What is the meaning of Competition? Concept, Definition of Competition

Definition of competition

Here you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or phrase: competition. As well as definitions of the pages of Wikipedia and other websites related to the word competition and, of course, synonym of competition with the appropriate related images with the use of the expression competition.

1. Concept of competition

As in so many other past opportunities, we turn to come up here with a word that can change its meaning according to the context in which used. It's a feminine noun that, etymologically speaking, comes from the latin. In particular, derived from competentia. Yes, as more than one will be deducted, we will be emphasizing competition. Maybe if you look for it in any dictionary, most likely in its first sense we find which indicates that it is a struggle or a rivalry between two or more individuals who are in similar conditions to achieve the same thing. Graphing could say: journalism is a discipline that I like, but sometimes excessive the peer competition is generated.
On the other hand, if we cover it from the perspective of biology, the word in question refers to a relation type specific intermediate between several people of different species. Also, they must have the same trophic level, or by obtaining resources. This relationship usually arises when an active demand for some common resource is generated.
Meanwhile, if we look at it from the focus of the economy, well you can indicate that in this sense the competition includes a situation in which economic agents have complete freedom to offer both goods and services in the market. At the same time, gives the chance to opt for a who buy such services or goods. Of course, that competition brings with it the existence of a plurality of both of plaintiffs, as well as bidders.
Moreover, from the sports field, it is the practice of a game whose result is derived from a classification of those who participate. Usually awards them the winners with a trophy or Cup, as well as with sums of money or securities. Case, in football, an official international competition is all that is organised from FIFA, as the world of football or the Champions League, for example.
Synonym for competition
In regards to synonyms, we could count on the following: challenge, duel, challenge, struggle, dispute, confrontation, fight; fitness, skill, aptitude, ability, competence, skill, talent.

2 Meaning of competition

Competition to the circumstance in which two entities are related to the resources of a medium is called trying to grab them completely and damaging to the other; in other words, a relationship of competition between two creatures implies that each one benefits hurting the other. The term can also refer to the different skills that you possess for the performance of a specific task, although this use is less frequent and due to a critical translation of the English term competence.
In economics, the notion of competition refers to a situation of a market where there are several bidders and applicants for a good or a particular service. A perfect competition market is one in which the different actors are unable to impose prices on their own; the relationship between all these is establishing the values. On the contrary, a market distortion is the one where prices are not set by the balance of stakeholders; for example, a monopoly, the existence of a single offeror causes have the power to set prices it considers most appropriate. This is a case where the absence of competition hurts consumers, who should always opt for the same offeror and under the conditions of this. Oligopolies are a similar phenomenon, in which there are spurious competition conditions, given that at least two alleged competitors struggle to a given market; However, there are numerous cases of actual connivance between these providers, in which there is genuine competition.
On the other hand, in biology, the term is used to refer to a type of interspecific relationship between individuals of different species that need access to the same resources. When two different species need a limited resource and compete for this might be that one eliminates the other. This phenomenon is of enormous importance in the evolutionary process, since you can eliminate some of the species involved. However, it is also feasible that two species with the need for a same resource can coexist without deleting it. However, not always the relationships between species are competitive; in some cases at least one species benefits from the proximity of another. In this case, vale highlight the symbiosis process (two species gain mutual benefits from the relationship that binds them), commensalism (one of the two agencies involved benefits without prejudice or advantages to remaining a member) or parasitism (one of the two living beings is directly affected by the other, which gets all of the benefits of the relationship).
Competition is also commonplace in interpersonal relationships. However it should be noted that the progress of mankind has always been mainly grounded in cooperation. The hypothesis of "healthy competition" has been formulated to promote the development of the people; This is a very common concept in sports, in which, while victory often exalts himself, it is also prudent to point out that respect for the adversary and the lust for competition are fabulous motivation that allows the growth of athletes as individuals and as a group.
Therefore, it is simplistic to apply for the competition as a positive or negative fact itself, since it will depend on the approach that the participants or regulators offer in terms of the phenomenon. While the competition is often a real engine of growth, in conditions of extreme inequality it can behave as a detrimental factor that requires regulation and control to avoid excesses.

3. Definition of competition

Competition means the dispute or rivalry between two individuals or species on some thing. We might trace the same since the beginning of mankind: man has competed for space and food since ancient times to preserve their species. The emergence of competition is of great significance as a factor of mortality and has a direct impact on the population index of any plant or animal population.
The individual has also established the competition as part of the game. Wide variety of sports activities involve an instance of fight among participants to overcome various obstacles, reach a goal or win a game. We find the ultimate expression of competition in the sports environment at the Olympics. They began their first activities in the year 776aC. and they continue to the present day.
Competition in economy achieved a great development within the social system that has granted wide latitude to achieve their goals, at the time created utility for society as a whole to individuals. In a general sense, is rivalry with rules laid down by the participants made an effort to get the most possible gain in the market.
Exists within the economic language, two categorizations: perfect competition, which is based on a theoretical system of price formation in which the selling price of each merchandise tends to be identical to its average cost. Each producer develops its production to the point that its offered price is identified with the sums that the producer must pay to create one more. This implies fluidity and atomicity between supply and demand. On the other hand, in imperfect competition conditions of flexibility are not given as in perfect competition.
Source consulted or translated:  Competencia

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