a concept that is applied in various fields. In cartography, used to indicate a relationship, either numeric or graphic, between reality and drawing. For example the number of actual miles between one place and another of the Earth's surface are represented on a map in smaller sizes, but which are equivalent to the real. For example, 1 cm. can amount to 100,000 kms. real (scale 1,100,000) the dimensions of the planet are so large that it would be impossible to move it to a sheet of paper, but using the scale we can rebuild the observable small size, to the real. As the entire map is done on the same scale, the comparison with other sites will give us a proportional comparative view. Where we have explained is the numerical scale.
The graphic scale, which is a line somewhere visible on the map, divided into segments, which represent the actual distances and their equivalents in each segment is also used. If one measured the distance from one point to another of the map with a compass, and then moved it to the graphic scale, you can get the actual distance between a point on the Earth's surface.
The Celsius scale is a graduation of temperature stepped between 0 ° (degree of freezing) and 100 ° (degree of boiling water).
The chromatic scale is a gradation of colors where a color is decomposing in nuances. Grayscale part black, and will, through the gradual aggregation of white, approaching this last color. This term "chromatic scale" is also used in music to designate scale containing the twelve semitones, comprising notes not included in the major scale.
The musical scale is a succession of regular musical sounds, which are expressed in up or down, from a single tone, which gives the name to the scale.

6 Concept of scale

The word scale comes from the latin scala, and is defined as a way of classifying objects or events of a practical and effective way. In practice, there are dozens of scales, all designed to measure and classify different things, in addition to the word itself has several meanings depending on the context.
If we talk about the scales of measurement, a very popular and well known is the Richter scale, which allows you to assign a numeric value to the intensity of earthquakes. It is based on ten positions, being any value ten times more powerful than its predecessor. Thus, a scale five earthquake is 10 times more powerful than one of level four, and so on. Over time, this scale was replaced by the seismic scale of magnitude of time, which measures earthquakes based on the amount of energy released.
In mathematics, a fundamental and well known scale is one that is represented on the number line. It is consists of a straight line that marks the integers using stripes or dots. All numbers are separated by a uniform space, being the zero origin that divides the line into two parts, the negative numbers and the positives. The number line is a great help in understanding concepts simple as addition or subtraction.
In the world of the economy, is called economy of scale to a company's ability to produce more product at a lower cost. In this way, as more units are produced, the cost for each one of them is reduced, allowing to increase the profit margins while at the same time, the cost is reduced to the final consumer.
In cartography, it is called scale to the relationship between the size of the actual territory and its representation on the map.