What is the meaning of Gradual? Concept, Definition of Gradual

Definition of Gradual

  • 1 Meaning of Gradual
  • 2. Definition of Gradual

1. Meaning of Gradual

gradual,-na adj. That occurs or is done slowly or gradual: the reform was carried out gradually.
Manual of the Vox Spanish language dictionary. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
adj. That it is appropriate or work slowly or slowly.
Vox encyclopedic dictionary 1. © 2009 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
gradual Adj [pawla'tino, na] which takes place slowly and gradually
the gradual advance of the crime
Copyright © 2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

2. Definition of Gradual

Gradual is a term that comes from the Latin word paulātim. It's an adjective that refers to that which develops slowly and usually progressive. For example: "television meteorologist announced a gradual change in the weather", "the truth is that the relationship took hold gradually, without haste", "the face of the team change was gradual since the arrival of the new coach".
It is possible to understand what is gradual as opposed to what happens in a sudden or abrupt manner. Suppose that a young person who enjoyed good health dies because of a fulminant disease: since they detect the disorder until his death, takes place less than a week. His death, therefore, is sudden. Different is the case that who remains hospitalized eight months and suffer a slow death until her death. About this person you can say that the worsening of his health was gradual.
Economic growth of a person or a company can also be judged as gradual or abrupt. If a man enters a company as a cadet and, at the end of a decade and several promotions, management and increases their initial salary, their gradual progress may be indicated. On the other hand, the subject who is unemployed and wins the lottery will have experienced a sudden enrichment.
The gradual, in essence, is not good or bad. It is appropriate that certain processes be developed in stages, step by step, while others can be completed suddenly without that negative effects are not.