What is the meaning of Sponsorship? Concept, Definition of Sponsorship

Definition of sponsorship

1 Meaning of sponsorship

Sponsorship, from the latin patrocinĭum, is an aid, protection, or protection. The concept can be understood from the point of view of the religion or the economy.
At the religious level, the sponsorship is the advocation of a figure that assumes a particular organization. This means that, to establish the sponsorship, that Organization (such as a hospital or a school) instructs the religious figure and asks for their protection.
Sponsorship can be played by a Saint, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or other religious figures.
Referred to as cathedrals under the patronage to those who are dedicated to a Saint or a sacred event. Examples include the Cathedral of Santa Maria in Valencia (Spain), the Cathedral of the assumption of the Virgin Mary in the city of Mexico and St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne (Australia).
For the economy, the sponsorship is support given by a company to an artist or athlete. Are usually of an economic support provided in exchange for advertising: the company pays the protagonist to advertise this, in one way or another, to the company. Thus, a food company can sponsor a football team paying a certain sum of money to take the shirt that players use the logo of a brand.
Sponsorship can also be selfless: in that case, often speak of patronage. An employer may sponsor an environmentalist campaign because it believes it is right to help the preservation of the environment.

2. Definition of sponsorship

A sponsorship is an advertising strategy in the form of agreement in which both parties involved receive a benefit. Sponsorship involves advertising in a particular place, the owner of this site or thing allows advertising to be placed on up, to the view of all Viewer, client. This type of advertising has a consumer-friendly impact, for it is inevitable to not feel attracted by the presence of the brand in some object which is preferred. Sponsorship is common in sports as the car (Formula 1, GP2, Nascar), this is more propaganda type sponsorship showing, however, in any official sport is seen and common advertising on uniforms or on the sides of the pitch where it is played.
This strategy's promotes a kind of advertising of high productivity, the consumer is highly attracted by the brand of your choice in a contest or competition of high popularity, by which access to purchase the product or service already believes that if you have that kind of sponsorship, it is because it's a quality product. Companies are looking for is cover as far as possible the greater amount of space, not only in the media latent today, also in the street with billboards and ads. It is important for companies, to have presence in the sporting and cultural shows where you find large numbers of spectators.
Sponsorship can be seen as an investment, a business in which the company put its brand on a baseball uniform makes a payment to this or to the team so that they have the presence, but however, the team's performance is an important factor, inclusive, there will be cases in which equipment is committed to its sponsors to win the Cuppromise with uncertain results, but that in a certain way to be the team champion, the viewer will feel attracted inevitably by the brand, product or service. Relates to a sponsor the acceptance of this type of advertising, since it varies from the form of expression to the quality of the product.

3 Concept of sponsorship

The word sponsorship may have two main utilities, which although they are related to a similar meaning, are frequent for different situations among themselves. It is one of the most common ways in which the concept of sponsorship is used when referring to any type of protection or support that a person or institution can do to another person or institution so that the second reaching goals that by their count could not be achieved so easily. Similarly, other use that is given to the word sponsorship has to do with advertising certain brands or companies made about athletes and artists to help them economically reach their goals. In this second case, the sponsorship is much more linked to financial support and can often be criticized since it implies the loss of independence or autonomy of the one who is sponsored to be supported by large companies.
The sponsorship is a phenomenon that exists since time immemorial, whenever any social group required the help of another more powerful sector at political, social, economic or cultural level. The sponsorship was very common in the era immediately following the close of the middle ages, when Florentine artists from other Italian cities required the support and accompaniment of patrons (powerful people at political and economic level) in order to develop their careers.
Today, sponsorship can be given in different areas, for example when a person requires the intellectual, moral or professional sponsorship of a University for his thesis or research work. Also, as stated, can occur when an athlete or artist required the support of companies or powerful people at the economic level that finance their arrival at events such as the Olympics or that allow them to make exhibitions that could not do on their own. The sponsorship always involves some level of commitment to one that supports the cause (to the level that is) because it is thanks to him (person or institution) that you can finally obtain the planned objectives.