What is the meaning of Piece? Concept, Definition of Piece

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Piece


1. Piece concept

The tooth or tooth is a hard anatomical organ, located in the alveolus of the maxillary bones through a special type of joint called gomphosis and which involves different structures that comprise it: cementum and alveolar bone both United by the periodontal ligament. The tooth is composed of calcium and phosphorus, which give the hardness. The teeth are mineralized tissue structures that begin to develop from an early age and which help us to chew food for proper digestion. Tooth performs the first stage of digestion and is also involved in oral communication.
Basically in the tooth can be recognized two parts, Crown, visible part covered with dentin and no visible root in a healthy mouth.
Teeth, ordered from the center toward the jaws are: incisors that cut, the canines which tear, grinding molars and premolars which crushed.
The work of art, artistic work, masterpiece or piece of art, are the names given to the product of a creation in the field of art. Given the classical identification of the concept of "art" with fine arts, tends to restrict the concept of work of art to these products: those of the arts called major arts (painting, sculpture and architecture), literary works and musical works. With the requirement of a "masterpiece" which will demonstrate excellence in the mastery of the craft guilds regulated since the middle ages artists access to the condition of teacher to the different arts, as in other crafts. The Renaissance, with the separation of Arts and crafts, whilst maintaining the Union institutions, encouraged the emergence of complete artists who managed to succeed in more than one of the fine arts, or all of them fulfilling the ideal of humanism (Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Ángel). In Spain, some artists were able to become teachers in the three major arts.
Literary work is known an artistic creation where there is a narrator (describing characters and events usually in first or third person, although there have also been some cases of narrators in second person), which are broadcast messages and teachings with the intention of communicating and produce enjoy aesthetic, usually telling a story that has a particular argument. Obviously the work in question must follow certain linguistic standards and use certain literary devices, according to the time that was produced by its author, and the literary genre the work belongs.
The musical piece, play music or music is a work of art belonging to the musical art.
The Latin expression opus ("work") is used to number the musical works of an author. Composers tend to track themselves, adding to the title of his works opus 1, opus 2, and so on. When they do not do so, or the continuity of the "opus number" is disturbed for some reason, catalogues of his work should clarify the confusion.
Receives the name of "master" both the performer and the author of musical works, in a manner equivalent to and I was called to the highest range typical of medieval craft guilds, were also authors of "works" (magistri, magnum opus opus or masterpieces; or the construction works carried out by the master builders). The distinction between fine arts and applied arts placed among the top music (which already included as liberal art by its inclusion in the Carolingian quadrivium since the high middle ages).
The expression "musical composition" as a synonym of "musical work" is used in the sense of composition of a piece of music, an example of a musical form through a musical genre:
• Work instruments, instrumental music (music camera, concertante music, symphonic music, sonata, suite, Symphony, symphonic poem, Overture, ballet, music, cinema, etc.)
• Work work of singing, the vocal music or singing or vocal (opera - whose name etymologically derives from "work" / opus-, oratorio, operetta, musical theatre, lied, song, etc.)
The chess pieces, also known as figurines, are the mobile elements of the game of chess. Each player has 16 pieces:
• 1 King
• 1 Lady
• 2 towers
• 2 bishops
• 2 HP
• 8 pawns
Parts of a player are white or clear, and are called "white", while the other player are black or dark in color and are called "black". Besides these standard pieces, there are many chess variants or certain types of so-called non-standard problems, where there are magical parts.
The word piece can take three meanings, depending on context:
• You can refer to the set of physical parts
• Can refer only to the Lady, Bishop, Tower, horse, and the King, i.e., to distinguish them from the pawns
• Refer to the minor pieces (Bishop, or Knight), to distinguish them from older parts (Tower or Lady).
In heraldry, the parts are charges or geometric figures, limited to the stroke by geometric lines that separate them from the field. In sculptured representations, and sometimes the design, put parts are represented with a relief effect, compared to the field, given that the juxtapositions are limited by a stroke of union without relief effect.
Parts are defined on the basis of parts of the shield, and have a place set on it. Contrary to furniture, parts extend normally to the edge of the region concerned and non-figurative.
The most used include:
• Strip, bat, band, bar, Chief, campaign, cross, the sotuer, Pearl, pile, the pyre, footwear, layer, the bordure, the franco-cuartel, canton, St., the twins, the triangle, the vergeta, the emblems in the heart (or in the abyss), the fringe and the lambel.
This article does not discuss more parts in the strict sense. In heraldry, pure geometric figures also include compound fields, which are regular divisions in several geometrical areas obtained by partitions or the rebatimientos of parts or partitions. These cases are the subject of separate articles.
Simple parts can receive furniture or serve as partitions.
Except for the head, the pieces are emblazoned before that description at all, except when affects it way manifested.

2. Definition of Piece

Piece is a concept from a Celtic term which can be translated as "piece". The word is used to name the fragment, the portion or component of something. For example: "I have left few pieces to complete the puzzle," "library we buy missing pieces of fit", "a piece of the device broke".
Parts are also units that share certain qualities and as part of a set: "Yesterday I bought a tool kit that brings twenty different parts", "When he married Manuela, the mother gave him a forty pieces dinner set".
The plays or musicals, meanwhile, can receive the name of piece: "the Chilean actor will star in a piece of Shakespeare in a London theatre", "the piece by Mozart was the most celebrated concert".
Rooms or rooms that make up a building can be called as parts: "part of my brother is full of posters of Michael Jordan," "we need a House with three parts, so children do not have to share a room", "a piece-friendly rental costs 200 pesos per night".
The figures used in various games (such as chess), the dams that are obtained through hunting and fishing and the apparel produced with a same cloth are also known as parts: "Located the pieces on the Board as I prepare coffee", "we went fishing at the dock and returned with five pieces of good size," "For the party I will wear a one-piece dress".