What is the meaning of Chance? Concept, Definition of Chance

Definition of chance


1 Meaning of chance

We call chance on that combination of circumstances unforeseeable and inevitable, which are difficult to anticipate and prevent.
Then, everything that happens in a casual way is characterized by its unpredictability and in no way can sort it or avoided. I was walking and by chance I ran into a former elementary school classmate, we couldn't believe it. My sister and her husband were assaulted in front of his house, by chance, not robbers, surprised us to us also since we arrived within five minutes.
There are important controversies regarding whether or not there is chance; Some argue fiercely that Yes and for example, if they are walking, is faced and falling to the floor are on the ground with a WAD of money they judge it is chance and good fortune that always accompanies them.
Meanwhile, those who don't believe in it, argue that it is simply coincidence temporal and spatial, originating from a net rational explanation to the casual situation.
It should be noted, that for mathematics, chance is associated with randomness; randomness is a process whose outcome is not predictable, since it intervenes in the random, then this implies that the result of a random event may not know until it occurs in effect. It is plausible to speak in terms of probabilities from the statistics.
Luck, contingency, unexpected, eventuality, dumb luck, accident and chance are some terms associated with the concept of chance and that tend to be used as synonyms for the same. On the other hand, fatality, security and welfare oppose directly the chance.

2. Definition of chance

It is called coincidence at a time in which things happen in a unexpected way, usually it's the combination of circumstances in which who perceived that the succession of events Note chance inexplicably is coincidental, strange and unexpected. A simple example: A young man is walking down a street in the city, something reminds you of a young friend, thinks about it and accidentally gets it little later, without expecting it to be happening that was not planned not calculated, it was simple coincidence that the events pass so. Chance has served to make illusions and false expectations of what in reality is not, i.e., sometimes it is not a coincidence.
There are phenomena as random in which the person seeks to atinar to match the Lotus that is playing with the results of the programme, this is you can call chance while there are aspects in which ensures the chance there, since everything happens for something different (causation), however, this assertion is based on idioms of everyday life and beliefs just as little verifiable, so the term is valid when something that was not premeditated. The feeling of chance or coincidence happens alone, unexpectedly, may feel that the situation that is experiencing has happened, is one of the best known accident cases and with less scientific explanations that we live daily called "DEJA VU"
A Deja Vu is a reaction of the human being which feels the situation which is already step or is closely related to their future actions, in this way, you feel that it is a sort of chance of a full time, however cannot be properly identify what have been the causes or reasons for these phenomena. Personally argue that the chance is a characteristic of life, because human beings cannot live waiting for a pass you every thing you want, how you want to and as you wish, because the world not should leave like one but as it should be, for all by all alike.

3 Concept of chance

In this opportunity we will be making reference to a word that usually refer to situations or very particular moments. Specifically, we will be focusing on the term coincidence. We could go to many and varied circumstances, such as: yesterday I was walking along the path, I stumbled across a tile and I fell, by chance I found a wallet. In this specific example, who fell to the floor stumbled is the wallet by full random since I was not looking for that situation.
On the other hand, are those skeptical individuals holding a letter that the chance in reality does not exist. To substantiate its position, and attending the example mentioned in the first paragraph, you could say who met with the right wallet came to fall into the same place where she was and before that another individual has noticed the presence of the wallet on the sidewalk. I.e., although there was no intention or will of the person concerned, even if existed a coincidence both spatial and temporal, which serves to rationally explain the finding.
In another, from a mathematical perspective the chance comes to be closely related to the randomness. This last implies a process which gives a result which is not foreseeable because there average random. This is to reflect that the result of an event of a random nature may not know previously that the fact be carried out. Moreover, what is feasible to allude to likely as a result of the statistics.
Meanwhile, if we take the Manual dictionary of the Spanish language (Editorial Larousse) and went to its second meaning we will come with the following: fortuitous event.
Chance synonyms
Let's then synonyms boasts the term which has given life to this article: unpredictability, anything, eventuality, Providence, random, ventura, fortune, Capriccio, coincidence, contingency.