What is the meaning of Kurdish? Concept, Definition of Kurdish

Definition of Kurdish

1 Meaning of Kurdish

Kurdish is an Indo-European people living in the mountainous region of Kurdistan (كردستان), Southwest Asia, mainly distributed among the States of Iraq, Turkey and Iran. There is also a Kurdish population in a large geographical area, ranging from the Taurus Mountains to the West of the plateau of Iran; and from Mount Ararat to the foot of the hills adjacent to the Mesopotamian Plains, with significant enclaves in the eastern end of Syria and Armenia and the autonomous province of Nakhchivan in Azerbaijan. The Kurds are mostly Sunni Muslims, although a significant minority still follows the traditional Kurdish religion, the Yazidi.
Although the Kurds are distinguished by elements as language, Kurdish, there are language variants for all Kurdistan. The kurmanji is spoken in the Kurdish region of Turkey and in the Turkish Anatolia the zaza. The sorani is spoken in the North of Iraq and the Kurds of Iran, as well as the sorani and the kurmani, also speak different dialects in the southeast of the country.
The Kurdish people are the largest ethnic minority in the Middle East that is not established in any form of State nation. They are between 55 and 60 million people (there are rigorous censuses), approximately 45% of whom live in Turkey, 25% in Iran, another 25 percent in Iraq and 5% in Syria. There is also a large Kurdish diaspora in Western Europe, especially in countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden.
After the first world war, which supported the allies against the Ottoman Empire, Kurds managed to recognition of the independence of his country through the Treaty of Sèvres. However, this international agreement was never ratified and was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne, which divided the Kurdish territory between the current States among which is divided.

2. Definition of Kurdish

Kurdish is called inhabitant of the mountainous region of Kurdistan, it is also the official name of the language (dialect), which is spoken in that part of the world, this village represents an ethnic minority of great dimension, is placed between one of the largest in the world even. Kurdistan, the Kurdish people, does not have an established demographics as country, contrary to this, as ethnic people, has settlements in 5 countries in the Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia, the largest of these, is located in Southeast Turkey, with an approximately 24 million inhabitants.
The Kurdish people is a civilization rich in Muslim culture, religion they profess adapts to the region in which are found, other religious manifestations are already extinct almost in its entirety, while they speak a different language, they are considered an Indo-European people since the languages spoken come from different types of miscegenation that combine traditions and practices of a part of what was once a panguea extreme. Kurds in history are mired in constant territorial dispute, since the year 1920 proposed the creation of the State of Kurdistan, however, the Kurds decided to separate its political union in which they wanted to be part of Turkey and those who wanted to be independent, in the midst of this problem, is born the Treaty of Sèvres, it stipulated a region determined for them, but it was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne that the Turks seized the region that of Turkey according to the Treaty of Sèvres and were distributed in the 5 Nations mentioned above.
The Kurds are a giant population, we speak of almost 50 million, with more than 10 languages derived from the Kurdish, these are the French, spoken in the area of Turkey, in Iranian settlements speak Sorani and Kurmani and in Armenian Kurds speak Armenian, since it is here where there are fewer Kurdish population. Currently still mired in the same conflict in the Middle East today, a war for oil and minerals extracted from these regions.