What is the meaning of Rogue? Concept, Definition of Rogue

Definition of rogue

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: rogue. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word rogue and, of course, rogue synonyms with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of rogue

Rogue is a qualifying adjective used to describe those who are characterized by having a nice, cheerful personality and has any taste for mischief, malice or irony. Children tend to be rogues, but the term can be applied to any person regardless of age. Picardie is one of the characteristics that can define the personality of individuals and in some cases may also develop it the animals, especially pets.
Picardy is a feature or a personality trait that has to do with sympathy, grace, good humor and mischief or evil (perhaps innocent). In this sense, Picardy has always been an important element of the comic Theater since it is a way of saying things that normally would be criticized through humor and grace.
Be rogue means being a person with humor and with a level of intelligence because it is assumed that everything it says is for a special reason, or that seeks to mean something special with this. A person (or even a rogue animal) can act with grace to obtain their benefits, to leave sitting their opinion or make fun of others, for example when it says that a person made a Picardy by saying something and did so with humour or grace. Picardy is very typical of certain environments but is not accepted in others, for example the work environment in which professionalism, the sobriety of attitude and respectful forms are particularly important. As stated before, Picardy is very typical of children who always have an innocent spirit and acting always according to their most pure reasoning.

2 Meaning of rogue

Rogue can be used as a noun or as an adjective. The concept refers to the subject of dubious morality that appeals to his cunning to obtain certain benefits or to take advantage of a condition.
For example: "Donato was able to grow in this company because it is rogue and knows to be always in the right place, at the right time", "this gentleman was rogue and did not respect the row as all of us", "I like rogue people who take advantage of their opportunities".
It should be noted that the notion is not always used with negative charge. Occasionally, the term rogue applies to someone who acts with vividness, perhaps skirting the limits of ethics, but without an action negative or worthy of condemnation: "forward, rogue, took advantage of a distraction from the goalkeeper and scored the first goal".
The qualifier, on the other hand, also mentions him acting shamelessly, libidinous way or lewd intentions: "don't be rogue and removed the hand from there," "would you watch me with those rogues eyes?".
In the classical literature of Spain, a very popular genre is picaresque novel. It is developed primarily in the so-called golden age, while approached the end of the Renaissance and Baroque era began.
This genre parodies the stories and the tales of chivalry, with protagonists who were antiheros and that revealed social problems of Spanish society.
By extension, it is known as picaresque to other artistic genres whose central characters were rogues. You can talk, so, a picaresque comedy when his humor revolves around sexuality and the double meaning.