What is the meaning of Wall? Concept, Definition of Wall

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1. Concept of wall in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

A wall is a vertical masonry bordering an architectural space. Its shape is usually prismatic and its horizontal dimensions (length) and vertical (h) are significantly larger than its thickness (width).
Building partitions or walls are called (if they have structural function) and are used as elements to delimit or divide spaces and/or support the upper structural elements (walls).
They can be built with different materials, however, currently the most widely used materials are brick and plasterboard, wood and its derivatives to be less frequent. In certain areas of the planet are still using ancient techniques such as stone, adobe or rammed earth walls. In more benign climates, walls can be made with lighter materials, or be shaped by all sorts of plants (like the bamboo cane).
The case of the closings of textiles, such as tents and tents, would be the limit of the "wall" concept, because although they would continue to perform the functions of separation and protection, they would lack the quality of rigidity inherent to the concept of wall.
If the wall only meets the purpose of division, used normally ceramic brick, well Massif (in the case of facades) or hollow (in interior partitions). Currently, for non-structural interior divisions is frequently also used carton plaster, signboards anchored to an interior frame, which can be of wood slats (case of the Balloon frame American) or more commonly from folded steel profiles. It is also possible to replace the cardboard plate plaster plates of wood or some derivative of the wood, such as particles, agglomerates, OSB boards
If the wall is structural function it is called master wall, load-bearing wall or load-bearing wall. Walls or concrete walls are almost never just an anchor element, they are often also structural supporting beams, slabs or slabs. They can also make walls or walls of solid brick, or concrete blocks placed with different rigs, even if there are walls or other materials bearing.
The walls tend to have surface finish treatments. Those of brick are hardfaced with mortars of cement, lime or plaster, which are subsequently painted. Plasterboard walls only need to paint, while the wood normally are protected with varnish.

2. Definition of wall

Between different applications that has the term wall (which comes from the latin parĭes), the most common refers to the vertical construction which allows defining or close a place. Typically, that every room of a house or another type of establishment has four walls, erected on the ground and covered by the roof.
For example: "Juana asked me to paint the walls of your room in pink", "we will have to call a plumber: appeared a moisture stain on the wall of the bathroom", "when I have some time, I'm going to hang the mural on the wall".
The wall is the result of a masonry work. It can be made of different materials, such as stone, brick, wood, plaster, or others. Its height and its longitudinal extension always exceed the thickness.
Although the notion of wall is associated with a solid wall, the concept is also used to name the sides or sides of various objects. In this sense, you can speak wall a piece of furniture or wall of a mountain.
Within the scope of soccer, the wall is a move made by two members of a same set. The movement takes place when a player passes the ball to his mate and advances to look back some meters ahead. The second player (i.e. the partner who receives the first pass), therefore, must return the ball to the position: "Messi and Xavi did a wall on the edge of the area which ended in a new goal scored by the Argentine striker".