What is the meaning of Scene? Concept, Definition of Scene

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1. Concept of scene in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The staging is a concept used in film, television and theatrical practice. In film and television, would come to be a synonym of composition but applied to the audiovisual environment. In theater, means putting in scene the work of the stage director or director of theater, which is to the scene a dramatic text making it a teatral.1 representation
By extension and by the influence of the French language (which, at times and archaic form, uses the expression metteur-en-scène to refer to the film director) is used today to refer to the fact that everything that appears on screen or onstage is subject, as appropriate, to the will of the director of film or filmmaker, and theater director. To be more precise, the word that should be used to include all this in cinema is «preparation».
According to this broader definition, the Mise en scène refers to the combination of elements that make up the image and the theatrical representation, namely: dramaturgy, scenery or scenery; lighting; changing rooms and characterization; interpretation; sound.

2. Definition of scene

It is known as scene to each of the parts that make up a play, this in the case of the theater, meanwhile, in film and television, is called scene to the representation of a particular situation that the protagonists of a film or TV program carry out.
The scene is then an essential part and a widely used and current concept in the world of cinema, theatre and television. Because the scene as well as the recreation of a particular situation involves the composition, according to the requirements of the artistic piece in question, on the stage in the case of theatre, or the plane in film and television, i.e., a scene not only look stakeholders that interact, and which undoubtedly are attractive more of what has, but also various elements, such as furniture, objects, decorations, lighting, makeup, costumes, among others, will also contribute to the definition and creation of a scene.
Usually responsible for directing the work of the actors in each of the scenes and mark or register each one of these, i.e. its start, its end, its best formulation, interpretation, will be the director, that is who will have in their head the totality of the work that will be then breaking down into small parts or scenes.

3. Definition of scene

Scene is a term that comes from the latin scena, although its more remote origin is in a Greek word meaning "shelter of branches". It is the area of a theater room devoted to the representation of a work.
You can say that the scene is the physical space in which actions unfold before the eyes of the spectators. Scene, therefore, can be used as a synonym for stage. For example: "the actor came on stage and the audience began to applaud immediately", "the director asked me to, when it enters the scene, look to the protagonist in the eyes and speak to you clearly", "to make their appearance on the scene, the actress stumbled and hurt an arm".
The scene is also everything that is represented on stage and different parts in which acts of the works can be divided: "hurry up, ten minutes for a change of scene", "people are touched with the scene in which the boy is wounded", "the work seemed to me to be entertaining, but I didn't like the final scene".
A similar sense refers to a film fragments that form a unity: "one of the most memorable action scenes is persecution in moto Terminator II", "I went back to see the scene of the murder a couple of times more since it was me unclear what had happened".
The facts which constitute a kind of spectacle and the expression of exaggerated or pretended to draw attention are also known as scene: "Say to Paul that finished with the scene and return to work", "the singer rode a scene to announce that he would bring a new album".
Carefully work the scenes
When writing a story the author shall take into account, not only the way in which will be the story and the characters who will participate, but also how will be the environment.
Learn to properly choose the scene, involves having this audience is addressed the history; i.e. that is necessary to find the space, how the mode and face the task of approaching the reader more properly, this is control over the scene.
On the other hand, build the scenes ideals for a story will positively collaborate with keep the rhythm and magic in it. An important tip to take into account by the author is to look for the greatest possible accuracy. More likely is that more efficient to show a character that is passed the day along with your first aid kit ordering hundreds of pills, which tell that she is a hypochondriac; the first image is more realistic and closest.
These tips are valid for both playwrights and novelists, but generally the term is most commonly related to theatre. Anyway some essential tips in this art can be very useful for novelists. Some of them, with respect to the importance of the scene, are:
* Have the time that will last, the actions to be developed, the space that will make it clear and find a rhythm that fit the characteristics of the actions or circumstances;
* Pay attention to composition. In photography this concept refers to devise the snapshot that you want before you capture the image; in the script is the same, think previously the composition of the scene to find out how to shape it on paper;
* Get truthful characters, allowing the reader to identify with them or can display them correctly in that context;
* Use only the scenes that are actually needed, not abuse of literary resources, or "put on display" elements will not be useful or important in history.

4. Definition of scene

The word scene comes from the latin scena, and makes reference to the specific part of a theatre where is represented the show or play. It is considered as scene all over the place or space in which the action in view of the hearing happens. However, the word scene can have several different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
For example, when you talk about a mise en scene, refers to the work of convert text into a play, from the actors and dialogue to the scenography, lighting and sound. The work of a mise en scene is done by a director, who is in charge of coordinating all the details of the theatrical. Television is also spoken of staging, but in this case referred to the settings and the position of the various actors. Given that television is an interactive medium, with constant changes of angle, the staging is an essential part.
The word scene also refers to works of theatre as an art. This use is reserved to a more formal language, as in the phrase "your performance is majestic. You should devote your life to the scene". To the literature with dramatic overtones also you can be named with this word, as in "the European scene lost popularity over time".
Specific contexts also are known as scenes, as in the phrase "in the turbulent political scene, I do not know know who will win the elections" or "the European crisis is the point of attention in the international economic scene".
Scene is also called an action feigned, dramatic, exaggerated and often made to draw attention, as in "Bothered so much that it made us a scene in the middle of all the restaurant".