What is the meaning of Environmental protection? Concept, Definition of Environmental protection

Definition of environmental protection

1 Meaning of environmental protection

The place where we live, near and far, our home, which we share with plants and animals, and them and ourselves, make up the environment, and therefore we must take care of it, protect it, because if we continue to deteriorate it, as so far, this precious treasure that ensures our existence, succumb.
Environmental protection, consists of the set of measures that are taken at public and private levels to care for our natural habitat, preserve it from deterioration and contamination. Prevent or limit the felling of trees, give better treatment to the waste, prohibit the hunting of animals in danger of extinction, reduce the consumption of energy, pesticides, fuels and other pollutants, minimize noise, do not throw garbage, recycle it, are some of those measures, which in practice and in the absence of awareness of the population, should be imposed by legal means with the consequent penaltiesfor those who violate the rules of protection.
School education to learn to value the environment and learn how to care for it is very important for small awareness of the seriousness of the problem, which has generated among other serious consequences, global warming, acid rain, biodiversity loss, water pollution, flooding, desertification, etc.
Each person or a group of them who spend part of their time to prevent or correct the damage that warn on the planet, will be contributing to environmental protection. The State through its agents is obliged to make the necessary efforts for environmental protection, as it is part of your policy, since understood this as the general good-oriented activity, this cannot be obtained if the environment is sick.

2. Definition of environmental protection

Environmental conservation, species conservation, nature conservation or nature protection are some of the names that are known ways to protect and preserve the future of nature, the environment, or specifically some parts: flora and fauna, different species, different ecosystems, landscape values, etc. The social movement that advocates that conservation is designated with the name of conservationism. One of its aspects is the environmental movement.
But also the rational and sustainable use of natural resources and the environment. Its objectives include ensuring the persistence of species and ecosystems and improving the quality of life of the populations, for the benefit of the present and future generations. But we know that this has been private mainly by the excessive consumption of the human being, by pollution, by neglect of our rivers, all of nature and species. Some environmental problems that can be defined are, - deforestation - pollution - waste
The human being, as it progresses is destroying the few and last wild or natural areas that remain; It is extinct species of plants and animals; you are losing valuable germplasm of species and domestic varieties of plants and animals; It is contaminating sea, air, soil and water, and the environment in general.Follow this process, future generations may not see now many things that today we have the pleasure of seeing. Moreover, human beings not only is impoverishing his environment and himself, but who is committing its own survival as a species. Nature conservation is given for economic, scientific, cultural, ethical, social and legal reasons.
1. For economic reasons, is development with reasonable use of natural resources is more profitable in the long term than that which destroys natural resources. The degradation of resources leads to economic losses for the country.
2 Much compelling scientific reasons justify the conservation of the environment. The conservation of natural areas, with its flora and fauna, preserves important genetic future material, since all domestic species derived from wild species, and these are very sought to renew current crops and livestock genetically. Many crops are affected by pests and diseases by genetic weakness. The retrocruce with wild species returns to resistance.
3. Many areas should be retained for cultural reasons, with the human populations that contain. In the sierra and in the Amazon have been developed human groups with technical and cultural events of great importance, which should not disappear. Music, dance, language, architecture, crafts, historic remains, etc., are important aspects of a country's wealth and are part of their heritage.
4. For ethical or moral reasons man has no right to destroy their environment and biodiversity. Nature, natural resources, culture and, in general, all of the environment, are the heritage of a nation and of the whole of humanity. Natural resources and the environment are the heritage of the nation, and the State is responsible for preserving the common good, with the participation of the citizens.
5. For social reasons the conservation of the environment is also justified. The looting of natural resources, pollution and the deterioration of the environment affect human societies in the form of diseases, social unrest over access to land, space and food; and they are generators of poverty and economic crisis.
6. The legal reasons that justify conservation are in the Constitution, in international treaties and in legislation.
The conservation of nature and natural resources is essentially based on three aspects:
• Sort space and allow different options for use of resources. • Preserve the natural, cultural and historical heritage of each country. • Conservation of natural resources, production base.

