What is the meaning of School bullying? Concept, Definition of School bullying

Definition of bullying

1 Meaning of bullying

Bullying (also known as school harassment, complete school, school bullying or by its acronym for bullying) is any form of physical, verbal or psychological abuse occurred among school children of repeatedly over a period of time. Statistically, the type of dominating violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and playground of those schools. The protagonists of bullying cases tend to be boys and girls in the process of entry into adolescence (12-14 years), with a slightly higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims.
Bullying is a characteristic and extreme form of school violence.
Bullying is a kind of torture, methodical and systematic, in which the aggressor add to the victim, often with silence, indifference or complicity of other colleagues.
This type of school violence is therefore characterized by a repetition to get the victim of intimidation, involving an abuse of power that is exerted by a stronger aggressor (either actual or perceived fortress subjectively) than that. The damaged subject is, thus, exposed physically and emotionally before the subject of abusive, creating as a result a series of psychologic sequelae (though these are not part of the diagnosis); It is common that the beleaguered live terrified with the idea of going to school and is showing very nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the hardness of the situation can lead to thoughts about suicide and even its materialization, consequences of the harassment to persons regardless of age.

2. Definition of bullying

Bullying is a very common problem today. It is, moreover, a problem that does not distinguish according to region, social sector, education or economic level. He is meant by bullying to abuse a person (usually a boy or girl) can suffer in school education. Abuse may manifest itself in many different ways, but usually included physical and verbal violence. Other forms of ill-treatment are discrimination, indifference, etc.
Specialists understand that bullying can have many significances and causes, but usually relates to the fact that we live in a highly violent, competitive, and individualistic society in many ways and areas. It is common that that child who assaults another or causes you any harm probably also suffers himself some kind of physical or psychological suffering in their own intimate reality. On the other hand, the lack of values such as solidarity, friendship and participation in a group are so present in society that it is difficult for the school (who also also generates competitiveness, success and failure values) revert them.
It is common to hear or know of children who occupy leadership roles in a group and carry it to the same commit evil deeds against other children more vulnerable or weak and it is this same violence and permanent abuse that have caused large school tragedies, perpetuated by those children or teens tired of suffering abuse, indifference and discrimination of their peers.
Violence and bullying are not problems that can be resolved from one day to another if that have nothing to do with a way of communicating social and general that it relies on the use of aggression, violence, intolerance and lack of respect. Adolescents and children tend to discriminate and assaulting those who consider themselves distinct without really knowing them, generating feelings of fear, fear, suffering, sadness and even depression are often hard to reverse and that mark the person for life preventing him from carrying a full and normal life.

3 Concept of bullying

A child enters the classroom or classroom and begins to hear laughter. When sitting, warns that they have stuck chewing gum (gum) in your Chair. When it rises to be cleaned, toss him a chalk knocking on his head. A group of peers, meanwhile, is still laughing. There is no doubt: the small is a victim of bullying at school.
Harassment is conduct of harassment that generates a discomfort in the victim. School, on the other hand, is an adjective associated with the school and the students. Bullying, therefore, is the persecution or the cornering that one or more children carry out against another or others within the educational establishment.
This type of harassment, also known as bullying (by its English name), may include various forms of aggression that are maintained over time. The abuse against the victim can be verbal (with taunts and insults) or physical (hits). In any case, the beleaguered child can suffer psychological disorders to the pressure and violence.
Bullying can take place in different areas of the school, such as the classroom, playground, gymnasium or halls. It is usual to develop quietly, in view of other colleagues (which tend to be accomplices or, at least, indifferent) but unless the authorities of the establishment or the parents take knowledge of the situation.
To address this problem, which in its most extreme cases may lead the victim to suicide, you need the intervention of teachers, families and a team of psychologists.