What is the meaning of Heart rate? Concept, Definition of Heart rate

Definition of heart rate

1 Meaning of heart rate

Heart rate is the harmonic heartbeat period consisting of Korotkoff sounds, which are those who listen to the doctor or nurse during the making and determination of blood pressure. Decision is made through the stethoscope, by placing its membrane over the brachial artery in the arm. It insufflates you pressure through the small pump until the cuff to swell and needle fully transferred to the red indicator level, then professional will go slowly opening the valves of the stethoscope, and they will begin to hear so-called Korotkoff sounds.
The heart beat during systole, which is the contraction of the heart to promote blood (first Korotkoff sound) and during diastole (relaxation of the heart that allows it to fill with blood to the systole (second sound Korotkoof).
Note that if both noises are not harmonics, i.e. do not occur with regularity, there will be no heartbeat or what there will be is a cardiac arrhythmia, which is the change in heart rate, either because it accelerates, becomes irregular or directly decreases.
The name of Korotkoff is the consequence of a tribute to its discoverer, the Russian physician Nikolai Korotkoff, who described them in 1905 while working at the Imperial Medical Academy.
In total there are five Korotkoff sounds, the first is the break, heard first in the systolic pressure (maximum value of blood pressure in systole, when the heart contracts), the second are those murmurs that are heard in most of the space between the systolic and diastolic pressures; the third and the fourth will be heard at pressures within 10 mmHg above the diastolic blood pressure (the minimum value of blood pressure, when the heart is in diastole or between heartbeats, i.e., a heavy pounding and another shut down) and the fifth sound is silence as the cuff pressure is relenting, falling below the diastolic blood pressure.

2. Definition of heart rate

The heart is an organ of our body that is fundamental, because it carries the blood to the rest of the bodies, and this makes it with a pressure and at a pace determined. This last is what is known as heart rate that shows how many beats is the heart, or how many times shrinks in a minute's time.
The heart contracts automatically for its fibers and because of nervous and humoral mechanisms.
The vagus nerve inhibits cardiac frequency, while the sympathetic speeds up. When the frequency is low is called bradycardia, if it's high, tachycardia.
Heart rate considered normal varies between 50 and 100 beats a minute, adult. This is at rest, because if there are higher metabolic requirements, or decreases the stroke volume (given by the difference between the total number of blood that is in the ventricle at the end of diastole and systole after), the frequency increases. The heart rate is higher in children.
It is important to maintain a normal heart rate, to reduce the risk of death. During exercise, the heart rate increases, and can reach up to 200 beats per minute, they are highly recommended, because after the activity, while at rest, the frequency is lower.
Areas of the body to measure the heartbeat, for stopping by there an artery close to the skin, are wrists, neck, groin, knees in your back, temples and chest. If the frequency is high the doctor may prescribe medication to lower it.

3 Concept of heart rate

The heart rate is the movement of the heart caused by the constant pumping of blood. The heart beats during systole (contraction of the heart to drive blood) and second heartbeat will be in diastole (here the heart relaxes, fact that it allows to fill with blood again for the systole). If mentioned noises are not harmonic, i.e., not occur frequently, there will be no heartbeat. Meanwhile, this loss of heart rhythm is called arrhythmia.
The normal resting heart rate for the newborn is 60 to 100 beats per minute, in children aged 1 to 10 will be from 70 to 120 beats per minute, in children over 10 years and adults, including elders, is 60 to 100 beats per minute and in the case of well trained athletes is 40 to 60 beats per minute.
Then, the heart rate can be affected either by the realization of physical activity or sedentary, although it may also be affected as a result of congenital diseases developed.
On the other hand, arrhythmia or heart rhythm disorder is a disturbance in the heart rate, because it accelerates, decreases or becomes irregular and will appear each time there is a fault in the electrical conduction system of the heart.
It is a very common disorder these days, many people suffer from it and especially those high-performance athletes. Conditions causing arrhythmia include the following: tachycardia (when heart reaches at least 100 beats per minute, really high number, in the event that the person is in a State of rest), bradycardia (occurs when the heart is a heart rate below 60 beats per minute, while the person in question in a State of rest, fibrillation (heart does beat uncoordinated, leading to a very bad blood circulation). All these conditions, be treated in time, of course, are harmless, otherwise, can cause serious complications such as health: stroke, shock attacks.