What is the meaning of Blindness? Concept, Definition of Blindness

Definition of blindness

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: blindness. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word blindness and, of course, synonym of blindness with the appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

Watch for the blind2.jpg

1. Concept of blindness

Blindness is a physical disability that involves the partial or total loss of the sense of sight. There are several types of partial blindness depending on the degree and type of loss of vision, reduced vision, scotoma, partial blindness (of an eye).
Blindness is the lack of vision and can also refer to the vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
• Partial blindness means you have a very limited vision.
• Complete blindness means that the person can not see nothing, not even light (the majority of people who use the term "blindness" mean complete blindness).
People with a less than 20/200 vision is considered legally blind in most States in the United States.
The loss of vision refers to the partial or complete loss of this and can happen suddenly or with the passage of time.
Some types of vision loss never lead to complete blindness.
Blindness has many causes. In the United States, the main ones are:
• Accidents or injuries to the surface of the eye (such as chemical burns or sports injuries)
• Diabetes
• Glaucoma
• Degeneration macular
The type of partial vision loss may differ, depending on the cause:
• With cataracts, vision may be blurred or cloudy and can have problems to view forms
• With diabetes, vision can be blurry, can have shadows or missing areas of vision and difficult to see at night
• With glaucoma, can be concentric narrowing of the visual field and blurred vision
• With the degeneration of the macular, side vision is normal but the central vision is lost slowly
Other causes may include:
• Obstruction of the blood vessels
• Complications of premature birth (retrolental fibroplasia)
• Eye surgery complications
• Lazy eye
• Optic neuritis
• Accident stroke
• Retinitis pigmentosa
• Tay Sachs disease
• Tumors including retinoblastoma and optic glioma

2 Meaning of blindness

Blindness is a condition involving the total or partial loss of eyesight and health as such causes who it suffers a physical disability.
Partial blindness consists in that the person sees very little, or does not have a great visual capacity and therefore is that you need to use glasses to improve their vision.
By his side, in total blindness person don't see absolutely nothing, neither light nor reflection.
There are different types of blindness which will be determined by the area in which is located the damage, such is the case of: cataracts, and opacity of the cornea (the transparent structures of the eye), macular degeneration related to age and Retinitis Pigmentosa (retina), glaucoma and optic neuropathy (optic nerve), blindness, cortical (brain).
Causes causing blindness are varied, ranging from accidents, use of chemicals, malnutrition and even congenital problems.
To treat cases of partial blindness and of course also to prevent any complications in the sense of sight is recommended to go to the eye doctor every six months to perform a full check-up.
Ophthalmology is the medical specialty which is especially dedicated to studying diseases that affect the eyeball, muscles and eyelids, among others, and obviously also undertakes to propose different treatments to alleviate these conditions.
There are techniques and tools that will enable them to develop a more normal life for those people suffering from total blindness. To be able to read and write have at your fingertips the system Braille which is a system that has been specially designed by a blind man, the Frenchman Louis Braille, for people who do not have any vision.
On the other hand to settle the issue of the transfer, there are a few special sticks that allow them to detect blind obstacles on your way.
Another tool used to assist blind individuals is the dog guide. These dogs are specially trained to guide the blind in regards to the transfer but they are also trained to deploy special activities within the home.

3. Definition of blindness

Blindness is the deprivation of sight. One can speak of partial blindness (when you have low vision or distinguish light and shadow) or total blindness (the subject sees absolutely nothing and is unable to distinguish any light).
A person can suffer blindness from birth by genetic problems. Another possibility is to develop blindness from certain diseases such as glaucoma and the falls. Malnutrition, chemicals (e.g. methanol) poisoning and accidents can also be causes of blindness.
It is important to note that the blindness may result in different parts of the body. Glaucoma and diabetes affect the optic nerve, while old age and retinitis pigmentosa causes damage to the retina. Cortical blindness, on the other hand, is caused by brain damage.
People who suffer from blindness have different tools and mechanisms that allow them to improve their quality of life. The Braille alphabet is a read / write touch system designed for the blind. Dog guides or guide and canes also help when it comes to moving.
Certain types of blindness can be reversed with transplants or, at least, lessened with the use of lenses. Specialists are confident that, in the future, the use of stem cells will cure any type of blindness.
In another sense, you're told to hallucination or blindness to the State of mind which obfuscates the reason: "I didn't know what it was doing, was blind with jealousy, and made crazy".