What is the meaning of Logistics? Concept, Definition of Logistics

Definition of logistics


1 Meaning of logistics

English logistics, logistics is the set of means and methods that allow to carry out the Organization of a company or service. Business Logistics implies a certain order in processes involving the production and marketing of goods.
He is said, therefore, that logistics is the bridge or the link between production and the market. The physical distance and time separate productive activity of the point of sale: logistics is responsible for bringing together production and market through their techniques.
In business, logistics involves planning and resource management. Its function is to implement and monitor effectively the materials and the products, from the point of origin to consumption, with the intention of satisfying the needs of the consumer at the lowest possible cost.
The origin of logistics is located in the military field, where the Organization tended to serve the movement and maintenance of troops in campaign. In times of war, the efficiency for storing and transporting the elements is vital. Otherwise, soldiers can suffer the shortage of means to face the hardness of the fighting.
From these experiences, the business logistics was responsible for studying how to place goods and services in the right place, at the right time and low conditions. This allows companies to comply with the requirements of their customers and obtain higher returns possible.

2. Definition of logistics

By logistics understand the implementation, administration and the correct operation of an undertaking, within which coordination and planning strategies are developed. Meanwhile, logistics has a major and decisive participation in different fields such as the military, the business, trade, among others.
Because for example, in a trade, activities inherent to the logistics will be the bridge between production and markets that mostly they are separated as a result of the time and distance. Or as in the case of enterprises, which in these, logistics, will mainly deal with the management and planning of the activities inherent to the departments that compose it as being that of shopping, transportation, production, storage, maintenance and distribution, among others.
Long ago was practically impossible to think of eating any product that was not produced in a location relatively near which he lived, costs and the maintenance of that product, much more if it was food, they made it impossible that we can consume a product made in France, meanwhile, when the logistics systems began to evolve and improve in Argentinaconsumption and production were spreading geographically without any problem.
At the behest of logistics in the more industrial land, of enterprise, it is as a premise the highest possible efficiency in terms of the distribution and location of products, whereas in this context the times and more convenient contexts to carry forward the same output. Meanwhile, to achieve this, it will mobilize resources as needed, human, consumables, electricity, needed to carry out the provision (store, tools, trucks) and services (transportation, warehouse).
Two basic stages in any logistics can be identified. On the one hand that will optimize a flow of constant material through a network of transport links and storage centers and on the other, which will be in charge of coordinating a sequence of resources for a given project.
Among the major evils that will seek to counteract the logistics are: avoid the shortage of products, to minimize the cost of transportation, get a good in a minimum time or minimum storage of goods failing.