What is the meaning of Pear? Concept, Definition of Pear

Definition of Pear

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1 Meaning of Pear

The Pera is the fruit of the Pera, several tree species deciduous genus Pyrus, but normally when you talk about the edible fruit is the European Pera (Pyrus communis). It is a juicy, fleshy fruit and one of the most important in temperate regions.
There are about 30 varieties of pears; of different colors, textures and flavors
Much appreciated for its nutritional properties and delicate flavor. Recommended regimens for its low-calorie, near 53 calories per 100 grams. It contains vitamins B1, B2 and niacin or B3, all of the B complex, which regulate the nervous system and the digestive tract; they fortify the heart muscle; they protect the skin and hair and are essential for growth. Also vitamins A and C, is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and potassium, in addition to tannins, oleic, Palmitic acids and glutamine. caffeic, linoleic, aspartic acid folic and Ascorbic. Its fiber content improves digestion. You have astringent properties.
In Spain have denominación de origen Jumilla (Murcia) pears and the Rincon de Soto (La Rioja). Also pears of Lérida (Catalonia) have designations of origin
In South America, one of the main producers is Argentina, especially in the area of the Valley of the Rio Negro, in the eponymous province, along with the production of apples.
Pera name comes from the vulgar latin Pera (plural of the noun neutral pirum-i of the second declination) word which has been adopted almost unchanged to the present day, in other languages as English (pear) origin comes from the Germanic languages of Western pear. In some Latin American countries says it perejea or kuali ortayumma (translates as "green testicle"), form in which indigenous Paeces, of Colombia, call this fruit.The main use of the fruit is food, is often used as a dessert fruit and in the canning industry for making compotes and jams. Europe uses the Pera in the elaboration of Perry (Pera cider), very popular in Great Britain particularly in the West and Wales. In France especially in Normandy and Anjou.

2. Definition of Pear

Pera is an edible fruit that comes from the Pyrus communis, a tree that is known colloquially as European pear. Anyway, there are many kinds of pears, which are produced by other trees of the genus Pyrus.
For example: "I love pears to the Burgundy which my grandmother prepared", "I'm going to make a fruit salad with Apple, banana, Orange, pineapple and pear", "Pears juice is very healthy".
Prized taste, Pera is a popular food since it provides few calories and presents different vitamins (A, B1, C and others) which help to take care of the skin, fortify the muscles and protect various appliances and systems of the body. Pears also boast of phosphorus, potassium, cobra, calcium and other minerals.
One of the most common ways of eating Pera is when it comes to dessert. In this case, the Pera swallowed raw, usually without their shell. It is possible, on the other hand, use pears for making jellies and compotes.
With pears, on the other hand, can be a drink with alcohol known as Perry. This cider Pera, regular consumption in the United Kingdom and France, is developed to ferment fruit juice.
Certain devices used to expel air or a liquid is also called Pera, since they share the same way that the fruit. To tighten the more bulky part, content Pera is thrown abroad.
In some countries, finally, the Pera term is synonymous with Chin: "Santiago fell and scraped the Pera".
Source consulted or translated:  Pera

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