3 Concept of environmental protection

The rapid population growth and the expansion of agriculture and industry have contributed to environmental deterioration, especially in the coastal area, where more than half of the population of Israel and most of its industry is concentrated. To combat the pollution of the coastal strip of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, Israel has adopted a multifaceted program of inspection, legislation, law enforcement, cleaning beaches and international cooperation, mainly within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan.
Under conditions of water scarcity and intensive development, the decrease in the quality of the water is a critical issue. The main causes of pollution of underground waters are chemical fertilizers, pesticides, the penetration of sea water and domestic and industrial wastewater. It has been granted high priority to treatment of wastewater to prevent their effects on the environment and public health and to develop an additional source of water for agricultural irrigation. A recently-approved water management plan stipulates desalting wastewater and salinas, the improvement of the treatment of wastewater for reuse, efficient water production and conservation. It has begun a rehabilitation program from rivers contaminated with the aim of transforming them into sources of fresh water with ecological and recreational value. The quality of drinking water is strictly monitored.
The factors affecting the air quality include the production of energy, transport and industry - all three have increased dramatically in recent years. The use of low sulfur for the production of energy fuel has helped significantly reduce the concentrations of sulfur dioxide, but the increase in vehicular traffic-related emissions of pollutants have increased significantly. Lead-free petrol, catalytic converters and low sulphur content diesel have been introduced to mitigate the problem. A nationwide surveillance system provides updated information about the quality of the air in the country. Israel also complies with international resolutions relating to ozone depletion and climate change.
The accelerated population growth and the expansion of agriculture and industry have contributed to environmental deterioration, especially in the coastal area, where more than half of the population of Israel and most of its industry is concentrated. To combat the pollution of the coastal strip of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, Israel has adopted a multifaceted program of inspection, legislation, law enforcement, cleaning beaches and international cooperation, mainly within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan.
Under conditions of intensive development and water scarcity, degradation of water quality is a critical issue. The main causes of pollution of underground waters are chemical fertilizers, pesticides, seawater intrusion and the infiltration of domestic and industrial wastewater into aquifers. It has been granted high priority to treatment of wastewater to prevent their effects on the environment and public health and to develop an additional source of water for agricultural irrigation. A recently-approved water management plan stipulates desalting wastewater and salinas, the improvement of the treatment of wastewater for reuse, efficient water production and conservation. It has begun a rehabilitation program from rivers contaminated with the aim of transforming them into sources of fresh water with ecological and recreational value. The quality of drinking water is strictly monitored.
Factors that affect the quality of the air include the production of energy, transport and industry; all three have increased dramatically in recent years. The use of fuel of low content sulfur for energy production has helped to significantly reduce the concentrations of sulphur dioxide, but the increase in vehicular traffic-related emissions of pollutants have increased significantly. Lead-free petrol, catalytic converters and low sulphur content diesel have been introduced to mitigate the problem. A nationwide surveillance system provides updated information about the quality of the air in the country. Israel also complies with international resolutions relating to ozone depletion and climate change.
The rapid increase of the population, the level of life and consumption have led to significant increases in solid waste, on the order of 4-5% annually. The majority of illegal landfills in the country have been eliminated in recent years and replaced by landfills that do not constitute an environmental threat. He is trying to implement an integrated solid waste management including the reduction, recycling, recovery and incineration. Recent recycling regulations will facilitate the transition to a technology with little or no waste.
The handling of dangerous substances "from the cradle to the grave" is based on subjecting all aspects of their production, use, treatment and disposal to licensing, regulation and supervision. The emphasis on the enforcement of laws, the development of a national preparedness plan for coordinated emergency accident response, and the improvement of the national landfill of toxic and dangerous waste will allow to minimize the potential hazards to health and the environment.
The first priority em this is the rigorous implementation of environmental legislation, together with education, from kindergarten to University. The public helps to enforce environmental laws, avoiding throwing garbage and ensuring the welfare of animals. Citizens are entitled to denounce violations of the relevant laws. More economic instruments are being used increasingly to promote environmental quality, whether in the form of financial benefits to the industries which invest in the prevention of pollution, or in the form of taxes and fines those who pollute. Efforts in the conservation of resources and the prevention of pollution in all economic sectors will invest.