What is the meaning of Sting? Concept, Definition of Sting
Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Sting
1. Concept of sting
This topic will be to treat all types of insect bites, including distinguishes two categories of aggressive insects:• The poisonous or picks: wasps, bees, bumblebees, ants, spiders and scorpions.
And three different types of reactions to insect stings could also be distinguished:
1. A first type of reaction called intense local reaction, which is always the same, or that whenever it is stung by an insect will be shown the same reaction, that will always be local but more intense than in the rest of the people. This type of reaction is most common in people who suffer from any type of allergy but is not necessary to be allergic to it. The fact that intense local reactions appear can be foreboding of a progressive allergic sensitization.
2. A second type of reaction is the people who are actually allergic to the bite of the insect in question. This type of reaction is characterized by being more intense and it is a potential greater danger than previous ones, because the person is sensitized and reaction from being local systemic or that extends the reaction and can cause a shock, called anaphylactic shock. Your symptoms are very variable appearing in the first 15 minutes and include generalized urticaria (hives), angioedema (swelling of the face and neck to affect the respiratory tract and causes difficulty breathing, etc.)
3. A third so-called toxic reaction occurs in people, which is inoculated by a large amount of venom as consequences of multiple bites or by the location of these. For example they are of special danger bites in head/neck, where more than 40 bites of mosquitoes or even less wasps can lead to a substantial risk. In addition the location of these bites, example in eyelids, lips, etc., originate a large local reaction.
By frequency are mosquito bites cause greater numbers of problems, but the wasps and bees (so-called Hymenoptera) are the most dangerous.
There are four flying insects of the order Hymenoptera, known to cause allergic reactions.
They can be divided into:
1 Vespidos (wasps, Hornets, yellow and white)
2 Aphid (domestic bee and Bumblebee - a rare bully).
3. Fire ants and ants (Hymenoptera apterous) harvest also cause systemic allergic reactions and death, and are well known in the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and in the southwest of the United States, respectively. It is not a problem in Europe.
4. The bee killer, africano-brasilenas hybrid, have migrated to Texas. It is likely that their emigration to the North is limited by low temperatures. In contrast to the common bee sting, swarms of "killer bees" biting a subject (or animal) cause serious and even fatal reactions. It is not a problem in Europe.
The fundamental difference in the sting is the apoideas (bees) to die after stinging because their Stinger is nailing the victim but this in turn causes his death, not so with wasps.The species of vespulas (wasps) are more reactions which cause pitting to be that built their hive in the soil or under logs being involuntarily invaded its territory and attack.
However allergic reactions appear more frequently in bee keepers are beekeepers who after multiple bites become sensitized.
Mosquito bites. A bug causing more stings. Summer onset attacks since the beginning of the twilight until the departure of the Sun, feeding on sucking the blood of their victims, which penetrates the skin with its suction apparatus and inoculated an anticoagulant substance to be able to "suck" blood, being the substance which causes the known itching and the typical Welt. They are attracted by the breath CO2 and by chemicals that emerge with the sweat in addition to body temperature. His diagnosis is simple always to appreciate the site of the bite and the typical circular or oval Welt. Only "chop" the female mosquito because the male feeds on nectar.
Flea bites. They are easy to recognize because they bite almost in groups, or row being papules (bumps) centered at the point of the sting. The problem that causes is more than nature sanitary because they transmit diseases with their bite.
Bed bugs bite. They are isolated large bites that unlike mosquitoes or fleas suck slowly fill even several times to increase its volume after which pulled off remaining in clothes or clothing of his victim to follow itching.
Another type of bites
Jellyfish and anemones
They have small Stingers on its tentacles that to the touch are stuck on the skin producing small papules grouped in linear form. They cause intense pain and itching. Lesions are washed with salt water, hot 50 ° C (since poison is thermolabile) and applies them alcohol 90 ° or of ammonia compresses.Spider-fish
It has a sting that causes intense pain and must be removed. Sometimes it is necessary to apply an anesthetic on the area.Snakes
There are few poisonous species in our midst. Depending on the inoculated poison symptoms may include: dizziness, cold sweating, reddening of the area, severe pain, fall of tension and bleeding gums and nose. Hospital treatment is antivenom.2 Definition of sting
A sting is usually the result of a puncture or a sting which is done with something that has a very thin tip. The most common use of the concept is associated with the brands letting insects or other animals that have a sting when they attack or bite to another being.For example: "left Me a sting in the leg, but I do not know what bug me may have stung," "my son has a face full of mosquito bites," "the Guide recommended Let's repellent to the excursion, to avoid potential bites from spiders and other insects".
To have a bite, therefore, there must be something that causes it. The Stinger is a body region or a body which, in general, houses poison. To dig into the body of a person or an animal, poison the Stinger out and enters the other body. Due to the action of the Stinger and the reaction of the skin to poison, occurs a stain and a swelling that characterize bites.
Characteristics of the sting will depend on the animal that stung. It is usual that bites cause itching or itching, feelings that make the victim want to scratching to find relief. The sting can also generate burning and, in some cases, pain.
In the most frequent cases, Sting disappears with the passing of the days, also eliminating the inconvenience caused. It is possible, however, apply some dermatological cream on the sting to contribute to their healing.
3. Meaning of sting
The ten most painful insect stings
A scale measures the suffering caused by various species of bees, wasps and antsBugs with most painful sting, according to the index Schmidt
is subjective, however, Justin O. Schmidt University of Arizona
entomologist decided in 1984 set a scale of the suffering caused by the
insect bites, called «index of Schmidt's pitting pain». It was the patient of his Studio.
established a ranking of 78 species of Hymenoptera, ordered according
to with 147 pain sensations in a measure of zero to 4. Zero is for the insect bite that is not able to penetrate the skin. These are the most painful ten, with feelings and explanations of the expert:
1 Ant bullet
-A pure, bright and intense pain.
- As walking on hot coals incasdencentes with rusty nails seven cm drilled the ankle.
-Scale: level 4.0 +.
2 Tarantula Hawk WaSP
-Blinding, fierce, shockingly electric.
-As if a hair dryer fell on your bubble bath.
-Scale: level 4.0.
3. The paper WaSP
-Biting and burning. Distinctive bitter feeling.
- As spill hydrochloric acid on a cut caused a foil.
-Scale: level 3.0.
4 Ants combines Red
-Strong and steady.
«- As someone using a drill to dig in a hangnail».
-Scale: level 3.0.
5. Honey bee
-As a match that flies and burns to the skin.
-Scale: level 2.0.
6 Yellow jacket wasp
-Hot and smoky, almost irreverent.
- How to turn off a cigar in the language.
-Scale: level 2.0.
7 Hornet
-Specifically the variety «Bald-Faced Hornet» (Dolichovespula maculata )).
-Projecting, slightly crispy.
-Similar to catch your hand with the door.
-Scale: level 2.0.
8. Acacia Ant
-A strange, penetrating and elevated type of pain.
-As if someone threw you a staple to the cheek.
-Scale: 1.8 level.
9 Fire Ant
-Sharp, sudden, mildly alarming.
-Such as walking on a carpet of hair longer and receive a calambrazo.
-Scale: level 1.2.
10 Bee
-Light, ephemeral.
-In how to boot an arm hair.
-Scale: level 1.0.