What is the meaning of Slavery? Concept, Definition of Slavery
Definition of slavery
On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: slavery. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word slavery and, of course, synonym of slavery with the appropriate images related to the use of this expression.1. Concept of slavery
Defined slavery as that system in which human beings are treated as a property, in the sense that are sold and purchased by various parties, in order to, almost always, as labor. Under this system, the person who buys the slave is owner of the total person, not slave either able to make their own decisions or protest any situation.The word slavery is called Word slave, which in turn comes from the latin sclavus, meaning Slav. Likewise, the Slavic word comes from the word slovĕninŭ, which was the name that they gave themselves the inhabitants of the Slavic people in times that were subjected to slavery.
Under slavery, slaves are almost always treated under subhuman conditions, denying them the right to a fair deal, to remuneration for their work, or even to some of the fundamental rights such as the right to education, clothing and free expression.
Slavery as a system has existed since the ancient Greece, and their influence on human life was so great that, before the industrial revolution, about three quarters of the world's population were slaves or servants, the latter having a lifestyle that was not very different from a conventional slave. Labour supplying was a key piece for the pre-industrial economy, and only leave if necessary until machines and automation did evolve forever the economy and industry.
Today, virtually all countries in the world have abolished slavery and enacted laws against. Since the 18th century, some countries began to establish abolitionist ideas, and once the industry established the number of countries which declared as illegal slavery is multiplied. Mauritania is the latest country to have abolished slavery, to have it removed until 1981.
In many countries, however, practice continued unofficially. It is estimated that, in today's society, there are 12 to 27 million slaves. Similarly, it is often considered another form of slavery to the trafficking in persons for sexual purposes.
2 Meaning of slavery
Slavery is a phenomenon of society which consists of making work a person day and night, under more precarious conditions possible and without more pay than the food and shelter that can give a room with minimum resources. People suffering from slavery, known as slaves, come from places in the world where poverty and neglect abound. Slavery was one of the main mechanisms of function of feudalism, this economic power whose main characteristic was the creation of a system of buying and selling of slaves among persons with power to make work without payment or reward of any kind feeding so the stomachs of the powerful who buy them.Slavery was abolished in most of the countries already several centuries ago, the precursors that gave purpose to this crime against humanity were people who fought for human rights, Abraham Lincoln and Simón Bolívar and others fought for the emancipation of land and the liberation of slaves in wars and conflicts both military and civilian. The main victims with slavery were the African people, which were submitted by the Europeans the most cruel and vile abuse, abductions, rape and possible abuse. Arrived in America during the conquest, European ships with black Africans slaves, in the midst of this event, took place a different mixture which produced a series of races, colors and diffusion of cultural surprising. Today, Africa still settlements of companies employing workers underpaid in a similar system. With the development of feudalism to capitalism, disguised slavery proposal with labor, however, bad payment and independence from their masters generates marginal in underdeveloped countries.
Slavery represent an important moral decay in the society of the 18th and 19th century, the industrial revolution as well as the civil war between the North and the South of the United States, led to the remuneration of the workers, however, attitudes such as racism have diverged in the current Community generating exclusion in many pockets of society who think that the purity of a clear skin color should prevail against the skin Brunette. They are wrong and they know it.
3. Definition of slavery
Slavery is the status of slave (the person that is under the domain of another subject and that, therefore, it lacks freedom). The concept allows you to refer to a legal institution that defines the personal situation of the slaves.Historians say that slavery arose with the use of the labour of those captives after a war. In more ancient times, these people were shot, but then chose to use them as slaves to obtain an economic benefit or service.
Slavery was accepted and defended in antiquity. Indeed, philosophers like Aristotle considered that it was a natural thing. During the European conquest of the Americas, slavery reached its peak and was vital to the success of the company.
The Europeans needed cheap labor to finalize its expansion plans. Why they enslaved Aboriginal peoples native to America and brought slaves from Africa. Thus arose the slave trade, where the black people were bought and sold in markets as if they were objects.
Over time, developed a strong movement anti-slavery which had its hatching in the 18th century. Abolitionists were based on the ideas of the enlightenment and stated that all men should have the same rights. There was also an economic reason that helped to abolish slavery: the Industrial Revolution, which relied on paid work and not slavery.
Currently, slavery is formally prohibited in most countries, although remaining regimes of labour exploitation which resemble practices prior to the 18th century.