What is the meaning of Building? Concept and Definition of Building
Building – Its Definition and Concepts
1. Concept of building
From the latin aedificĭum, a building is a fixed construction which is used as a human dwelling or allowing different activities. The etymology of the term is associated with "make fire", as the first human constructions aimed fire protection (to prevent it being turned off by the wind or rain).The materials and techniques used for the construction of buildings were changing with the advance of history. Referred to as architecture to science dedicated to the art of building construction.
The notion of building, in its strict sense, lets name any man-made construction. A theatre or a church, for example, are buildings. However, everyday language calls for the term to refer to the vertical constructions that have more than one plant or floor.
Buildings, therefore, linked to the skyscrapers or towers, which usually function as permanent housing of persons or whose facilities are used for the installation of offices. For example: "my aunt lives in a building that has 22 floors", "with so many buildings on the shore, the beach has increasingly less Sun".
According to the ownership of the building, can we talk about public buildings (owned by the State) or private buildings (its owner is a physical or legal person). In the terms of use, government buildings (which house the Government delegations), there are industrial buildings (where productive activities), commercial buildings (composed of one or more stores), military buildings (such as the barracks) and residential buildings (used as a dwelling), among others.
2. Definition of building
A building (from the latin term) is a construction made by man, for certain purposes, which may have different sizes and shapes; building involves many people, who are in charge of specific tasks within the same job. Through the history, styles, materials and techniques for building have been changing, and adapting to the needs of each era.Buildings in general, usually working in joint architects, engineers and other workers or laborers. Most of the buildings used for housing, and therefore are medium in size to small, rooms useful to constitute a family home; dwellings may be homes or apartments (also called apartments); These latter are tall buildings which include several dwellings, which are home to more than one family. Departments may also be buildings elongated with long corridors through which you enter to the various departments.
Hotels, serve as temporary housing, for short or long periods of time, but are not used as permanent housing. Guests of the same, often go to them for tourism or work; and they receive some additional services, such as complimentary breakfast, or the possibility of access to a swimming pool.
The buildings can be owned, when they are belonging to the State, such as public schools, or many airports. On the other hand, the buildings are privately owned when its owner is a natural person or legal private, as in the case of private homes or buildings used for trade.
Globally recognized buildings include St. Peter's Basilica (in the city of the Vatican, in Rome) and the Yakushi Pagoda (Buddhist pagoda found in Japan); These two large buildings are used for worship of the religion.
The Eiffel Tower, created in 1889, in the city of Paris (France) is another imposing building, made of iron, and with a height of 300 meters.
They are called skyscraper buildings with greater height in the world; among them we can take as an example the John Hancock Center, located in the city of Chicago, in the United States.
3. Meaning of building
A building is a type of construction made from solid materials and used to accommodate people and objects, i.e., like housing, and also for various activities such as trade, finance, art, the practice of religion, among others.Since the beginning of mankind, the human being, is occupied and worried about advance in techniques and the materials used for the construction, even up to leaned by bring beauty to buildings through the decoration of some of its parts.
In this effort, would emerge the architecture, which is nothing else than the art and the technique that focuses of project and design the buildings and any other structure that forms the space we inhabit human beings.
Getting into the technical question of the construction of buildings we find therein with the following components: ala (that part that extends on one side and is in relation to another), portico (is an open area consisting of columns or arches arranged in front of the building), peristyle (gantry located around the building), Atrium (is an inner courtyard of the building and in the churches is an outer space), lobby (it is the first instance of the interior of the building, followed by the door and allowing access to the rest of the rooms or parts of the building), Gallery (is an area arranged outdoors, usually featuring arcades design) and Crest (the top of the building, which has the function of Coronation of the same), among the most prominent.
On the other hand, bodies of the building are in turn composed of leading members and other side called. Among the main stand brackets or Bras (columns and walls) and sharps (entablature, vaults, arches and roofs).
Also, buildings are differentiated among themselves by its form: cela (the plant is rectangular), roundabout (the plant is circular), polygon (the plant is polygonal), ProStyle (has a column portico in the front); use: residential, commercial, military, Government, sports, educational, cultural; structure: wood, steel, concrete, among others.