What is the meaning of Ego? Concept, Definition of Ego

Definition of Ego

On Ego website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or phrase: Ego. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to Ego Word and, of course, synonym of it with appropriate images related to the use of Ego expression.

1. Concept of Ego


Or 'id'. Psychoanalytical concept belonging to the call "second topical" (description of the psyche proposed by Freud in terms-I - super - I). It is an instance or most ancient structure of the psychic apparatus; the baby has only Ego, and only confrontation with reality will result in the emergence of the ego and superego. It takes the subject energy for the development of his psychic life. In it lie the instincts, desires, and traumatic experiences. It is the link between the somatic or body and mental. The principle that governs their activity is the pleasure principle and mechanisms or processes that dominate in it are the primary processes. It is unconscious.

2 Meaning of Ego

Ego is a word etymologically derived from the latin "illud" indicating the form of the personal pronoun of the third person, replacing the object that you want to designate: "you spoke of it, you don't do the distracted" or "Is Ego what I mean".
For Freudian psychoanalysis, the 'it' is the biological and primitive (first appearing, and the only one that has the little baby that still had no interaction with the environment) of the psychic apparatus, which acts at the unconscious level, where there are repressed instincts, trauma and wishes, that eager to emerge, manifested in some way in the "I" is in the performance of the subjectconstrained by the moral standards set by the "superego".
Its action is directed toward pleasure not methodically, or self-maintenance, and is that charges to the psychic life energy, that energy is the libido, driving and conditioning our Act, think, and feel, although we do not have awareness of such a situation.
It is composed of innate, inherited instincts, and other acquired have been repressed, and psychoanalysis attempts to recover them through free association.
There are these impulses of life (eros) which we have already mentioned, as the instinct to eat, drink, sleep, sexual desire and instincts of death, which leads to aggression and destruction, to carry people to stillness and passivity, still one of the requirements to which I must respond. When I repressed it, according to the demands of the superego, the neurosis of transfer occurs.

3. Definition of Ego


It is composed of the totality of the instinctive impulses, has intimate connections with the biological. Everything that develops is subject to the primary process and therefore, is governed by the pleasure principle.
All portions of it are unconscious and a large portion of the same is made
by archaic elements of source onto and phylogenetic.
Instinct: continuous internal exciting it produces when it is answered adequately,
a specific enjoyment. The instinctive impulse tries to reach your goal without taking into account the
media, while the instinct would be given by a mobilization, so the
Agency must use appropriate means to achieve its end.
There are two primary instincts: Eros and Thanatos. The first would tend to the meeting,
integration, fusion, conservation and creation of new lives; the other motive to the
Aging and death, its purpose is destruction, disintegration and the
annihilation and manifests in the form of sadism. Freud speculated the idea of
that the only thing that make life instincts, by the way they act, is to avoid death
accidental and the death instinct found in all beings.
What differentiates a biological stimulation or instinct of an external stimulus is that it is
It is impossible to flee from the first, whose source is in ourselves.
Instincts have characteristics which are her own and distinctive:
1 Source: the energy process, physiochemical that develops in an
somatic body, whose stimulus is represented in the psychic equivalent of
instinctive. It seems to be a purely energy, complex process.
2 Intensity or dynamic impulse: the magnitude of the obstacles that is capable of
overcome to achieve your satisfaction. Its engine factor.
3. Object: belongs to the outside world (person or thing), why and with which the
instinct reaches your satisfaction to suppress the excitation or State of necessity. It is the
more variable instinct.
4 End: restore a State in which no longer survive a certain tension
Libido: the dynamic energy of the sexual instinct intensity, its qualitative element. All
human being has a certain amount of libido, which may be affected by the
action of various factors that can be divided into intrapsiquicos (dreams and fantasies -
(conscious and unconscious) and extrapsiquicos (characteristics of the object detected through the senses, somatic factors – hormonal and physical-, pharmacological States - exciting or depressants - and telluric factors - seasons of the year and atmospheric composition-).
There are several sexual instincts is called that partial instincts
(Exhibitionism, desire to see, oral, anal, phallic, and sadistic) acting at the beginning
independently from one another, but after a while evolving to meet
meeting in a more or less complete synthesis which, in normal adult, should be
organized around the genital satisfaction (for psychoanalysis everything genital is sexual, but not all sex is genital, but the function get pleasure).