What is the meaning of Margin? Concept, Definition of Margin

Definition of margin

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: margin. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word Bank and, of course, synonym of margin with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of margin

The term margin holds several references according to the context in which it is used.
At the end of a thing or the edge of another, such as for instance a river, it is known popularly as margin. Thus, the Bank of a river is called in this way, then, if we were standing in the middle of a river, looking towards where the same running water down, the right margin will be the shore that is in our sense of right and the left bank, by default, which is located on our left side.
On the other hand, also called margin to that space blank in each of the four sides presenting a page either handwritten or printed. In a way which promotes the presence of margin is a better organization of the text that will make it more readable in the eyes of those who read it.
Also, the term is used most often when you want to do some kind of temporal reference. With my team, we have a margin of 20 calendar days to deliver the special work that we assigned in math.
Another use is that realizes an opportunity or an opportunity. The scandalous behavior of John at the party gave margin to all kinds of comments.
Also, at the behest of the economy the Word Bank has a special meaning, because in this context, the margin, or profit margin, as it is called in some cases represent the amount of the benefit that leaves the conduct of a trade or that can be obtained if it is specific. More precisely the margin is the difference between the sale price excluding VAT which has a product and the costs of production involving the same.
Meanwhile, a very common expression linked and making reference to the term is on the sidelines, used when you want to give has someone presents paragraph or not to have it done any kind of participation.
And finally we have the dynamic range which is the relation ruido-senal presenting an electronic signal.

2 Meaning of margin

The word margin comes from the latin margo, and has a lot of meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One of its meanings most common, however, is that which defines the Word as the end or side of anything, as the Bank of the River, outside the city or the side of the road.
In the world of business and the economy, it is called margin of profit or gain to the difference between the price of production of a product and its selling price. There are two types of profit margins: gross margin, which represents the price difference before taxes, and the net margin, which represents the difference once already taxes have been deducted. A product with a negative profit margin is usually regarded as a product not suitable to be marketed, since every one of your sales will generate you loss the company funds.
When designing strategies and plans, the margin of error is the probability that things do not go out as planned. Depending on what you do, there are mathematical procedures to obtain precisely the margin of error in one operation.
In the documents, called margin to the blank space that excess on the sides of the blade, usually the left and the right. On these banks don't usually write anything, and depending on the document these can be wider or thinner.
Referred to the existence of an opportunity to do something as a margin, as in the phrase "Given the conditions, there is scope for the operation" or "For the first time the candidate has a loose margin of victory".

3. Definition of margin

Margin refers in its etymology to the latin "marginis", which means Bank or edge, calling the border area brand.
In geography you can apply to the banks of a river, to refer to any of its two shores (left or right).
It is a term also used in economics to describe the gain that allows a product developed or acquired for your marketing, and that is represented by the difference between what it costs to produce it or buy it, and its selling price. This is called gross margin. If we also deduct taxes, we get the net margin.
When we consider that it is something not too clear, and there are a number of questions facing us on the matter without response, we say that a "margin of doubt" we have.
Temporarily, the margin is the amount of time that is available to do something, for example "tale with a margin of three days to prepare for the exam".
The margin of a leaf is what remains outside of the particular place for writing or drawing, delimited in many cases by a line, or just a blank space, and whose dimension can be programmed, for example when we make a working computer, using Word. The margin can be left or right, top or bottom.
When we say that we left something out, it means that we will not take it into account, e.g. "Joaquin remains aside from the project" or "Doubts aside" or "work is correct, leaving aside any spelling errors".