What is the meaning of Social Sciences? Concept, Definition of Social Sciences

Definition of social sciences

1 Meaning of social sciences

Social Sciences include all science that deals with the study of the social aspect of the man, as his behavior, and his performance as an individual within the society. All the social sciences have the same material object: man in society, which are distinguished in the formal object, which can be for example: the psyche and human behavior (in psychology), or the correct way to use and understand language (in linguistics). The method of these Sciences, due to be considered as such, is the scientific method, although not used as rigorously as in the natural sciences.
The social sciences are more subjective than the natural sciences, as they study aspects less precise or absolute; for this reason they are called "soft Sciences", unlike the natural sciences or "hard sciences".
Social sciences concerned with interpretation and research of society, its material manifestations, both in its symbolic manifestations; and, contrary of the natural sciences, it is difficult to State universal laws. For example: according to biology (Natural Science) man has 206 bones in his adult life, and it has validity in every time and place, is invariable; on the other hand, the right (Social Science), while their goal is always the pursuit of Justice, can change his approach to how to get to it.
Among the social sciences we find for example history, studying the evolutionary process of the different societies through time; Psychology, which is responsible for the analysis of the human mind; Anthropology, which deals with the man taking into account all its aspects; Law, who studies the legal rules that have societies; and sociology, which analyzes the group behavior of human beings; among other social sciences.

2. Definition of social sciences

They are known with the name of Humanities to the set of disciplines, recent recognition (early 19th century, while the natural sciences, especially physics, had a great development since the 17TH century) which study man as being social, in terms of its cultural achievements and its relationship with other men and nature.
Although it shares with some natural disciplines, such as biology, the study of man, hero in this case refers to his work as a social subject, creator of norms, values, constructor of their own history, and villain of his species and the others, discoverer, analyst, guerrero, scientist, able to transform what nature provided for better or worse. In the social sciences who performs the study on man is the man himself, which is subject and object of their research.
The method used by these Sciences is sometimes quantitative, when statistics, based on observation or survey, which gives it greater objectivity; or qualitative, which is more subjective. Their conclusions are probabilistic, because they can not their conclusions, or verify their assumptions, exceptions, in experiences in the laboratory. Therefore, that many have denied to social studies, the character of scientists, as they proclaim that to be such Sciences should develop laws, where established causal relationships among variables, involving recognize a factual, capable of always be applied regularly.
The disciplines that make up the social sciences include the history, economy, politics, sociology, human geography, Social Psychology, and anthropology.

3 Concept of social sciences

Social science is a term aimed at grouping all discipline that seeks understanding of the human in the environment to which it belongs and its development in other scenarios. Society and how they impact the actions in which the man seeks to develop technologies for better quality of life are now approaches most studied by these fields of study.
The social sciences are an extensive combination of empirical type and type epistemological propositions given its characteristics do not meet the necessary conditions to carry out scientific studies. Then, referring to a small problem of compression in which the question arises: is it really society worthy of having a science that study it?
This question arises from the interest of those who wish to develop study platforms with man and society as principles, since the variables in play are not accurate. The man is subjective in its decisions, has therefore the right to decide that road travel, and society has constant and fluctuating changes, either by culture, politics, climate, education, among others.
For this reason, social sciences are considered more like a generic term that includes everything related to man and society, by the low accuracy of their main objects of study. Man is thinking rebellious, sense of reason and advanced feelings, colloquially you could say that: "human beings can no study"
Sciences generally conduct studies of laboratory scientists, that yield accurate results, social sciences, despite the fight and the effort for that to happen, has not been able to persuade the whole of humanity for this study.
The philosophy of the social sciences is based on that it must be independent of the doctrines taught by the philosophers, so there is no philosophy as such that a recitation of social science as something likely to exact study. There are inconsistencies on the issue and will always have them, since human behavior does not allow its free and accurate study, perform action seeking science.