What is the meaning of Fascination? Concept, Definition of Fascination

Definition of fascination

1 Meaning of fascination

Obsession comes from the latin obsessĭo which means siege. It's a psychic disturbance produced by a fixed idea, which assails the mind with stubborn persistence. The obsession has multiple facets of expression.
This thought, feeling or trend appears at odds with the conscious of the person thought, but it persists beyond efforts to get rid of it.
There are different types of obsessions. For example, include those related to food. In these cases, the obsession works as a psychological barrier that does not allow to modify the weight of a person in a healthy way.
Another obsession that seems to be most common is anancastico, which is a mental disorder to obsessive individuals associated with the order and cleanliness. The person who suffers from this syndrome, ordered neat, clean which is neatly clean, does not tolerate that a figure or physical element out of its place. People suffering from this disorder are extremely rigid and intolerant-minded people, incapable of spontaneity and very given to observe requirements related to the organization. Also these same people intolerant to one that is not as obsessive in their intimate universe.
Loving obsession is also a clinical manifestation of this disorder, in which an individual concentrates its attention and developed obsessive feelings in an idealized person. Individuals who suffer from this disorder generally have low self-esteem and are projected onto the object of his love trying to own it.

2. Definition of fascination

Fascination may be described as that feeling or State where a person is completely amazed, admired and interested in a phenomenon, another person or a detail. Fascination may often be confused or become an act of obsession if that admiration and attraction that one feels towards another or one thing becomes constant and irrational. Anyway, in the general language the idea of fascination always represents something positive while the notion of obsession has negative inclinations.
The fascination is a State of the spirit and the soul of a person who causes the individual to display is complete and entirely interested, attracted or fanatizado by a phenomenon (e.g. soccer) or a person. When you talk about fascination towards a person may not necessarily be a romantic infatuation and this is when for example someone is fascinated by a person with much wisdom, which feels unattainable both physically as mentally or emotionally. A common case of fascination may be between a student and her teacher.
Anyway, when speaking of fascination always there are many levels of emotion, placed at the service of this fanaticism, so it is often difficult to distinguish between a simple admiration and love. In the case to a fascination we stop talking about something logical and started talking about purely emotional moods.
As we said, the fascination can easily become an obsession and this happens when the person can not lead a normal life due to the fanaticism and the feeling of constant obsession that brings it. The obsession can be negative since it implies that the person can get hurt herself or others if you don't get that with what is obsessed. This does not always happen with State of fascination.
It is often difficult to make a fascination to disappear and will depend primarily on character of the person, which means that those people with personalities most dependent and possessive will be easier to develop a fascination or possible obsession by something while those more rational can avoid it more easily.