What is the meaning of Tolerance? Concept, Definition of Tolerance

Definition of tolerance

1 Meaning of tolerance

In this article, the word that brings us together is tolerance. The same, etymologically speaking, tolerare derives from the latin, which has as meaning bear. If one looks for the term in Manual Sopeña, will be set in its first meaning: action of tolerating; While the second says: stay open to what they think or perform other indivudios. To graph its use with any sentence could indicate: the tolerance is vital in any kind of coexistence.
As well, according to the earlier expressed, it is clear then that the term in question would act as a capacity that can count on the individual to listen and accept other. Of course it is essential so that you will understand the value of the different ways that there is understanding and face life. It is important to stress in this regard that, in any way, these ways of understanding the world should not and may infringe the right of the rest. I.e., if a person has values that involve actions and thoughts of racial supremacy and consequently aims to the extermination of those who are not of your "class", then most likely that we do not tolerate his stance.
On the other hand, back in mid-November 1996 (specifically the 16th of that month), the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization said the aforementioned date as the international day for tolerance.
Meanwhile, as value, it is evident that tolerance is essential and that it exists in a world that wants to be democratic, since you must accept the other as equal, beyond the differences that may exist. To promote it and settle it, it would be interesting to interact and exchange ideas, always with esteem and respect.
Synonym of tolerance
Then we leave a list with those synonyms are there in the word out here: patience, calm, stamina, passivity, compromise, respect, condescension, understanding, flexibility and indulgence.

2. Definition of tolerance

Tolerance could be described as an attitude, an approach, a way of being that it is based on the idea that all human beings are equal and therefore we must respect ourselves, protect ourselves and accept ourselves as we are without generating divisions facing us, without harm or discriminate. In terms more specific or individual, tolerance can also be understood as the attitude by which a person tolerate or accept features that do not necessarily have to do with racial, ethnic or religious issues of another person that you know (for example, to have tolerance to which someone is untimely, that someone be messed up, etc.).
Tolerance is today one of the most necessary for the coexistence of all societies on the planet, both among different societies among themselves as well as to internally. This is because currently the links between previously isolated communities is undeniable and unavoidable, which makes that one comes into contact more easily with other realities and ways of living. While this is positive, you can also bring as a result acts of fear towards what is different, superstition, discrimination, aggression and violence. Even, often the problem is not one way if not that intolerance recorded on many levels to be a community discriminated against but also discriminatory.
On the other hand, it is important to note that modern societies show a high tendency towards violence acts such as mutual respect, tolerance, coexistence and peace are increasingly difficult and complicated. In societies where violence is Cystic in all social and cultural levels in all activities, it is very difficult to achieve tolerance values that ensure a peaceful life for all members of the same.
Tolerance is exercised every day and can be stimulated from the interaction with others, especially with those who are different from one that allows to know other realities and gradually accept that there is a single moral Rod if not that each culture it models according to your needs and interests.

3 Concept of tolerance

The word tolerance comes from the latin tollere, which means endure, suffer. It supports what is not shared; in other words, what is different.
At present, the tolerance has a triple acceptance: in the medical field, specifies the habituation of a drug or a drug and the resistance capacity to suffer their effects; in mechanics, is the error or inaccuracy, by excess or defect, which is permitted in the dimensions of a part with respect to the given measurements; and social, is the attitude of one who respects the political, religious or artistic convictions of others and allows their exercise.
Tolerance is value and respect individual differences; It is to take into account the opinions and activities of other persons, thereby creating an attitude of equality for them.
You must take in account that tolerance is a principle of coexistence, fundamental and necessary to live in peace, which is a flexible thinking to the ideas of others and that a person never has the absolute truth.
He is tolerant knows if someone is of a race other than their own or comes from another country, another culture, another social class, or other than he thinks, not what your opponent or your enemy. To be tolerant a sign of wealth and breadth of the world, rather than reasons for distrust should be seen in the diversity of races and cultures.
A person is not tolerant when it is complicit in situations of conflict, used in his talk of aggressive terms, allows not due activities, intimidates others impute them in own errors, acts with prejudices, assumes no liability, represses and acts discriminating against others, among others.
It should be noted that a policy linked to tolerance is one that regulates the system of the State around democracy. On the contrary, the antithesis of tolerance would be represented by a policy governed by totalitarianism or personal or social attitudes related to racism, xenophobia and terrorism.