What is the meaning of Bioethics? Concept and Definition of Bioethics

Definition of bioethics

Concepto de Bioética

1. Concept of bioethics

He is known with the name of bioethics to the branch of ethics that deals with enacting the principles that should be observed in the conduct of an individual in the medical field. Although, bioethics, not only reduces or limits to understand in regards to the medical field, but also tends to understand, too, in those moral problems which arise in the course of daily life, then extending their object of study and attention to other issues such as the correct and proper treatment to animals and the environmentfor example.
Although they are issues about which the man has enough investigated during its history, bioethics is a relatively new discipline and its name is due to the American oncologist Van Rensselaer Potter, who used it for the first time in 1970 in an article published in the magazine of the University of Wisconsin.
Bioethics is supported by four principles: autonomy, beneficence, of non-maleficence and justice.
The autonomy basically means respect for all persons, assuring the autonomy necessary to ensure that they act if same, i.e. as owners of their own decisions, even in the case of sick people. Always act with autonomy implies responsibility and is an inalienable right, as I said, even in disease. In the medical context, then, the medical professional, always must respect the values and preferences of the patient because it is their own health.
The principle of beneficence says the doctor an obligation to always act for the benefit of others, which assumes immediately become such. The charity implies promoting the best interest of the patient, but without taking into account his opinion, because of course, it does not have the knowledge necessary to resolve their status as if the doctor does.
On the other hand the principle of nonmaleficence sets intentionally refrain from taking actions that can cause damage or harm to others. It may occur in some circumstances incurred in the search for such a solution for the patient in damage, in this case, then, there is a desire to harm, topic will pass by avoiding unnecessary harm to others. This will involve the doctor demonstrate technical and theoretical training to date, research on treatments, procedures and new therapies, among other issues.
And finally the principle of Justice that will involve providing equally to all in this way reduce inequities in social, economic, cultural, ideological, among others. Although it should not be so, it is well known, that at times, the health system in some places of the world favors the attention of some and it detract from others only by a social or economic situation among the most recurrent, then, this is what you pointed to this principle of Justice.
The main themes in which means bioethics will be organ transplantation, euthanasia, assisted reproduction, abortion, in vitro fertilization, genetic manipulation, the ecological problems of the environment and the biosphere.

2. Definition of bioethics

It referred to with the term bioethics to the branch of ethics that is dedicated to the achievement of the principles of human conduct of life, in other words less romantic, bioethics examines ethical advancements and methods, both medicine and biology.
But bioethics is not limited to the field of medical and biological, but that in its field of action and study also includes all those moral issues concerning life in general, then focusing also on those issues related to the environment and the defence of the animals.
While one could say that the concerns that occupy the ethics are not new and that for a long, long time man is has them solving them, as discipline is relatively new and the designation as such is because the oncologist Van Rensselaer Potter, who named it for the first time in an article published in 1970 in the magazine of the University of Wisconsin.
So basically, bioethics will be responsible for understanding on all those issues that arise in the relationships between nutrition, law, politics, medicine, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and theology and the fundamental ethical criterion Alderman of the discipline will be first and foremost respect the human being and his inalienable rights.
Meanwhile, bioethics is governed by four principles: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice.
Autonomy is that beginning that will guarantee all people, even those who are sick, the necessary conditions so that they can act independently, except in extreme cases as being of patients in a vegetative state or with irreversible brain damage.
On the other hand, the principle of beneficence, assumes the obligation to act always for the benefit of another, promoting their legitimate interests and suppressing all the prejudices that may arise.
The principle of non-maleficence, as it anticipates us its name, says that it will have to refrain from intentionally develop actions which can certainly impair or harm others. This is more like an obligation that must be observed Yes or Yes all medical professionals, because with a rigorous and up-to-date practice and the corresponding theoretical training, the doctor can solve coherently and efficiently all the situations that it.
And the principle of Justice, as it is easy to suppose, proposes the cut of the situations of inequality of any kind, cultural, social and economic. While sometimes this principle is very difficult realization in one hundred percent, at least, what is sucked up is to reduce as much as possible the inequality that generally occurs in medical contexts.
Some of the topics in which understands the bioethics are: drugs, euthanasia, induced abortion, human cloning, rights of animals, genetics, artificial insemination, AIDS, transplantation and suicide.

3 Meaning of bioethics

Bioethics is that moral commitment and all ethics and human present in biology. Bioethics has the necessary impact on the environment, in the action of the man on the land, the animal and plant. Initially the term "Medical ethics" was with much popularity in the branch but it is known that biology and medical science have transcended through its own history to the other areas in which relate the life directly. In this way, develops the bioethics, a moral principle which seeks to preserve the life of the ecosystem, from a very generic look.
Awareness campaigns are emanated from the principles of bioethics, let us take the following example, Latin America is an important vegetable Lung in global terms, however, this fertile forest has been committed all the time with the emergence of cities, mining and deforestation. The consciousness which has been taken into the society through the principles of bioethics has allowed an incredible conservation of forests such as the Amazon. Bioethics is an act of gratitude that the human being can have with nature. Plans and programs of environmental preservation in the world, also attending the unprotected masses of population and extreme poverty have been developed in conjunction with the fauna and flora protection organizations.
Preserve life above any evil intention is one of the principles of bioethics, however, scholars in the field have been dedicated to synthesize the thesis of bioethics in 4 main points, the first of them is the autonomy, a patient of a disease surround it always very particular characteristics around their customs and religions that practicecaution with actions taken on situations of exchange of opinions between doctors and patients should be in this way. The second is that each who must have the obligation to act for the benefit of everything and everyone, always seek which is the best choice that will benefit. "Primum non naceré" is the third principle, based on the non-action that harms anyone, the odds that this happens for malpractice are very high, based mainly on the power the winch in order to study issues and who studies it. Finally justice, is this perhaps that includes more features and attitudes, gender equality, the correspondence in rights for everyone, the granting of securities to each culture and even more the defender of the people and of the material and natural goods of each person.