What is the meaning of Natural sciences? Concept, Definition of Natural sciences

Definition of natural sciences

Ciencias Naturales

1 Meaning of natural sciences

The natural sciences are a field of practical and elaborated knowledge that stays a constant monitoring of the fundamental aspects of life nature of the planet has been the impact of the man in the media who are exploited or not renewable. The natural sciences are responsible for distributing and keeping organized the species of animals and plants for study and consideration. The study of the natural sciences is divided into branches which, in turn, develop skills and studies capable of making emphasis on any aspect of the stable condition of the nature of the Earth.
The first is biology, which is a science that studies the origin evolution and matrices of behavior of human beings and organisms with life on the planet. Physics is a subject that is essential in the natural sciences, which are studied and analyzed the States of matter, structure and composition, with this area of the natural sciences, will uncover the mysteries of the origin of the planet. Chemistry studies the interactions of the different types of materials and their consequences to the environment and behavior of the elements on the planet, astronomy, fundamental science which explores the planets and satellites of the solar system, as well as also the incidences of outsiders to the Earth and its consequences. Finally, the Earth Sciences are divided in order to deepen the studies of the composition of the Earth, soil, seas and the dynamic balance of the planet.
As well as these branches, there are hundreds of branches more linked with the development of ideas and proposals for care and learn more about it. The current conditions of the planet indicate that the natural sciences play a key role for his stamina, studies by biologists, chemists, physicists, geologists and others lead to answers that can help combat global warming.

2. Definition of natural sciences

Natural sciences are called those disciplines that orderly and systematically, using the experimental method, have as their object of study (created without human intervention) nature.
Among the natural sciences will include disciplines such as biology (botany, zoology and Anatomy), astronomy, geology, physics and chemistry.
In them, while may have the human being as an object of study, case of Anatomy, what is studied from it, is its organizational structure, and its instinctive and social behavior but is not concerned with the cultural creations of this man, what is object of the social sciences.
Some Sciences like psychology have components of the natural sciences, and social sciences for studying the behavior of the human being, whose essential elements are biological in nature and social influence.
Physical geography studies natural phenomena such as the relief, climate, hydrography, and therefore in this sense is a natural science, since all these events preceded the human being; but the geography of human activities, which studied the economic activities, or geographical displacement motivated by migrations, for example is part of the social sciences.
Other sciences such as sociology, which is obviously social, has tried to use so that its conclusions could be worth in every time and place the inductive or experimental method (part of specific cases, then generalize), of the natural sciences.
Its conclusions have claim to universality, and only discarded when new experiences demonstrate the error of law who came to formulate.

3 Concept of natural sciences

The natural sciences encompass entire science dedicated to the study of nature, within which all living beings coexist. Therefore, the object of study material is nature, analyzed by means of the scientific method; every natural science differs from the others by its formal object, i.e., by the appearance of the nature in which focuses.
In comparison with the social sciences, the natural sciences are more objective, and used more rigorously in scientific method; they have also more universal value, since their knowledge are unchanged (only vary if you discover any fault in the veracity).
Natural sciences deal with the physical world that surrounds us, and can be divided, according to their formal object, in: Physics, chemistry, biology (within it are: medicine, botany and Zoology), astronomy, and geology. Astronomy, closely related to chemistry and physics, is in charge of the universe, the stars and all those phenomenon occurred in outer space (all this is beyond the Earth's atmosphere); to expand their knowledge carried out several expeditions to the area, and it has even to the Moon, which is considered a great progress for humanity.
The natural sciences not only inquire about the nature, but that some of these Sciences, after acquiring certain skills, try to modify nature, for the benefit of the human being, of the environment, etc. One of the examples that are more the view is genetics (part of Biology), which specializes in study genes, i.e. the hereditary material, and tries to solve problems such as infertility, and also ventures into the possibility of cloning.