What is the meaning of Foot? Concept, Definition of Foot

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Foot

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: foot. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word foot and, of course, synonym of foot with the appropriate images related to the use of this expression.
File:Male Right Foot 1.jpg

1. Concept of foot

The foot is a unit of length of natural origin, based on the human foot, already used by ancient civilizations.
The Roman foot or pes, amounted, as average, 29,57 cm; "Carolingian foot", or formerly named «foot drusiano or drusico» [pes drusianus], amounted to nine second-round of the Roman, that is, approximately 33,27 cm; and the English foot was equivalent to 27,8635 cm.
Currently, the foot has been replaced in most of the world by the units of the international system (SI), except in current use in some Anglo-Saxon countries, where equals 30.48 centimeters. It is also the unit of measurement used in aeronautics to the altitude reference.

The first historical reference referred to a standard measure of the 'foot' is related to the Sumerian civilization, thanks to a definition of the measure found in a statue of Gudea of Lagash. According to popular belief, originated after a break in a strenuous working day. Commissioned to measure the stone blocks was not able to merge and decided that it would be much more comfortable, to measure the blocks from the ground, use feet from its position.

Anglo-Saxon system

Nomenclature in English
• 1 foot (singular)
• 3 feet (plural)
• 3 ft (abbreviated)
• 3 ' (single quote)
• 0,33333333333333 yards
• 12 inch
• 12,000 thousands
• 30.48 cm
Currently the foot is used only as a unit of measure popular in Anglo-Saxon of United States, Canada and United Kingdom countries, and is still used in Aviation (even outside the Anglo-Saxon countries) to express the altitude of aircraft and other aerial vehicles. The adoption by these countries of the international system (SI) a few years ago will become fall into disuse this unit, even in these countries.
It was usual to use for lengths of up to three metres; for greater lengths, it is often used the yard or the mile. The exception is the altitude of the aircraft, which continues even today are expressed in thousands of feet in almost all countries.

Foot of surveying

For the shoulder of land and coasts, the public system of land surveying (from United States) used a variety called "foot of surveying", whose length equals 30,4800609601219 inches.
Timber foot (or foot Board)
In the wood industry, it is usual to use «toe logger», in this case in the case of a unit of volume. Its value is corresponding to a square piece of 1 foot side and 1 inch thick. 1 timber foot equals 2.359,737216 cm3 (30.48 cm * 30.48 cm * 2. 54 cm).

Foot in Spain

Foot of Burgos
Father Lamy in his Apparatus (1696) described "pie de burgos" as a length of 1 8.5/11 elbows ancient Roman.
Castilian square foot
Square of a Castilian side foot, equivalent to 0,077637 m² surface.

2 Meaning of foot

Joints is known as standing at the ends of the legs, formed by a structure of bones, muscles and other components. Thanks to the feet, people can keep walking and stops.
For example: "I dropped a Chair over the foot and hurts me to step on: I have to go to the doctor", "at the foot massages are very relaxing", "I fractured my a toe playing football".
It is possible to recognize different regions at the foot. The bottom area is known as plant, while the top is called the instep. In terms of its skeletal components, we can distinguish the phalanges (bones of the fingers), metatarsus and Tarsus.
Provide support to the body, provide cushioning, are needed in stabilizing and vital in locomotion. Various disorders in the foot, therefore, can make it difficult or to prevent a subject keep erect or that move.
The ends of the legs of animals may also receive the name of foot. Although they have many differences with respect to the human being, the feet of animals also tend to have bones, joints, etc. Those species whose feet have a highly developed plant qualifies as plantigradas.
By extension to these meanings, may appoint as foot to that support that allows you to hold something: "the foot of the table did not withstand the weight and broke," "the structure has a foot of steel that allows you to withstand up to 200 kg".
Foot, finally, is a unit of length used in some Anglo-Saxon Nations.

3. Definition of foot

The foot is the terminal portion of a limb that carries the weight of the body and allows locomotion. It is an anatomical structure which is found in many vertebrates. In many animals with feet, this is an independent body in the terminal part of the leg, and is generally composed of one or more segments or bones, including paws and hooves or claws.

Human foot

Man uses his feet for Bipedal locomotion, enabling the vertical position and the release of the upper limbs. In concept, it is a hinge with the soil, being crucial, but as lower structure it is often undervalued. Anatomically, human foot and hand are variations of the same five-digit structure that is common to many other vertebrates; It is also one of the two more complex bone structures of the body.
An anthropometric study in 1997 in North America, with adult men of Caucasian and an average age of 35.5 years, found that the length of the foot of the men was on average 26.3 cm with a standard deviation of 1.2 cm.
Anatomy of the human foot
The human foot and ankle are a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons.
The foot can be subdivided into three parts generally: hindfoot, part media and forefoot.
• The hindfoot is composed of the Astragalus and calcaneum or heel. The two long bones that make up the leg, the tibia and the fibula, are connected with the upper part of the talus to form the ankle. It has anti-roll function.
• The middle part of the foot is made up of five irregular bones: cuboid, navicular, and three cuneiform bones, which are the arches of the foot, which serves as a shock absorber. The middle part of the foot is connected with forefoot and rearfoot by muscles and fascia plantar.Function rhythmic since the bones forming it act synchronously.
• Forefoot is composed of the five metatarsal which form the metarso and the phalanges of the foot. Like the fingers of the hand, the big toe has two phalanges (proximal and distal), while the rest of the fingers have three phalanges. The joints between the phalanges are called interphalangeal and those that exist between the metatarsals and phalanges are called metatarsophalangeal.Its function is dynamic.
The bone portion of foot can be divided into three parts:
• Tarsus, seven bones being, back to front, the talus, navicular, the cuboid and three wedges (first or medial, second or intermediate and third or lateral)
• Metatarsal, with five long bones, which are arranged from inside out with the names of first, second, third, fourth and fifth.
• Phalanges, with fourteen bones. Known names first or proximal, second and third or middle and distal or nail.
The dorsal or upper part of the foot is called upper and lower floor. The foot moves in relation to the leg with the aid of flexor and extensor muscles. The first, who are the calf, are inserted into the posterior end of the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon. The latter are located in the front of the leg. In addition, there are elevators muscles that rotate the foot outwards or inwards.
The human foot consists of 3 arches that form a dome, two longitudinal arches and a transverse arch which are maintained by the intertwined forms of foot bones, ligaments and muscles. Lightweight mobility of the arches when weight is applied and removed foot makes walking and running more economical in terms of energy.
The internal arc is the longest and high while the outer arch has a length and height less than the internal arc. Finally, the previous arc whose points of support are the first and fifth metatarsal head. Excessive stress on the tendons and ligaments of the feet can result in fallen arches or flat feet. Outer arch consists of previous post by: calcaneus, cuboid, fifth metatarsal and phalanx of the fifth toe. The internal talus, navicular, first form wedge, first metatarsal and phalanx of the first finger.


The muscles acting on the foot are classified as extrinsic muscles, which originate in the anterior, posterior or lateral side of the leg, and the intrinsic muscles that originate from the dorsal aspect or plant foot.