What is the meaning of Revolution? Concept, Definition of Revolution

Definition of revolution

1 Meaning of revolution

The word that will give life to this article is none other than revolution. This feminine noun, etymologically speaking, comes from the latin. To be more precise, we will say that it derives from revolutio, which has the same meaning. As well, at the time of defining this term, well we could indicate that it is a transformation or radical change, deep the immediate past. Of course, that the same may occur at the same time in different areas, such as religious, social, economic, cultural, political, etc.
Of course the variants generated as a result of any revolution have far-reaching consequences. Speaking of consequences, precisely it comes it to be of historical processes, as well as collective construction. Meanwhile, it is common that they perceive as violent changes, since, as it was said, it is not anything other than the breakdown of order that is established. In addition, the revolution is always carried out with the clear objective of fighting some kind of injustice. Of course, as there are different types of injustices, there are also different types of revolutions.
If we talk of social revolution, we must bear in mind that it inevitably involves a transformation of the set of relationships and social interactions of everyday character, which is generated in the interior of a territorial space that has been released, located in a city or a country. In this way then, social relations effectively modify the relations of property and go beyond the merely political. Typical examples of the history of mankind can be cited the French Revolution and the Russian revolution.
On the other hand, the political revolution takes place when it replaces the Government or change completely the political system prevailing until then. In the meantime, is said to have economic revolution when a profound change both in the conditions of production, as well as distribution and consumption, whether of goods or services. The typical example of the latter was the Industrial Revolution.

Synonyms of revolution

Let's see synonyms which has previously addressed term: renewal, innovation, progress, transformation, mutation, modification and change; agitation, lifting, alteration, revolt, rebellion, revolt, insurrection.

2. Definition of revolution

A revolution is a radical, profound and permanent change with respect to the order established preexistentemente, a confrontation no return between two conflicting interests, in a geographical location in particular, and it is usually carried out by a group of people who have the support of the rest of the town, which already tired and fed up with the prevailing dominance gives them moral support and accompaniment; If necessary, the same, but it is "good", it can be achieved through the use of force and weapons.
The revolution can happen simultaneously in several areas, such as religious, military, cultural, political, economic, or occur in only one and then, over time, infect the rest with the spirit of change. Meanwhile, its characteristic and most recognizable feature is the leave far-reaching consequences that changed forever the normal course that had things so far that it occurred. Even while some revolutions are focal and generate impact on the local environment, as it is the case with many political movements, religious or ethnic in the third world, other revolutionary acts can start in a localized manner and then give rise to its dissemination by other peoples or Nations. Thus, the revolution that gave birth to American independence was an engine for the independence exploits of the Nations of Latin America. Similarly, the revolution of 1848 in Europe had its epicenter in Paris, but it spread as accelerated towards Germany or Italy, to give rise to the true creation of modern State to those countries. In recent times, it is easy to recognize the revolutionary outbursts in the Arab Nations of North Africa brought home small critical foci in Tunisia and Cairo, to finally conclude with the dismissal of many local governments.
It is noted that the history of mankind has registered three revolutions which by its consequences, each in its specific field, have, as I was saying before, changed the course of the history of the planet as a whole.
The French revolution because it was precisely a political movement that took place in France during the 18th century, in which has struggled to replace the form of prevailing government up to that time, which was the monarchy, on the other hand, absolutely and radically opposite, which advocated a broader and less closed system. Such has been the extent of the revolution of 1789, which is considered the starting point of a new chronological era, called contemporary age.
Meanwhile, as an example of social revolution, is counted to the bourgeois revolution which also took place in the same historical moment of the French Revolution and which meant the bleed of the clergy and the nobility of the place of ruling class that showed, for the bourgeoisie which changed completely the rules and the conception of the economy. Liberalism as economic system was implemented among the inhabitants of the country, with the birth of what we now call "middle strata" or class media, to lay the foundations of what would evolve to modern capitalism.
And the last, essentially economic root, but no less important and determinant than previous ones, was the industrial revolution that brought the solution of new techniques, sources of energy, new machinery, means of transport, the emergence of the earliest factories, among others, all of this put to the service of the growth and expansion of the business. Although some deleterious consequences of this revolution, as the initial loss of jobs in pursuit of greater use of machinery, were high production triggered by these changes generated new employment possibilities in a short time, to give place to source of access to the activity and improve the quality of life of people.
They will ask you if the explosion and dissemination of modern technology does not constitute perhaps a fourth revolution of proportions world... are the time and history who allow to define such claim in some few decades...

3 Concept of revolution

The concept of revolution is without doubt one of the most complex, especially if it is applied to different human events that are composed and generated by a myriad of causes, at the same time that later generate countless consequences. The notion of revolution always implies a certainly abrupt and sometimes violent change of the conditions existing in certain reality and given. A revolution may be social, political, economic, cultural or scientific.
In many cases, the complexity of a revolution makes it easy, or perhaps until may define only an area of alteration and this is seen in the fact that many revolutions carried out by human beings have generated political, social and economic changes at the same time. Since the base of the revolution is the modifications of the existing reality by another, may be many aspects that change together.
Another element that characterizes a revolution in general, is the fact that it reaches is often much deeper that what happens with revolts or rebellions. These, to be more frequent, less intense and more disordered in their goals, can easily result in immediate and small changes or perhaps in the same failure. So that a revolution is considered as such an alteration deep and long-term political, social and economic structures that organize a given society should be. The long term refers here especially to the idea that revolutionary changes are changes that endure over time and of which it is difficult to return.
In addition, a revolution must have an important ideological scaffolding which, ultimately, is that sustains and allows his triumph. While revolts and rebellions may not get more than immediate changes, the revolution seeks in other words change the style of understanding the human reality then change the daily practice.
Without a doubt, among the most important revolutions of history we must mention the Neolithic revolution (the one that meant the passage of a predatory economy a producer), the French Revolution, the English revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution, independence Latin American revolutions and the Russian Revolution, among many others.