What is the meaning of Comparison? Concept, Definition of Comparison

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Comparison

1. Concept of comparison

The comparison Word is derived from the latin comparatĭo or comparatĭōnis, and is understood as the Act of comparing, which is the analysis of two or more objects or situations in order to find similarities or differences.
Thus, if we put to compare two computers, could find differences in relation to their technical characteristics, the size of their screens, your processor or its design. But the comparison is not limited to the physical characteristics, so if compararamos two people, also could talk about his way of being or attitude.
If we delve a little more, we find that the comparison is a rhetorical figure also known as simile, and which is widely used in the literature, with special emphasis on poetry. Usually, the comparison is more used that metaphor, to be easier to understand and to develop. Since the time of Aristotle simile already was used as a recurring figure in literature, authors of the likes of William Shakespeare to modern authors. The simile can even be found in expressions of everyday language, as in "is faster than a bullet" or "manso as a lamb". If one examines it, it is easy to notice that the analogy is one of the most commonly used figures of speech.
In the study of grammar, is known as a comparison or gradation to the three different ways in which you can find adjectives, whether in a positive way (as in "this car is very fast"), in comparative forms ("this car is much faster than that of other car"), or in superlative ("this car is, without a doubt, the fastest of all").
Within the comparative, we also have three types: the comparative of superiority ("this disc is better than the previous one"), equality ("this song is as good as the last") or inferiority ("their latest production has a lower quality than the previous").

2 Meaning of comparison

The comparison is not between two or more objects or a process that makes the human being in order to identify the different aspects that are related through a sensory analysis. Its main base is detailing the similarities or differences that present elements with a simile, since it is illogical to make a comparison between two things that have nothing in common. The comparison can be defined from a technical point of view, however we do have clear ideas of which it is an everyday term part of the day to day.
An experimental comparison is done through the process of observation of the reactions of each one of the elements involved. For example in chemistry this medium of study as a tool is used to observe the response of the chemical elements to their interactions. Usually in laboratories already have tested most of the reactions between elements, however, at the level of study remain parameters incognitos, and comparative in order to proceed with a more practical than theoretical teaching. The comparison in the various fields in which it is applied aims to own interaction of human beings with the surrounding environment. The concept of simile we talked about that the response of the human being in the presence of two or more elements whose characteristics correspond even when they have resemblance is automatic, that gives us the idea of also applying the same reference when we speak of a comparison.
The reason why a person compares one thing to another is diverse and is going according to the need at that moment. If a woman is found in the aisles of a supermarket, is comparing the prices of the product you are looking for, automatically is making a relationship between the price and the quality of the product, then the comparative analysis goes beyond what you initially have at a glance. Comparison at a certain point can become rhetoric, this figure that relates who speaks but try to not be interpreted exactly as his words indicate, seeks to make a subliminal comparison, somewhat, becoming expressionless of truth.

3. Definition of comparison

Comparison (from the latin comparatĭo) is the action or effect of compare. This word refers to draw attention to two or more things to recognize their differences and similarities and discover their relationships. Compare, therefore, is checked.
For example: "the comparison between the two space rockets shows that the U.S. is much more advanced", "no football player manages to resist the comparison with Diego Maradona", "comparison of the two cases that the analyst did found Me very interesting".
The comparison can focus on physical aspects or symbolic issues. In this way, two people can be compared differently. A physical comparison will reveal that one is higher, less fat and more canosa than the other. Comparing the personalities, arguably one of the two people is more sociable, often expressed aloud in meetings and engages in links more easily.
In grammar, the comparison indicates three different grades in the adjectives: positive, comparative and superlative. The adjective clean can appear in positive degree ("the water is clean"), in comparative degree ("water from this pond is cleaner than the water of the fountain") or in superlative degree ("water from this pond is awful").
The comparison resource can also create a rhetorical figure known as simile, which is set with elements of relationship as "is" or "as": "their hands like hammers destroyed the door blows", "thief walked around the rooftops which cat at night".