What is the meaning of Nation? Concept, Definition of Nation
Definition of nation
On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: nation. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word nation and, of course, synonym of nation with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.1. Concept of nation
Nation we are talking about when we talk about sovereignty, sense, patriotic instinct that represents a country, the word nation comes from the latin nātio, which in turn derives from nāscor ("birth"). Its meaning is "birth", "people", "kind" or "class", from this source, it is easy to build a complex concept that it is a nation. A country fighting for its independence, which defines its borders with honor, respect, brotherhood and cooperation can be considered him a nation, strong, solid, stable. Cultural and democratic values of a country must serve as the reference axis to build a nation.The concept of nation is divided into two representations, the nation political and cultural nation, which underlie and solidify the homeland, in legal-political and sociocultural respectively. Any representation that inspire the feeling of the citizens by a country builds and builds the concepts and values that give the respective nation a place in the world.
The conception of knowledge that citizens have about their country, gives citizens a moral sense that large scale enables them to defend their country and their nation facing a situation of war. This also makes other things are handled is as in other countries. When a State is identified explicitly as the home of a certain cultural nation, one speaks of the existence of a nation-State. There are States that, despite disputes and contradictions involved in this definition, try to legitimize himself in this way.
2 Meaning of nation
A nation (a word which comes from the latin and means "birth") is a human community with certain shared cultural characteristics and that they often share the same territory and State. A nation is also a political conception, understood as the subject in which resides the sovereignty of a State.In the story, the concept as today understand it it was born at the end of the 18th century, when it began the contemporary age and began to develop the first formulations of what is a nation and how it takes place in political movements. These studies are associated with the periods of enlightenment and, more precisely, with the French Revolution and then the American.
It is often difficult to define the characteristics that constitute a nation as such, but are based on the basis that members of one share the same consciousness constitute itself as a body politic differed from others from their cultural similarities. In general, these coincidences can be ethnic, linguistic, religious, traditional or historical. And this membership is added sometimes to a same territory.
This set of coincidences and awareness common respect of political unity is commonly called national identity. This national identity is essential to achieve the cohesion of the components of these people, since it is so distinctive and representative as the own national symbols. It is worth noting that the migratory phenomena of today have driven both the integration of individuals of a nation within other peoples as the contrasting trend accumulation in neighborhoods or specific areas in a city or region, almost as a safeguard of the cultural identity of the nation.
Therefore, the concept of nation is complex and sometimes the criteria differ to distinguish it as such. For example, differences between the pronunciations or dialects can be two people as belonging to different Nations. Similarly, it is common that two individuals living in different geographical locations can be considered as members of one nation.
He is often confused with the term 'nation' with the 'State' or even the idea of an ethnic, cultural or linguistic group even though it does not have an ethical support. This difference is perceived to understand that some Nations, such as the Gypsy, do not have a State of their own (Organization with defined institutions and borders). As a counterpart, are recognized multinational States such as Bolivia in America, the India in Asia or South Africa in the African continent.
There are different types of nation, for example, the liberal, the romantic, the Socialist, the fascist and National Socialist. Most of the current Nations of America and Europe are governed with liberal models, in the context of Republican systems with different nuances of each village. Socialist Nations that persist in the 21st century include China, Cuba and Viet Nam, among others. The fascist and national socialist models became extinct during the second world war. In certain specific cases, it is interesting to note that the national identity of some peoples has motivated the existence of very specific types of Nations and difficult definition. Thus, the tuareg nation persists with their customs and language in Northwest Africa, located in various States of that region. A similar consideration can be said of the aymara nation, in the Highlands, as well as the Eskimo nation area in the icy regions of the Arctic. In these cases, perfectly warns the presence of shared cultural features which allow individuals of these peoples recognize each other as fellow nationals, although there are currently no national identification States tuareg, aymara or Eskimo.
3. Definition of nation
The concept of nation is perhaps one of the most complex to define since the nation is a completely subjective and abstract entity which may vary in its elements according to who make reference to it. In general terms, the nation could be described as a combination between the territory, customs and traditions, the history and the language of a people. All these components are certainly of great importance to collaborate in the formation of identity not only of an individual if not of whole societies. Become part of a nation, feel identified with the idea of a particular nation is undoubtedly relevant to human beings.If we consider the fact that the nation and nationality have been listed as one of the inalienable rights in the Universal Declaration of human rights, we can more easily understand the importance of the concept. One of the most significant elements with which account the man when it comes to establish and shape its identity is the feeling of belonging not only to a geographical space (which is usually born but that also can be considered itself from a prolonged residence) if not also a community, namely a group of like-minded individuals with which it shares features in common.
All that mentioned above (language, history, traditions and customs, symbols) are all very present in the social life of anyone: they allow you to live together with others (for example, language) and set their own social identity (for example, the story in common). To have an individual with the notion of belonging to a nation, his social being is stated and brings a lot on the way to the fullness as individual community.